Title: Dissertation Finnvid Prescher
1Dissertation Finnvid Prescher
- Title Seed orchards genetic considerations on
function, management and seed procurement. - Start summer 2004
- Planned disputation Friday 070928
- Planned focus on P sylvestris in seed orchards,
genetics and seeds - (less focus on spruce and pollen)
- Last edit January 2007
- Remark as the dissertation took place as planned
and successful 070928, this presentation is only
of historic interest, but is sill kept here for
documentationary reasons. All manuscripts planned
here are now accepted or printed, thus the plans
here were successfully completed.
2Past history
- Finnvid was doctorand for Anders Persson, spruce
and pine provenances, in Garpenberg some decades
ago. Dag L was pherically involved. That resulted
in some papers, which could be part of a thesis,
but the current thesis starts from scratch.
3(No Transcript)
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7In presentable form (Jan07, available through
library services or on the net or via Dag
Lindgren) Published Lindgren D and Prescher F
2005. Optimal clone number for seed orchards with
tested clones. Silvae Genetica 80-92. Prescher
F, Lindgren D and El-Kassaby Y 2006. "Is linear
deployment of clones optimal under different
clonal outcrossing contributions in seed
orchards?" Tree Genetics and Genomes
225-29. Prescher F, Lindgren D, Wennström U,
Almqvist C, Ruotsalainen S, Kroon J 2005. Seed
production in Scots pine seed orchards. In
Fedorkov A (editor) Status, monitoring and
targets for breeding programs. Proceedings of the
meeting of Nordic forest tree breeders and forest
geneticists, Syktyvkar 2005. Bilir N, Prescher F,
Ayan D and Lindgren D 2006. Variations among
grafts and clones in size and strobili production
in seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris. Euphytica
152293-301. El-Kassaby YA, Prescher F Lindgren
D 2007. Advanced Generation Seed Orchards as
affected by Breeding Advance, Timing of Seed
Crop, and Cost Components with Special Reference
to Scots Pine in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of
Forest Research. In press. Submitted Prescher F,
Lindgren D, Almqvist C, Kroon J, Lestander T
Mullin T Variation in female fertility in
mature Pinus sylvestris clonal seed orchards.
Submitted manuscript Lindgren D, Tellalov Y
Prescher F 2007. Seed set for Scots pine grafts
is difficult to predict In Proceedings of the
IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference Low Input
Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic
Resources Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006.
Edited by Fikret Isik. p 139-141. Manuscripts Pres
cher F, Lindgren D and Karlsson B. Genetic
Thinning of Clonal Seed Orchards using Linear
deployment may improve both gain and diversity.
Manuscript Moriguchi Y, Prescher F, and Lindgren
D 2007. Prediction of optimum orchard rotation
age in Norway spruce seed orchards based on costs
and genetic gain. Manuscript Bilir N, Prescher F,
Lindgren D and Kroon J 2007.Variation in seed
related characters in clonal seed orchards of
Pinus sylvestris . Manuscript Kroon J, Prescher
F, Wennström U and Lindgren D 2007. Cone set over
time and clones in a seed orchard. Manuscript
- Opponent Tom Byram
- Ex comm Matti Haapanen, Erik Kjaer, Erik Ståhl,
reserv Tore Ericsson - The thesis itself, writing was started in January
2007 and a preliminary version is scheduled till
- Initial plan 040812
- 1st revision 05-11-05 signed by Dag Finnvid and
Ola - There are 39 course points in Ladoc. 40 are
required and are planned to be processed as late
as possible to cover all remaining.