Title: D. A. Crawford, Sandia National Laboratories
1Application of Adaptive Mesh Refinement to the
Simulation of Impacts in Complex Geometries and
Heterogeneous Materials
- D. A. Crawford, Sandia National Laboratories
- O. S. Barnouin-Jha, Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin
Company,for the United States Department of
Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
23-D Problem Scaling
Oblique Al-Al impact, 5 km/s
Resolution equivalent to 160 zones across
projectile diameter
33-D Problem Scaling
4Application of AMR to impacts on Eros
- Eros Shape obtained by NEAR Laser Rangefinder
(shape model no. 393) - Interior properties
- simulated with thousands of random dunite spheres
and tets (r03.32 g/cc, Cs6.65 km/s) - tuff matrix, surface regolith (r01.83 g/cc,
Cs1.6 km/s) - bulk density 2.7 g/cc
- dunite is strong, matrix is weak
- Two impactors of solid dunite, 5 km/s
- 500 m diameter
- 2 km diameter
- AMR used to keep high resolution on the impactor
and high density gradients (0.5 g/cc/cell width)
52-km asteroid strikes Eros
62-km asteroid strikes Eros
7500-m asteroid strikes Eros
8Application of AMR to heterogeneous materials
- Planar impact Monte-Carlo mesoscale studies
- Construct heterogeneous material by mixing two
simple Mie-Gruneisen (linear Us-up) materials - Matrix r0 1.0 g/cc, Cs 1 km/s, S1.0
- Grains r0 2.0 g/cc, Cs 2 km/s, S1.5
- 500 randomly oriented 2 mm cubes (actually 2 mm x
2mm x infinite rectangular parallelepipeds) - Volume fraction0.298, Mass fraction0.459
- Impactor same EOS as grains
- Impact velocities 1, 2, 4 km/s
- Measured shock velocity, particle velocity and
pressure in target and impactor - AMR used to track shock and material interfaces
9Planar Impact2 km/s, impactor-matrix only
10Planar Impact2 km/s, impactor-matrix grains
11Planar Impact2 km/s, impactor-matrix grains
12Planar Impact2 km/s, impactor-matrix grains
13Heterogeneous Mixture EOS
Projectile/Grains Cs2 km/s, S1.5 Measured
Mixture Cs1.1 km/s, S1.16 Matrix Cs1
km/s, S1
14Additive Mixture EOS (Grady, 1993)
- Partition specific volume by mass fraction (l)
- ?(p) ?1 ?1(p) (1- ? 1) ?2(p)
- For linear shock velocity vs. particle velocity
15Additive Mixture EOS
CTH Monte-Carlo
16Pressure variance behind the shock front
17Particle velocity variance behind shock front
18Conclusions/Future Work
- We are establishing a methodology using AMR with
Monte-Carlo techniques to study material
heterogeneity - Even simple material systems can exhibit
interesting properties when spatial heterogeneity
added to the mix - Next steps
- automate generation of Monte Carlo runs and (some
of the) analysis - widen the variance of the heterogeneity (vary
grain size, for example) - 3) look at means to add variance at continuum
level based on Monte Carlo studies at the
mesoscale - 4) Look at more complex material models involving
shear and fracture strength - 5) Compare with experiments and observations!