Title: Grid Adaptation for NonLinear Dynamics
1Grid Adaptation for Non-Linear Dynamics
Sudeep K. Lahiri and Prof. Jaime Peraire
- Engineering problems like Crash Rapid phenomena,
small time scales. - Non-linear continuum mechanics (large
deformations, non-linear material properties) - Requires efficient algorithms for large system
dynamics, typically explicit schemes - Variational time integrators Better
conservational properties, better for long
computation - Mesh adaptation for local resolution
Industry research, using DYNA3D
A 50 ton train car colliding with a rigid wall at
2Variational Integrators and Finite Elements
Fractional Time Step Method, performs better for
incompressible material behavior and conserves
momentum exactly
3Variational Mesh Adaptation
Node Movement (reference configuration)
Variational formulation for various mesh
adaptation algorithms are being developed with
mechanisms like diagonal-swapping, node movement,
edge-splitting and collapsing of edges.