Title: Status of Fluid Dynamics AP
1Status of Fluid Dynamics AP
- Boeing has taken responsibility for leading
development of an ISO-STEP standard for archive
and exchange of digital data in fluid dynamics - Initial Boeing decision taken in February 1998
- Briefing to SC4/WG3 at their meeting in January
1999 - This effort is being led within Boeing by Ray
Cosner - This effort is based on the existing CGNS
standard for CFD data.
3Background and Related Activities
- CGNS was developed as a CFD data storage and
exchange standard by NASA, Boeing, and (then)
McDonnell Douglas - CGNS CFD Generalized Notation System
- Work was performed 1994-99, largely funded by
NASA - The CGNS Steering Committee was established to
coordinate the further development of this
standard. - CGNS is gaining support
- Commercial vendors have committed to support
Fluent, Adapco, Numeca, ICEM-CFD, Intelligent
Light, Pointwise - Major aerospace organizations are participating
Boeing, Rolls Royce (UK, US, GE), British
Aerospace, USAF, NASA, UTRC - CGNS users in every ISO SC4/WG3/T9 P-member
country - CGNS Steering Committee now operates as a
subcommittee of the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
4Differences between ISO-STEP and CGNS
- ISO-STEP is based on
- Strong link to Product Data Management
- Record of all data sources, persistent links if
possible. - Commonality and re-use of existing data
structures to maximum extent possible - E.g., re-use data structures from AP203
(geometry), AP209 (finite element analysis), and
AP232 (technical data exchange) - ASCII data exchange
- We will need to extend ISO-STEP to provide binary
data exchange as an option
5CGNS Registered UsersP-Member Countries
- Adapt CGNS as the kernel of an ISO standard for
storage and exchange of digital data in fluid
dynamics - Utilize current CGNS structure and concepts to
the maximum extent that is practical - Use current CGNS user base as core supporters for
the ISO Fluid Dynamics AP development - Utilize a two-stage strategy
- First Establish an AP for CFD data
- Build on existing CGNS, which is fairly mature
for CFD - Second Extend the AP to other types of fluid
dynamics data - Wind tunnel, flight test, hydrodynamics, etc.
7Operating Relationships
ISO Standards Organization
CGNS Steering Committee
Fluid Dynamics Standards Initiative
- Intellectual content of the CGNS standard (SIDS)
- ADF libraries
- Mid-level libraries
- Map the CGNS content into the ISO process
- Build international support
- Integrate the fluid dynamics standard
requirements with other ISO standards
We will work with on the existing CGNS Steering
Committee, and the users they represent, to build
international consensus for the proposed standard.
8Scope (AP FD)
- digital data on structured and unstructured grids
describing steady or unsteady fluid dynamics
flowfields - data describing the fluid dynamics model
including grid description, grid
inter-connectivity - boundary conditions, and modeling parameters
- data from solutions of equation sets commonly
used in fluid dynamics analysis - Navier-Stokes equations, Euler equations, linear
and nonlinear potential flow equations,
small-disturbance equations, boundary layer
equations, and stream function equations - single-phase flow of a liquid or a gas
- laminar flow, transitional flow, turbulent flow
(direct representation of turbulence, or
represented by Reynolds-averaged data) - incompressible or compressible flow
- unsteady flow
- perfect gas, or variable chemical composition
(equilibrium flow, frozen flow, or finite-rate
chemical reactions)
9Scope (AP FD)
- data regarding the exchange of energy by
molecular transport including convection and
conduction - rotating flowfields (e.g., turbomachinery)
- inertial and rotating frames of reference
- Newtonian transport laws
- reference to product geometry
- administrative information necessary to track the
approval and configuration control of the
analysis of a product
10Out of Scope (AP FD)
- representations of geometry
- gross flow in networks (e.g., piping and ducting)
- the use that application programs may make of the
data - the means by which application programs modify
the data - the form in which the data is stored internal to
an application - The validity, accuracy and completeness of the
data for a particular purpose are determined
entirely by the applications software
11Out of Scope for the present
- NOTE The following are outside the scope of
this edition of this part of ISO 10303 but are
expected to be within the scopes of later
editions of this part - two- and three-phase flow
- free surface flow
- non-continuum flow (e.g., direct simulation Monte
Carlo data) - data from non-analytical sources (e.g.,
experimental simulation such as wind tunnel or
water tank testing, and product test such as
flight test or sea trials) - data regarding the exchange of energy by
radiation - non-Newtonian transport laws
- electro-magnetic interactions with a fluid
- Plasmas MHD
12Existing Documents
- Current draft of the AP for Fluid Dynamics
- IR 5w Numerical Analysis and Support
- IR 5s Mesh-Based Topology
- Harmonizes overlap between CFD resources in 5w
and EACM resources in 5x - Defines structured and unstructured meshes
- Expect to be used by AP-FD (Fluid Dynamics),
EACM, and Part 209 - These documents will be restructured to conform
to ISO objectives for modular standards - Draws on material from AP203, AP209, AP232, Part
21, Part 50, others - Five new documents AP2xx, Part 1xx, Part 5a,
Part 5b, Part 5x
13Structure of the Fluid Dynamics Standard
AP2xx Fluid Dynamics Data
Part 209 Finite-Element Analysis
Part 203 Geometry
Usage Guide for AP2xx
Part 1xx CFD Models
Part 5a Mesh-Based Data
Part 5b Numerical Analysis
Part 5x Mesh-Based Topology
Part 50 Mathematical Constructs
Part 21 Clear-Text Encoding
Each of the new parts must be carried
individually through the approval process. The
lower-level parts will lead the way.
Extend to include binary data
14Major EventsSince June 2000
- Review draft ISO-STEP standard with CGNS Steering
Team members (July 6-7, Seattle, WA) - General approval of then-current state some
issues identified - Initial draft of standards documentation
completed (Sept 2000) - Work mainly accomplished by Peter Wilson (Boeing
Seattle) - Incomplete, but contains all technical content of
CGNS SIDS as of August 2000 - ISO meeting (October 16-20, Charleston, SC)
- Presentation to Change Management Board
- Focused on scope, component parts, schedule of
the Fluid Dynamics AP - Technical Workshop (December 11-14, Seattle, WA)
- Define the structure of the Fluid Dynamics AP
- Continue defining the organization and content
15ISO Organization
. . .
TC 184 Industrial Automation Systems and
TC 184
. . .
SC 4 Industrial Data
WG3 Product Modeling
WG4 Qualification Integration
WG2 Parts Library
WG8 Mfg. Mgmt Data
T9 Engrg Analysis
16STEP Standards Development Life Cycle
Amendments or Technical Changes
International Standard
Final Draft International Std
Draft International Std
Committee Draft
June - Dec 2001
Industry Review Draft
Feb June 2001
New Work Item
Feb 2001
Preliminary Work Item
Nov 1999
17Current Plans and Schedule
These plans are tentative, as Boeing budgets for
2001 have not been finalized.
2001 Q1
2002 Q1
2001 Q4
2001 Q3
2001 Q2
AP 2xx
Information Rqmts
WD Review
CD Ballot
ARM Validation Rpt
Part 1xx
WD Review
CD Ballot
CD Ballot
Part 5x
Part 5a
WD Review
CD Ballot
Part 5b
WD Review
CD Ballot
18Things to Watch
- Need to keep working on international support
- Need to keep the current CGNS users engaged
- Work with the CGNS Steering Committee to
accomplish this
No problems visible that threaten success of this
CGNS and ISO-CGNS documents are available at