Title: G. Y. Hsiung 1
1Test for the AL Chambers with interior NEG coating
Workshop on Vacuum Systems for Synchrotron Light
Sources, Barcelona, SPAIN, 12 -13 Sep. 2005.
Gao-Yu Hsiung (???) Vacuum Group NSRRC, Taiwan
- Activation for NEG (180 C for 20 hours)
- Test in the clean room
- Test for Dust by knocking
- Test for Outgas by pressure build-up method
- Test at the 19B1(PSD) beam line
- Description of system
- Test for PSD
- PSD yield
- RGA Kr desorption
3Test for Dust
HEPA (lt 10 particles in 5 min )
Particle Counter
No. of particles ltlt Al foil, or gloves (more than
hundreds in seconds)
73 particles in 5 min (static)
84 particles in 5 min (continuously knocking )
4Curve of Activation for NEG Chambers at 180 C
for 20 hours
5Pressure build-up at room temperature after
activation of NEG
Kr lt 0.4
Build up
Based pressure of the Al(NEG) chamber lt 5E-11
6NEG Chamber installed at 19B1(PSD) Beam Line for
Photon Exposure
NEG Chamber
ec 2.14 keV dF 1.8 mrad Flux 3.5E14
C 6.8 L/s
7Kr was found during activation of NEG at 180 C
for 20 hours
Kr lt 0.01
8Test for PSD PSD yield (dP/I)
9Comparison PSD yield between NEG Al chamber and
original Al chamber
- The aluminum alloy chambers with NEG coating has
been tested - Dust is low (after 5 min continuously knocking)
- Based pressure lt 5 E-11 Torr after activation.
- Kr molecules was found
- during activation at 180 C (lt 0.5 )
- during the pressure build up at room temperature.
(lt 0.01) - during SR exposure at PSD beam line. (not
serious) - The outgas Kr will reduce beam life time. (Watch