Title: Complex Preferences for Answer Set Optimization
1Complex Preferences for Answer Set Optimization
- Author Gerhard Brewka
- Published 9th International Conference
Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning, Whistler, Canada, June 2004. -
- Xiaomeng Wu
- Nov 30, 2004
- Introduction
- A motivating example
- Preference Description Language (PDL)
- Special case
- Discussion
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Answer Set Programming
- 1. Generate potential solutions
- 2. Specify conditions, destroy non-solutions
- Answer set optimization
- 3. Pick one of the solutions with maximal quality
-gt generate-and-test
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Optimization
- Quality of an answer set
- Preference ordering, relative quality
- Qualitative preference
- Numerical information -gt hard to obtain
- If numerical information is available -gt easy to
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Related work
- Smodels weight constraints
- Maximize, minimize
- DLV weak constraints
- lt- body. wl
- (w numerical penalty, l priority level)
- Fixed built-in preference handling
- ! Need flexible preference strategies -gtPDL
6A motivating example
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Scheduling problem
- Assign lecturers, time slots and rooms to courses
- Use ASP with cardinality constraints
- l a1, , ar u
- l a(x) b(x) u
- Rules
- 1 teaches( L,C )lecturer( L ) 1 lt- course( C
) - 1 in( R,C ) room( R ) 1 lt- course( C )
- 1 at( S,C ) slot( S ) 1 lt- course( C )
7A motivating example
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Several hard constraints
- One course per lecturer
- lt- teaches( L,C ), teaches( L, C), C!C
- Confliction check
- lt- in( R,C ), in( R, C ), at( S,C ), at( S,C),
C!C - Answer set lt-gt solution in the form
- teaches(l,c), in(r,c) and at(s,c)
8A motivating example
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- How to add lecturers personal preference?
- Preferred courses to teach
- Preferred time slots, e.g. morning is preferred
- Preferred rooms, e.g. close to office
- Sometimes, impossible to satisfy everyone
-gt Rank using penalty values, overall penalty is
-gt may be purely qualitative
-gt may be purely qualitative
-gt can be profs are important than assitants
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- PDL Preference Description Language
- Goal to select maximally preferred answer sets
- Compared with rule-based, PDL
- Can do qualitative numerical combination
preference representation - Can use different preference combination
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Building block preference rules
- Represent context dependent preference
- Represent a ranking of answer sets
- In the form
- a, b literals built from atoms
- C boolean combinations over atoms e.g.
- p integers satisfying piltpj whenever iltj
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- PDL experession prex
- Represents a preorder, a transitive and reflexive
relation, on an answer set - A similar role as objective functions in
numerical optimization - Definitions
- Preorder
- Optimal answer set S according to the preorder
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Penalty of answer sets pen(S, prex)
- Several complex preorders
- pareto standard Pareto ordering
- lex lexicographic ordering
- inc and rinc Inclusion based strategy
- card and rcard of orderings satisfied
- psum add the penalties, smaller preferred
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Example, revisited
- Course preference
- Each course is assigned a penalty
- Each lecturer can assign 10 points in total
- therefore
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Example, revisited
- Time preference
- Room preference
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Example, revisited
- Prof vs. assistant
- Cp union of Ci such as li is a profs
- Ca union of Ci such as li is an assistants
- Pp time and room preferences of profs
- Pa time and room preference of assistants
- Wanted Cp more important than Ca, but Ca more
important than Pp - So (lex (psum Cp)(psum Ca)(pareto Pp)(pareto Pa))
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- How to deal with modifications?
- X start from scratch, rerun program
- Generate coherent solutions given small changes
-gt an optimization problem - A description of the old solution
- A specification of closeness
- In a qualitative setting, described by preferences
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Deal with changes (contd)
- Example revisited
- In general, no changes is preferred
- If a change is necessary, then it is more
desirable to change the room rather than time - If time is needed to be changed, it is better to
reschedule a course with few students. -
18Special case
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- PDL is a generalization of methods in the
literature - Pprefr1, , rk
- Meta-preferences (preferences rules in levels)
- Weak constraints (lt-body. wl)
- Smodels ( minimize a1w1,,akwk )
-gt (pareto r1rk)
-gt (lex(pareto r1,1r1,k1)(pareto rn,1rn,kn))
-gt (lex(psum r1,1r1,k1)(psum rn,1rn,kn))
-gt ( psum a1 w1 ak wk )
- Introduction
- Example
- Special case
- Discussion
- Implementation
- Contributions
- Definition of PDL for complex preferences
- PDL can be compiled to LP to be used as a tester
program in a generate-and-improve method for
finding optimal answer sets. - Extendible, in other optimization context
Generating program P (smodels, DLV..)
Tester program
- Brewka. G, Niemela. I, Truszczynski. M Answer
set optimization. IJCAI-03, pp867-872 - Brewka. G, Niemela. I, Syrjanen. T Implementing
ordered disjunction using answer set solvers for
normal programs. JELIA 2002, pp444-455. - Brewka. G Answer sets From constraints
programming towards qualitative optimization.
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generation. Artificial Intelligence Journal 138
pp39-54 - Son. R, Pontelli. E Planning with preferences
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