Title: Project Presentation for ECE 1528
1Information Theory Of Large Networks
The Capacity of Wireless Networks Towards an
Information Theory of Large Networks An
Achievable Rate Region P. Gupta and P.R. Kumar
Project Presentation for ECE 1528 Multiuser
Information Theory Presented by Rani Daher
April 5, 2007
- Bounds for arbitrary and random networks
- Achievable rate region for a single
source-destination pair
- Application to the AWGN Channel
- Extension to multiple source-destination pairs
- Conclusion and possible extensions
3Definitions (Networks, Models, Capacities)
- Arbitrary Networks v/s Random Networks
- Transport Capacity v/s Throughput Capacity
4Arbitrary Networks Upper Bound
5Arbitrary Networks Lower Bound
- Node placement to achieve Transport capacity of
6Random Networks Lower Bound
- Introduce a Voronoi Tessellation with some
eccentricity properties
- Derive a bound on the number of interfering cells
- Choose sources and destinations i.i.d., routes
are defined to be straight lines
- Prove that each cell contains one node whp using
the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Theorem -gt routing is
- Bound the number of lines crossing each cell
7Random Networks Upper Bound
8Achievable Region for Source-Destination Pair
- Setting Network of n nodes over a V-DMC. Xji
is the transmitted symbol, YjI the received
symbol. U source-destination pairs (su,du). XF
some side information.
9Achievable Rate Region
- Rate region translated into
for m M-1, M-2,,0
10Block Markov Encoding Generation of Codebooks
- Codebooks are generated randomly and the
codebook of each level depends on the indexes of
greater levels
11Random Partitions
- Use a nested set of random partitions in order
to use the random binning argument
- The source sends the index wi it wishes to
- Backward estimates are obtained by joint
typicality - Forward estimates are obtained by set inclusion
- An error is declared if, in either cases, no
index is found, or more than one index is found.
14Error Probability (1)
- Three sources of error
- Transmissions not Jointly Typical
- Failure to estimate 1-step backward
- Failure to estimate k-steps backward
15Error Probability (2)
- First the probability of error for each block is
bounded given that all previous blocks are
decoded correctly
- 1) is bounded by e by joint typicality for b
large enough
- 2) is bounded by e if the following holds
- 3) is bounded by e if the following holds
- Thus the total probability of error is e
16AWGN Channel
- Modified codebook construction due to power
- The total power constraints are satisfied and
the achievable region for AWGN without fading is
obtained by replacing the expression for the
mutual information in the derived region by the
corresponding value
- For the fading case with CSIR, the power
expression is normalized by the channel gains and
the expected value of each of the terms now
define the new rate region - For the CSIT case, similar normalization is
required and the expected value is over the CSI
17Multiple Source-Destination Pairs and Transport
- Scheduling variable Q is introduced
- Each pair has a flowgraph
- Achievable region is the expected value over Q
of the previous region. Note that the successive
ordering should be preserved (similarly to a
degraded channel)
- Practically, the transport capacity becomes the
rates for each source-destination pair multiplied
by the distance traversed by the bits.
18Feasibility of T(n) Transport Capacity
- Specific placement of nodes that can achieve a
transport capacity on the order of n
- This configuration achieves T(n) bits-meter per
19Conclusion and Future Projections
- Derived a rate region for a single
source-destination pair which they apply to the
Gaussian Channel and extend to multiple pairs
- This region includes that of many known channels
- Problem of applicability and the quantification
of gains