Title: The Postgraduate Researchers Toolkit
1The Postgraduate Researchers Toolkit
- Dr Sara Shinton
- Dr Keith Morgan
- www.shintonconsulting.com
2Our Background
- Researchers in Chemistry (PhD and postdoc)
- Curriculum Development (HWU Edinburgh)
- Careers Advice (Medical and Chemical Sciences)
- Consultancy (GRAD, Universities,
Professional Bodies)
- Lecturer in Colour Chemistry (HWU Borders)
- Lecturer in Organic Chemistry (HWU Edinburgh)
- Consultancy (GRAD, Universities)
3Objectives for Today
- Launch this years Postgraduate Toolkit
- Meet the other researchers in Galashiels
- Work on group activities
- Use these to
- Think about objectives for the later workshops
- Share perspectives on doing a PhD in Scotland
- Have some fun!
4The Toolkit
- A series of interactive workshops
- Running from today until next June
- Designed to help you to be more effective
- Opportunities to get together and share thoughts,
concerns and high-points - Chance to talk to us as independent, but
interested people
5What is coming up?
- Project management for first years
- How to get the best from your supervisor
- The art of finishing a PhD in three years
- Personal effectiveness
- Working effectively with others
- Making an impact in the research community
- Writing and referencing
- Posters for postgrads
- Presentation skills for researchers
- Thesis writing and the viva
- Careers
- see http//www.hw.ac.uk/edu/research/res-rdp-scot
Fri 3rd Nov Fri 27th Oct Fri 17th Nov
- All sessions are interactive and are flexible
- Share your own ideas with us
- The programme can be amended or changed
- Its not about ticking boxes - we all want this
time to have an impact on your experiences as a
research student at the Borders campus
7How will these sessions work?
- Interactive
- Combination of theoretical input, real examples
from research and activities - Brief catch-up and report from anyone with news
8The underlying principle
- Learning through
- Experiencing
- Reflecting
- Understanding
- Planning to use learning
- Kolbs learning cycle
9The underlying principle
Planning the next steps
Having an experience
Concluding from the experience
Thinking about an experience
10We have different preferences
Pragmatist planning the next steps
Activist having an experience
Theorist concluding from the experience
Reflector thinking about an experience
11With all that in mind
- Lets now have an experience!
- Get into groups of 5 to 7
- You will have 40 minutes to complete your task
- All instructions are in the packs, but
- This activity aims to develop your
- Creativity
- Awareness of how you work with others
- Team skills
- Please involve everyone in your group
13Why did we ask you to do that?
- Working culture of a PhD
- A problem
- Your intellectual input
- Fixed resources
- Personal approach
- Understanding the issue
- Your opinion
- Your way of working
15What are you going to do, to be the possible BEST
- Think about this question for the rest of the
16What do the RCs think?
Research Skills and Techniques
Communication Skills
Research Environment
Networking Teamworking
Research Management
Career Management
Personal Effectiveness
17Effective researchers
- Obviously do good research! But also
- Understand their strengths
- Recognise their weaknesses and plan development
- Set challenging but realistic goals
- Ask for feedback and act on it
- Support the development of others
- Understand the impact of their behaviour on others
18Our contribution
- Project management for first years
- How to get the best from your supervisor
- The art of finishing a PhD in three years
- Personal effectiveness
- Working effectively with others
- Making an impact in the research community
- Writing and referencing
- Posters for postgrads
- Presentation skills for researchers
- Thesis writing and the viva
- Careers
- see http//www.hw.ac.uk/edu/research/res-rdp-scot
Fri 3rd Nov Fri 27th Oct Fri 17th Nov
19Launching your PhD on track
- Research project management
- Stakeholder management
- Responsibility for your project
- Responsibility for your development
- An eye on the future
20So how do you get there?
- What are the main differences between the IDEAL
PhD and the average PhD? - What are the barriers or difficulties that you
need to overcome to be more effective?
- What might prevent or hinder you from achieving
your aims? - In your groups identify the common issues
- What might prevent or hinder you from achieving
your aims? - In your groups identify the common issues
- Which of these things are in your control?
23Overcoming Barriers
- In your groups identify
- What you can change (control)
- What you cannot change
- Opportunities or ideas to get around barriers
- Onto a flipchart and present
24Making Progress on Your PhD
- How are you going to monitor your progress?
- How will you know if you are on track?
- Set Objectives
25SMART Objectives
- Specific
- Measurable
- Agreed
- Realistic
- Time Bound
- Make the objective specific
- Break large tasks down into smaller tasks
- X Write PhD thesis
- ? Write Results chapter of PhD thesis
- ? Write section 1 of Results chapter of PhD
thesis - Breaking large tasks into smaller ones makes it
easier to assess progress
- How do you know when you have completed the work
- X Make more contacts in the field of gene
expression - ? Make 3 new contacts from other Universities at
the Northern Gene Conference - X Publish a number of papers during my PhD
- ? Write two papers during my second year and one
in my third year - Make sure they are evidenced based you should
have a deliverable attached to the objective
- Get the agreement of the stakeholders in the
project - Especially your supervisor!
- X I think I will finish this set of experiments
by the end of May - X My supervisor thinks I will finish these
experiments by the end of January - ? We agreed that my objective will be to finish
the experiments by the end of April
- Will you achieve the objective?
- Unrealistic objectives can be very de-motivating
- Challenging objectives which are realistic can be
motivating - X Publish 20 papers during the course of my PhD
- ? Publish 3 papers during the course of my PhD
30Time Bound
- Set timescales on your objectives
- Deadlines and Milestones
- Review progress against these deadlines
- X Finish writing my literature review
- ? Finish the first draft of my literature review
by the 1st of December
31Time scales
- Set objectives at multiple timescales
- This week I will read 8 papers on image analysis
- This month I will prepare a short report on image
analysis - In the next 6 months I will review the three
principle analysis techniques and write the
literature review of these techniques for my
32Plan your time
- Be professional, use your time efficiently
- 3 year program plan prepare at outset
- Annual year plan prepare annually
- Monthly and weekly plans prepare, revise
- A daily to do list prepare, revise
- Use a diary or organiser daily
33Personal Challenges
- With these ideas in mind
- What do you want to achieve in the next three
34Maintain your momentum
- Identify two or three short term objectives (to
achieve by the end of 2006) record these in a
diary or somewhere youll remember - Write these on the postcard
- On the envelope write your name
35Thank You and Good Luck
- www.shintonconsulting.com