Title: An Integrative Principled Approach
1 An Integrative Principled Approach to Network
Science for Autonomic Networks John S.
Baras Institute for Systems Research University
of Maryland 301-405-6606 baras_at_isr.umd.edu N
etwork Science Workshop August 31-September 1,
2006 Athens, Greece
2Autonomous Swarms
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graphs
- Trust-Reputation-Profiling
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
4What is a Network?
- A collection of nodes, agents,
- that collaborate to accomplish actions, gains,
- that cannot be accomplished with out such
collaboration - Most significant concept for autonomous, or
autonomic networks
5The Fundamental Trade-off
- The nodes gain from collaborating
- To collaborate they need to communicate, and this
represents cost - Trade-off gain from collaboration vs cost
- Multiple metrics involved
typically - Many problems in communication networks, sensor
networks, economic networks, social networks,
biological networks, can be traced to this key
trade off
6Modeling Communication Patterns
- What form communications take?
- How are they represented?
- How are costs generated?
- How connectivity is controlled?
- Does agent behavior influence connectivity?
- Communication patterns for learning.
- Connectivity can be physical, or logical
(relational) - Links-graphs, neighborhoods, MRF, etc
7Example Cooperation in MANET
- Almost all functionalities
- Emergent properties based on local interactions
and information - Cooperative comms process overheard info
spatial diversity - Cooperation games - dimensioning
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graphs
- Trust and Collaboration
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
9Cooperative Games
- Cooperative Game in characteristic function form
G N, v, N 1, 2, , N, v 2N?R , on
all subsets S (coalitions) of N - S a coalition, v(S ) is interpreted as the
maximum utility S can get without the
cooperation of players in N \ S - S a coalition, vS is the restriction of v to
the player set S - vS (T ) v(S ) for each T ? S
- S , vS a subgame of the game N, v
- G superadditive S, T ? N, S ?T ?, v(S ? T )
? v(S ) v(T ) - G monotone S ? T implies v(S ) ? v(T )
10Cooperative Games and Payoffs
- Feasible payoff vectors
- Efficient payoff vectors
- Individually rational payoff vectors
- Imputation set Set of all individually rational
and efficient payoffs - Solution s associates with each game G a
subset of I(N, v) Can be
characterized either by math relations or axioms
Helps capture different notions of desirable
properties of solutions - x dominates y through coalition S (x ?S y) if
xi gt yi, i?S, x(S) ? v(S) - x dominates y (x ? y) if x ?S y for some
coalition S
11Cooperative Games
- G convex for each i?N, S ? T, implies di(S )
? di(T ) -
- increasing marginal
- returns contribution of I
- G rational v(N ) ? ?iv(i)
12Cooperative Games Solution Concepts
- Core (stable, reasonable payoffs) gives each
coalition at least as much as could get by itself - Convex and average convex games have nonempty
cores - For a set of games the core is the unique
solution that is individually rational,
superadditive, nonempty and satisfies the reduced
game property
- Two interpretations of the core C(N, v)
- All imputations such that no group of players has
an inventive to split off from the grand
coalition N and form a smaller coalition S - No group of players gets more than what they
collectively add to the value obtainable by the
grand coalition N - C(N, v) is nonempty iff N, v is balanced
13Cooperative Games Solution Concepts
- Stable sets V? I , there is no x, y ?V s.t. x?y,
and if y?V, there is x?V s.t. x?y
- Nucleolus excess e(S, x) v(S ) x(S )
measure of dissatisfaction
of coalition S for payoff x Set
?(x) (e(S, x))S ?N solution obtained by
min ?(?(x)) x ? I(N, v).
Minimize maximal complaint. - The Nucleolus is always in the core
14Cooperative Games Solution Concepts
- Nucleolus is the individually rational payoff
that lexicographically minimizes the excess
vector - Leads to iterative procedure for getting there
- Use a small set of linear programs that
iteratively minimize the highest excess, then the
second highest excess, etc. - A solution concept is the Nucleolus if and only
if it is anonymous (ind. of payer labeling),
covariant (ind. of scale expressing preferences),
satisfies the reduced game property
- Shapley Value solution ? with components the
expected marginal contribution made by i when
entering coalition N - T is a carrier, if v(S ) v(S ?T), v(S ) ?i?S
?i (v). Shapley Value is the unique solution
that has this property, is anonymous and
additive - For convex games Shapley Value is in the core
- Kernel, Bargaining Set consider coalition
structures, their stability, objections and
15Networks and Constraints
All coalitions cannot be formed To coordinate
(collaborate) agents need to communicate Network
(N, L) Edges links between payers i and j
directly connected i and j path
connected Cooperation components Links between
players in S , L(S ) Network (S , L(S ))
induces a partition of S Cycle Free and Cycle
Complete networks Wheels
16Constrained Coalitions
- Network-restricted cooperation game or
constrained coalition N, vL - N, v, L communication situation
- Characteristic function
- Myerson value Shapley value of N, vL
- Component decomposability, component efficiency,
17Network Formation
- Form links pairwise
- Iterative game
- Better understanding of topologies dynamics
topology control - Network formation with costs for establishing
links - N, v, L, c N, v L,c
- Stability vs efficiency of the resulting network
- Small world graphs
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graphs
- Trust and Collaboration
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
19Example Trust Management System
Prior trust relations
Trust Decision
Trust Credential
Credential Distribution
Evaluation Policy
Local observations
Local key exchanges
20Trust Evaluation in Autonomic Networks
- The network is modeled as a directed graph G(V,E)
- G is the trust graph
- A directed link from node i to node j corresponds
to the trust relation i has on j - The weight cij represents the opinion of i on j,
- Trust evaluation is to estimate the
trustworthiness of nodes - ti represents node i being either GOOD or BAD,
denoted as ti1 or -1 - si is the estimated trust value of node i
- si is a subjective concept, while ti is an
existing but unknown fact - Objective to drive si as close to ti as possible
based on available Jij
21Local Voting Rule
- In homogenous networks, the trustworthiness of an
agent is based on other peers opinion - The most straightforward scheme is to ask
neighbors to vote for it - Values of the votes are equal to cij
- Iterative voting rule
- Evaluation starts from a small set of trusted
nodes - Our interest is to study evolution of the
estimated trust value si and its property at the
22Trust Dynamics
Initial islands of trusts
- Trust revocation
- Changes in topology, membership, secure paths
- Referees of a node may change, trust evidence for
a node may change - Votes timeout or negative votes
23Deterministic Voting Rule
- We use the weighted average as the voting rule,
where weights are vote values (all quantities
nonnegative) - is the degree of node i
- n represents discrete time
- Assume is a constant, i.e. it doesnt
change with time, which is true when considering
the steady state - The voting rule can be written in system
24Voting with Headers
- We introduce the notion of headers
- Headers are pre-trusted agents and only vote for
nodes that they fully trust. - If node i is trusted with bi headers, it gets
bi more votes with value 1. Let B diagb1 , b2
,, bN . - The system equation changes to
- Convergence
- Theorem Given a virtuous network, in order to
have a trust connected graph, the number of
headers of each node must satisfy - This theorem proves, as well as provides, a
network design method to establish a fully
trusted network by introducing headers
25Stochastic Threshold Rule
- Stochastic threshold rule with uncertainty
parameter b - Where
- Update sequence random asynchronous updates
- Difficult to achieve synchronicity in autonomic
networks - The probability that node i is chosen as the
target at each iteration is fixed as qi
Zi(k) is the normalization factor
- The steady state can be derived using the Markov
chain - If and ,
the voting rule converges to the steady state
with a unique stationary distribution - The unique stationary distribution is
- where
- and Z is the normalization function
- Criterion probability of correct estimation
27Trust in Virtuous Networks
All nodes are good and have full confidence in
their neighbors. We study Pcorrect at steady
Left figure The threshold should be less or
equal to 0, otherwise the trust estimate of each
node converges to -1. Right figure When
threshold is equal to 0 -- phase transition.
Small change on the parameter results in opposite
performance of the voting rule.
28Virtuous Networks with Uncertainty
- All nodes are good, but because of uncertainty
and incompleteness, Jijs are random variables - Assume
- Assume that the probability of a good node having
an incorrect opinion on its neighbors is pe
- Simulation results
- When pe is larger, the system more probably stays
in the random phase. - When pe is large enough (pe gt 0.15), the system
always stays in the random phase. - Theoretical analysis replica method in spin
29Network Topology
- Random Graph (Erdös and Rényi, 1960)
- Nodes link to each other randomly
- Small-world model (Watts Strogatz,1998)
- Short average distance (six degree of separation)
- Large clustering coefficient
- Scale-free model (Barabási Albert, 1999)
- The distribution of degrees follows the power law
- Existence of hubs
- Rich get richer
- Recent research discovered lots of complex
networks being scale-free
30Spreading Speed and Topology
- The time for updating rule to reach steady state,
i.e., how fast the trust values converge. - Perron-Frobenius Theorem in algebraic graph
theory For a stochastic matrix A - is the largest eigenvalue of A, which is 1
and is the second largest eigenvalue of
A. - The convergence rate of An is of order
- Normalized adjacency matrices are stochastic
matrices, therefore those with smaller
converge faster. - What kind of networks or which network topology
has smaller second largest eigenvalue
31Network Topology and Deterministic Voting Rule
- We consider the F small-world model proposed by
Watts and Strogatz - High clustering coefficient and small average
graphical distance between any pair. - We use F-model, which is modeled by adding small
number of new edges into a regular lattice.
- Adding just 1 more edges, spreading finishes in
10 times less rounds.
32Network Topology and Stochastic Voting Rule
- B Small-world model
- Prw represents short cuts fraction on a regular
lattice - Regular lattice Prw0 Random graph Prw1
- Prw in 0.1,0.01 is the area for the small world
- The performance of the voting rule increases as
Prw increases. - A more random graph has shorter average distance
- Accuracy of trust information degenerates over
the path length, so a short spreading path has
more accurate information and leads to good result
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graphs
- Trust and Collaboration
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
34Ising and Spin Glass Models
- Statistical Physics models for magnetization
- Orientation of each particles spin depends on
its neighbors - Ising Model behavior of simple magnets
- Spin Glass Model complex materials
- Math interpretation
- s s1, s2,, sn is a configuration of n
particle spins, where sj 1 or -1 , spin j
is up or down - Energy for configuration s
- Ising Model Jij J for all i, j
- Spin Glass Model Jij depend on i,j and can be
35Ising/SG Models and Games
- Ising/SG models can be interpreted as dynamic
(repeated) games - The value of si represents whether node i is
willing to cooperate or not - each particle selects spin to maximize its own
payoff - Ising model (Jij Jgt0) align its spin with the
majority of neighbors spin - High T, conservative agents, not willing to
change, small payoffs - Low T, aggressive agents, larger payoffs
- Collection of local decisions reduces the total
energy of the interacting particles - Inspires an approach where trust is an incentive
for cooperation - Jij can be interpreted as the worth of player j
to player i - decide to cooperate or not based on benefit from
cooperation and trust values of neighbors
36Statistical Mechanics of Spin Glasses
- Statistical Mechanics primary object of interest
- Recent excitement computation of ground state,
partition function Z, NP - complete, Replica
Method - Application and extensions to several well known
problems turbocodes, image restoration, neural
networks, learning, associative memory, SAT,
knapsack, SA, number parttioning, graph
partitioning, CDMA, MIMO,
37Spin Glass Cooperative Game
- Spin glass model as a cooperative game (spin
glass game) - S ? N 1, 2, , n is a coalition, in which
all nodes cooperate - Interaction topology (Jijs) moderates effects
pos. and neg. feedback - v(S) value of the characteristic function of
the game , v 2N?R, which is the maximum payoff S
can get without cooperation from other nodes N
/S. - The cooperative game is denoted as G (N, v)
- Object to find what form or policy for Jij
can induce all (or most) nodes to cooperate
maximize the coalition
38Cooperation and Games
- In autonomic networks
- Cooperation is restricted to only local
interactions - Decision is made by each node individually
- Nodes are self-interested
- Explain and analyze emergent properties
- Game theoretic methods
- Provide a framework for modeling individual
interactions - Understand complex global structures and dynamics
of a system composed of a large number of agents
with simple local interactions - Guide for analytical approach
- Examples Ising spin glass models, prisoners
dilemma - Goal how to encourage nodes to collaborate in
games? - Incentive trust systems to promote cooperation
and circumvent misbehaving nodes.
39Trust as Mechanism to Induce Collaboration
- Trust is an incentive for collaboration
- Nodes who refrain from cooperation get lower
trust values - They will be eventually penalized because other
nodes tend to only cooperate with highly trusted
ones. - Assume, for node i, that the loss for not
cooperating with node j is a nondecreasing
function of Jji as f (Jji), and the new
characteristic function is - Theorem if ,
the core is nonempty and
- is a feasible payoff
allocation in the core. - By introducing a trust mechanism, all nodes are
induced to collaborate without any negotiation
40Dynamic Coalition Formation
- Two linked dynamics
- Trust propagation
- Game evolution
- Stability of dynamic coalition
- Nash equilibrium no node will gain if it changes
its current strategy, while others keep unchanged.
41Results of Game Evolution
- Theorem
, there exists t0, such that for a
reestablishing period t gt t0 - The iterated game converges to Nash equilibrium
- In the Nash equilibrium, all nodes cooperate with
all their neighbors. - Comparison of games with (without) trust
mechanism, strategy update
Percentage of cooperating pairs vs negative links
Average payoffs vs negative links
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graphs
- Trust and Collaboration
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
43Example Direct Network Trust
- Direct trust is based on past interactions
between User A and User B. - It is As belief about Bs future behavior.
- Helps A decide for himself and based on local
information what to do next.
44Example Indirect Network Trust
User 8 asks for access to User 1s files.User 1
and User 8 have no previous interaction
What should User 1 do?
Use transitivity of trust (i.e. use references)
45Direct Trust
- User i
- is of type ti?Good, Bad
- chooses action ai?C,D, i1N
- receives payoff RiR(ai,a?(i),ti)
- wants to maximize his own payoff (local behavior)
46Direct Trust
- Questions we are investigating
- How can collaboration of Good nodes be achieved?
- Maximization of the Good node payoff
- How quickly can it be achieved?
- Repeated interactions
- How many bad nodes can destroy it?
- Within our framework, the following parameters
affect the answers to the above questions. - Payoffs
- Strategies
- Topology
47Direct Trust
- Prior probability (reputation, profiling) for
user types - Bayes-Nash equilibrium
- Strategy for User i
evolving reputation
48Direct Trust
- Two sequences evolving with time
- Vector of actions (strategies), time 1n
- Set of vectors of neighbor probabilities
(reputations), time 1n
49Example Direct Trust -- Learning
- Where is trust in all this?
- RememberDirect trust is based on past
interactions between User A and User B.It is As
belief about Bs future behavior.Helps A decide
what to do next. - Trust is how users use the history of past
actions to decide what to do next. - Quantified with updated probabilities
(reputations) pi.
- ? is used to combine edge weights along a
path - ? is used to combine path weights
51Trust Semiring PropertiesPartial Order
- Combined along-a-path weight should not increase
- Combined across-paths weight should not decrease
- Shortest Path Problem
- Semiring
- ? is and computes total path delay
- ? is and picks shortest path
- Bottleneck Problem
- Semiring
- ? is and computes path bandwidth
- ? is and picks highest bandwidth
53 Computing Indirect Trust
54Trust Path Semiring
- 0 ? trust, confidence ? 1
- ? is
- ? is
55 Computing Indirect Trust
- Path interpretation
- Linear system interpretation
Indicator vector of pre-trusted nodes
56 Computing Indirect Trust
- Treat as a linear system
- We are looking for its steady state.
- Benefits
- Result of computation linked explicitly to
properties of matrix W - Easier to see effect of attacks, of pre-trusted
nodes, of changes in the topology (manipulation
of W). - Speed of convergence linked to circuits of W.
- The Attacker wants to change the opinion of a
node s for a node d as much as possible. - Similar to The Attacker wants to change the
distance (path length) from a node s to a node d
as much as possible. - Similar to The Attacker wants to change the
capacity (throughput) from a node s to a node d
as much as possible.
58Most Vital Edge
- In all cases, the Attacker attacks a single edge,
called the Most Vital Edge. - All that changes is the semiring and the
interpretation of the weights. - Ramaswamy, Orlin, and Chakravarti found two
different characterizations of the Most Vital
Edge for the (min,) and the (max,min) semiring. - Is there a unified characterization?
59Edge Tolerances
- Upper (Lower) edge tolerance of an edge e, w.r.t.
an optimal path p, is the highest (lowest)
weight of e that would preserve the optimality of
p. - In a shortest path problem (min, ), the most
vital edge is the path edge whose weight has the
largest difference with the upper tolerance. - In a maximum capacity problem (max, min), the
most vital edge is the path edge whose weight has
the largest difference with the lower tolerance.
60Upper Tolerance Example
- Upper Tolerances for the Shortest Path Problem
Upper Tolerances
Shortest Path
61Lower Tolerance Example
- Lower Tolerances for the Shortest Path Problem
Lower Tolerances
Shortest Path
62Attacked Edge on the Path
Trust Edge Attack
New Optimal Path p, trust value t
RESULT Decrease Trust!
Optimal Path p, trust value t
63Attacked Edge not on the Path
Trust Edge Attack
New Optimal Path p, trust value t
RESULTIncrease Trust!Change Path!
Optimal Path p, trust value t
64Tolerances for any Optimization Semiring
- Optimization semirings ? is min or max
- ?-minimal (maximal) tolerance ae (ße) of edge e
instead of lower (upper) tolerance. - ? is the inverse of ? defined by a ? x b ? x
b ? a - w(e) is the weight of edge e. w(p) is the weight
of path p.
65Tolerances for the Trust Semiring
- Assume (max, ) semiring essentially equivalent
to our trust semiring. - Tolerances
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graphs
- Trust and Collaboration
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
67Component Based Networking (CBN)
- MANETs are complex engineering systems composed
of many heterogeneous hardware and software
components - It is our fundamental view that MANET must be
viewed as distributed, asynchronous and hybrid
dynamic systems - They should be regarded as systems of subsystems
that sense, make decisions and execute actions
---- as closed-loop systems - The subsystems that perform this sensing or
decision making or action execution (be they
single nodes or collections of nodes) are not
co-located - As a result communications occur between sensing
blocks, decision making blocks and action
execution blocks that are subject to greatly
varying constraints on communication bandwidth
and delay - This distributed asynchronous dynamic systems
view of MANETs has not been promoted to date - It is essential, in our view, for understanding
fundamental architectural issues and issues such
as stability and robustness, and performance vs
complexity trade-offs, and it leads to new
fundamental rethinking of the analytical
foundations for dynamic collaboration (between
nodes and/or subsets of nodes) subject to the
constraints of distributed operation,
asynchronous operation, bandwidth, delay.
68MANET as Distributed Hybrid Systems
- Our long term approach will utilize a mixture of
methods from computer science (distributed
communicating processes, formal models, formal
verification-validation) and from
control-communication systems (hybrid systems,
multi-agent systems, feedback, system dynamics
and stability). - We are developing formal dynamic models for MANET
that respect the constraints, while at the same
time formally specifying the structure (what the
network consists of?) and behavior (what the
network does?) of a MANET as a system from a
systems engineering perspective. - It is within this framework that distributed and
asynchronous operation will be built in as
constraints (logical or numerical), and where
bandwidth and delay constraints between sensing,
decision making and action execution blocks will
also be modeled. - To completely model and understand properties of
MANET we need a framework that combines logical
and numerical models, thus hybrid systems.
69Component-Based System Synthesis Process
Model-based Beyond UML Rapsody UPPAAL
Artist Tools MATLAB, MAPLE Modelica DOORS,
Integrated System Synthesis Tools - Environments
Generate derivative requirements metrics
Model-Based Information-Centric Abstractions
Integrated Multiple Views is Hard !
70System Synthesis and Integration is the Next
- From a Reductionist Approach to an Integrative
Approach - The challenge is to generate system predictable
behavior by integrating behaviors of the
components - It is not all in the software environments
- Need a combination of
- Model-Based system and software design and
integration (software tools environments) - and
- Deeper analysis of underlying abstractions and
models and their properties
71Model-Based Integration Software Environments
- Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML) with
semantics that can be composed and manipulated - Composition platforms ? correct by construction
systems platforms and models of computations
substantial reduction in VV - System and component behavioral abstractions that
can support Incremental System Integration ?
while preserving testability and predictability - Fully integrated semantically control, software
and systems design tools and platforms
72Deeper Analysis of System Models and Properties
- Principles for system integration ? System
Science ? Network Science - Fundamental performance limitations of networked
systems ? implementation technology free - Fundamental performance limitations of
distributed asynchronous systems, with
concurrency constraints, with non-collocated
sensors, decision making and actuation nodes,
with multiple feedback loops, with delay and
bandwidth constraints - Distributed control of and inference in the same
- Theories of compositionality
- Much better integration of logic and optimization
for trade-off analysis in dynamical systems
73Current Autonomic Wireless Nets Performance Very
From Tim Krout
74Overhead (OH) vs Performance
From Ananthram Swami
75Cross-Linked Executable, Formal and Performance
Models for MANET Protocols
76Cross-Linked Models
- Executable system models (ESM) utilize modern
software engineering methodologies to develop
object-oriented and component-based models of
sensor networks, utilizing UML2 and other
advanced software systems. - From these models automatic generation of
executable code for all elements of a MANET is
possible for either simulation or field tests.
Embedded in these models are semantics of the
operation and composition of the various
components. - Formal system models (FSM) of MANET protocols are
based on communicating extended finite state
machines (deterministic or stochastic) (CEFSM) or
on colored timed Petri nets (deterministic or
stochastic) (CTPN). They are linked with the
executable models via bisimulation relationships,
and typically correspond to approximations of the
executable models by emphasizing timing behavior
of the modeled system in a timed automata sense. - Performance system models (PSM) of MANET and
MANET protocols are based on various approximate
dynamic system model frameworks (queuing systems,
differential equations and fluid flow, difference
equations, discrete event systems) together with
performance metrics (or utilities) that can be
evaluated using the models either analytically or
by efficient numerical schemes. - Performance models are linked to executable
models via bisimulation relationships, and
typically correspond to approximations of the
executable models emphasizing performance and
quality of service metrics computation or bounds.
- Performance models are also linked to Formal
models via bisimulation relationships and
critical event correspondence.
77Cross-Linked Models
- This is already a substantial extension from the
software engineering work. - A further and substantial extension is that we
will develop a formal compositional (or component
based) version of this approach. - This includes development of semantics for
linking components of MANET protocols and of
MANET, including the associated theories of
components and compositionality. This,
methodology and framework is in itself an
important contribution to network science. - It is this specific framework and underlying
mathematical methodologies that we utilize to
describe, model and evaluate the structure of
MANET (including network structure and network
architecture) versus multi-criteria (multiple
metrics) performance. - This represents a uniquely innovative departure
from the current state of the art in MANET
investigations that focus almost entirely on
network behavior (i.e. the dynamics of the
algorithms for network operation). - Our framework allows us to investigate the design
of both structure and operation (i.e. behavior)
within a well integrated framework.
78Cross Linked Models
- A very significant and unique feature of our
approach is that we will be able to check
correctness of functionality as well as
performance of the MANET protocol or MANET or its
components. - Furthermore and most significantly the proposed
approach and framework allows the automation (to
a large degree) of the validation, verification
and testing of the MANET protocol and of the
MANET design and operation. - This is our vision and long term research in this
area. - Among other things it represents a truly
innovative and fundamental contribution to
Network Science.
79Current State of MANET Routing the Need for
Component Based Routing
- Formal methods and models hardly used ? lack of
systematic analysis of correctness and proof of
properties - Evaluation predominantly done by simulations
- Limited knowledge as to specific relations
between parts and parameters of the protocol and
performance - Ad hoc approach to cross-layer design
- Very limited consideration of trade offs between
performance reliability security - Problems from conventional layering
inflexibility, inefficiency, side-effects - Conventional layers create time, energy, OH
inefficiencies especially for MANET (Jung and
Biersack 2000)
80CBR What is it? What are the Goals?CBN
- Not a single routing protocol, but a collection
of elementary modules that can be combined to
form routing protocols with various capabilities,
limitations, efficiency, and a synthesis
environment to meet requirements - Heterogeneous wireless communication networks ?
very large and complex software systems ? Model
and Component Based Software Engineering - Routing protocols have special needs and
requirements, such as loopfreeness, etc, examples
of formal model requirements - Longer term vision
- new and powerful methodology for cross-layer
design, that examines layers from the fundamental
perspective of components / compositions - component based networking (CBN) ? scientific
foundation for systems of systems (networks of
networks) synthesis problems - Basic research problem develop this systems
engineering or component based analysis and
synthesis subject to various formal model
81Can Components be Determined Formally?
- Explicit interfaces are fundamental for
components make explicit all the means for
communication and coordination of components - Requires a much stronger notion of interface than
is common in OO models or model based software - Component-based systems ? behavioral
specifications integrated into component
interfaces are important ? need to go beyond EFSM
and CEFSM - Model-based generators of component adaptors
- Semantic foundations of architectural and
component-based design within UML - Compositional techniques for the analysis of
embedded and real-time systems in UML - Compositional model checking of UML behavioral
models ? Statecharts
82Formal Methods Network Protocols
- Protocols set of rules, syntax, semantics
- Network Protocols Specification, Verification,
Monitoring - Reason about Network Routing Protocols
- Formal methods allow to check
- if protocol is working properly
- if implementation is correct
- do devices deviate from protocol standard, etc
- SPIN, UPPAAL, Esterel, etc
- Bhargavan et al, 2002, formal models for
DSDV-AODV - Yang and Baras 2002-2003, formal model for TORA
- Yang and Baras 2005-2006, automated Vulnerability
Analysis of MANET routing protocols
83Modularity of Routing Protocols
- All MANET routing protocols studied (AODV, DSR,
OLSR, TORA, ) can be modularized into four
functional components - Route Discovery Component how to search path
from source to the desired destination by RREQ,
RREP message or by link state advertisement. - Route Maintenance Component how to propagate the
information of a broken link once its detected
by Topology Database Maintenance Component, how
to delete the routing paths cached which contain
the broken link. - Data Packet Forwarding Component how to relay
data packets from source node to destination node
by routing paths (hops) cached. - Topology Database Maintenance Component how to
detect the local connectivity when its up or
84Subcomponents for AODV
- Route Discovery Component Subcomponents
- Expanding_ring RREQs TTL incremented by
TTL_increment in each retransmission for
RREQ_timeout. - Hop_defined Hops traversed by RREQ arent
encapsulated into packet. Next hop is stored in
Route_Cache_Table. - Cached_RREP Intermediate node on RREQs path
can initiate RREP. - Route Maintenance Component Subcomponents
- Local_connectivity_update Use overheard packet
to update Local_Connectivity_Table. - Local_repair Intermediate node on data packets
path can initiate Route Discovery Procedure. - Route_error_disseminate notify hosts
implementing unreachable nodes as routing hop to
delete the entry. - Packet Forwarding Component Subcomponents
- Hop_based Look up next routing hop in each
intermediate nodes Route_Cache_Table. - Unsolicited_forwarding Forward data packet
without waiting for Ack from the receiver hop. - Topology Database Maintenance Component
Subcomponents - Hello_detection Period beacon message to
confirm the existence of the neighboring node.
85Subcomponents for DSR
- Route Discovery Component Subcomponents
- Fixed_ring RREQs TTL is a fixed value.
- Path_defined Hops traversed by RREQ are
encapsulated into packet. Routing path is stored
in Route_Cache_Table. - Cached_RREP Intermediate node on RREQs path
can initiate RREP. - Route Maintenance Component Subcomponents
- Packet_salvage In multipath Route_Cache_Table,
another path can substitute current broken path. - Route_Error notify hosts implementing
unreachable nodes as routing hop to delete the
entry. - Packet Forwarding Component Subcomponents
- SourcePath_based Data Packet follows the
sequence of hops defined by source node, and
dont look up routes at intermediate nodes. - Topology Database Maintenance Component
Subcomponents - Solicited_forwarding Each sender of data packet
(source node and intermediate node) will wait for
ACK from the receiver hop, and make a copy of the
data packet in Maintenance_Buffer. The data
packet will be retransmitted without receiving
ACK before Maintenance_timeout.
86Description of Components using UML2
- Class and Object Diagrams
- Describe the physical structure of the protocol
- Activity and Sequence Diagrams
- Represent behavior models of each component
- Mapping of behavior diagrams to structure
- Helps to identify interfaces needed for plug and
play components
87Description of AODV Components
- Route Discovery
- Expanding ring search
- Hop-based
- Sequence numbers maintenance
- Route Maintenance
- Local connectivity update
- Local repair
- Route error disseminate
- Sequence numbers maintenance
- Packet Forwarding
- Hop-based
- Unsolicited forwarding
- Topology Database Maintenance
- Hello messaging
88AODV Structure
89Route Discovery Behavior Model
Description When the Intermediate Node receives
RREQ or RREP it initiates its own Route Discovery
90Packet Forwarding Behavior Model
Description This component forwards data
packets in a hop-by-hop manner. Drops the
packets if there is no valid route. Performs
unsolicited forwarding. Does not wait for a
reply from the next-hop in order to send the
91Topology Database Maintenance
Description This component describes the
current topology of the network. Each node
knows if it is connected to its neighbors by
sending out periodic Hello Messages. It also
knows if a link has been broken when it receives
a Hello Message but nothing else happens.
92Component Relationships
Route Discovery
Route Maintenance
Topology Database Maintenance
Packet Forwarding
Routing Protocol
93Routing Protocol Metrics vs Component
Derivative Metrics
- Goal Evaluate the components against relevant
metrics that will not only differentiate the
various components but will also relate the
performance of the component with the routing
protocol performance. - Also link to other layer metrics (e.g. MAC)
- Derivative Metrics
- Route discovery latency (sec)
- Route discovery overhead (packets/sec)
- Number of routes found and ranking
- Quality of the routes (stability, E2E rate delay
94Performance Metrics for Routing Components
- Component selection how to evaluate and compare
different components under different environments
(Network topology, Traffic scenario, Mobility
profile, Link states)? - Meaningful Component Metrics are crucial for
components performance evaluation, comparison,
selection - Finer metrics than System Performance Metrics
(Latency, Throughput, Packet Loss Ratio) - Statistics can be collected during network
95Performance Metrics for Routing Components (cont)
- Route Discovery Component Metrics
- 1. Percentage of Route Discovery Failure
(DPDF) - RREQ Unreplied / Total RREQ Initialized
- 2. Route Discovery Inefficiency Ratio (DOIR)
- Total Routing Discovery Traffic Rcvd /
RREQ Replied - 3. Percentage of Route Cache Hit for High
Layer Data Packet (DPCH) - Cache Hit Data Packet from High Layer /
Total Data Packet from High Layer - 4. Percentage of Cached RREP (DPCR)
- Cached RREP Generated/ Total RREP
Generated - 5. Average Delay for Route Discovery (DDRD)
- Accumulated Delay Time / RREQ Replied
- Topology Database Maintenance Component Metrics
- 1. Overhead of Topology Database Maintenance
(TODM) - Total Control Packet Traffic Introduced
by Topology Database Maintenance / - Data Packet Reaching Destination
96Performance Metrics for Routing Components (cont)
- Route Maintenance Component Metrics
- Percentage of Data Packet Reaching Destination
Aided by Route Maintenance (MPDA) - Data Packet Reaching Destination Aided by
Route Maintenance / Data Packet Reaching
Destination - 2. Average Overhead of Route Maintenance (MORM)
- Total Control Traffic Introduced by Route
Maintenance / Data Packet Reaching Destination
Aided by Route Maintenance - 3. Percentage of Route Maintenance Success
(MPMS) - Data Packet Reaching Destination Aided by
Route Maintenance / Data Packet Attempting
Route Maintenance - Packet Forwarding Component Metrics
- Percentage of Failed Forwarding (FPFF)
- Failed Data Packet Forwarding between hops/
Data Packet Forwarding between hops - 2. Percentage of Failed Forwarding Detected by
Soliciting Data Packet Forwarding (FPFD) - Detection of Failed Data Packet Forwarding
between hops / Failed Data Packet Forwarding
between hops - 3. Average End to End Delay for Packet Forwarding
(FDPF) - Accumulated End to End Delay / End to End Data
Packet Forwarding
97Performance of ComponentsRoute Discovery
- Four instantiations
- TTL based flooding nexthop storage (AODV like)
- TTL based flooding path storage
- Network flooding nexthop storage
- Network flooding path storage (DSR like)
- Metrics (key to evaluating components)
- Path Discovery Failure, Path Discovery Overhead
(Efficiency) - Impact of cached routes (data pkt cache hit, RREP
generated by cache) - Quality of paths (avg hops, avg src-dst
connectivity ) - Path Discovery Latency
98Performance of Components Route Discovery
- Simulation setup
- - 100 nodes move in area 5x5 km
- - Mobility Model Random way point, mobility
- speed varied at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100
- meters/second. Pause time is 0.
- - Traffic Mode data packet arrivals as Poisson
- process, with mean interarrival time 0.5,
1, 1.5 - and 2 seconds. Packet length is randomly
set as - exponential (1024).
99Performance of Components Route Discovery (cont)
1. Path Storage vs Neighbor Storage
- Path Discovery Overhead Average number of
routing packets received / each RREQ replied
- Path Discovery Failure Ratio Portion of
unreplied RREQs to total RREQs generated
Path Discovery Overhead
Path Discovery Failure Ratio
Mobility speed (m/s)
Mobility speed (m/s)
- Path Storage contributes to
- reduce Path Discovery Overhead (Inefficiency)
- decrease Path Discovery Failure
100Correlation Between System Metrics and Component
- How component influences system performance?
- Analyze correlation between values of component
metrics and system metrics. - Detach system metrics (e.x End to End Delay) to
percentage of each components metrics(e.x Path
Discovery Delay). - Figure out bottleneck component.
- Trace Data Packet
- Differentiate each component .
- Record component metrics value.
101Packet Registration Table
- Create registration table for each component.
- Route Discovery Component Pkt_Enroll_Route_Disc.
- Route Maintenance Component Pkt_Enroll_Route_Main
t. - Data Packet Forwarding Pkt_Enroll_Data_Forward.
- Topology Database Maintenance Pkt_Enroll_Topo_Mai
Route Discovery Component
Register to
Route Maintenance Component
Data Pkt
Topology Database Component
Packet Forwarding Component
102Route Discovery Delay vs End to End Delay
- Network Topology 20 nodes in 2 x 2 km.
- Traffic Mode Data Traffic (12,000 bytes/sec)
- Voice Traffic (57,000
bytes/sec) - Video Traffic (698,000 bytes/sec)
- Mobility Random way point, mobility speed varied
at 0, 15 and 30 meters/second. Pause time is 0.
103Route Discovery Delay vs End to End Delay (cont.)
Video Traffic (698,000 bytes/sec)
Proportion of Route Discovery Delay to E2E Delay
Mobility Speed (meters/sec)
0 15 30
- As mobility speed is increased, Route Discovery
Delay has higher proportion of End to End Delay.
104Route Discovery Delay vs End to End Delay (cont.)
Mobility Speed 15 meters/sec
Proportion of Route Discovery Delay to E2E Delay
data voice video
Traffic Type (Bit Rate)
- As bit rate is increased, Route Discovery Delay
has higher proportion of End to End Delay.
105Route Discovery Delay vs End to End Delay (cont.)
Proportion of Route Discovery Delay to E2E Delay
0 15 30
data voice video
- Generally, proportion of Route Discovery Delay
will be increased along with increasing bit rate
and mobility speed.
- Networks
- Constrained Coalitional Games
- Iterative Dynamics on Graph
- Trust and Collaboration
- Direct and Indirect Trust Computation
- Component Based Networking
- Network Design and Trade-offs
107MANET Network Design-Dimensioning
Fundamental Trade-Off Benefits vs Cost of
- Formal Hybrid Models (Component Based Networking)
- Performance Models (Rates Throughput, packet
losses, delays) - Sensitivity Computation and Trade offs (Automatic
Differentiation / Infinitesimal Perturbation
Analysis / Cross Entropy) - and UMD CONSOL-OPTCAD, ILOG CPLEX-SOLVER
Performance Metrics and sensitivities
AD/IPA/CE processor
Topology-Mobility Traffic patterns and
matrix Network Conditions QoS
Protocol components Design parameters and
Performance Models
Multi-objective designer/optimizer
CBN Formal Models
Routing Protocol MAC Protocol Flow Control