Title: Welcome to Beck Elementary Third Grade
4th Grade Curriculum Night September 4, 2008
Mrs. Harris Math Ms. Mendoza Language
Arts Mr. Torres Science and Social
Studies Mrs. Sadberry Math Science Mrs.
Klinger Language Arts Social Studies
- Bulldog Folders
- Planners -- transportation changes in writing
- Webpages check frequently
- Blog us!
- Email / Phone Our contact information is on the
3Student Agenda Expectations(Planner)
- Planner signed dailyteacher parent
- Student will record assignments
- Parents note transportation changes
4Organization of Student Materials
- Binders
- Homework Folder
- Subject folders spirals classroom
5Grading Homework Guidelines
Homework check each teachers website for
policies District Policy for daily and test
grades www.nisdtx.org Grading Guidelines
6Grades Communication Access
Progress Reports Pinnacle Grade Book Parent
Access- www.nisdtx.org Grades On-Line
8Language Arts
Mrs. Klinger
Ms. Mendoza
- Reading Reading Workshop, novels, Bluebonnet
Books, genre studies, skills/strategies,
fluency, comprehension, vocabulary - independent readers / Reading to Learn
- English proofreading, sentence structure,
grammar, mechanics and conventions,
Writers Workshop - Spelling Johnny Can Spell systematic
phonetic based program, district wide
adoption - www.nine-enterprises.com
9Language Arts cont.
Writing different modes, six traits, writing
process, prewriting strategies, Thinking Maps,
editing revising, integrated in all
curricular areas Writing assessments Fall /
Spring Beck Writing portfolios (writing
stays in classroom)
10Social Studies
Mrs. Klinger Mr. Torres
Its All About TEXAS!!!
Geography Citizenship Government History Economics
Culture Technology
Mrs. Harris Mrs. Sadberry
- Read, write, compare whole numbers, decimals, and
fractions - Add, subtract, multiply facts fluently and
efficiently - Problem solving add, subtract, multiply and
divide larger numbers - Describe patterns and relationships in data
- Use formal geometric language to describe 2-D and
3-D shapes - Identify symmetry and congruency using
transformations - Find and locate numbers on a number line
- Use measurement in problem solving situations
- Create and use graphs, table and data to solve
problems - Find and apply math in everyday situations
- Use logical reasoning
- TAKS Test
Mrs. Sadberry Mr. Torres
Physical Science---States of matter, density,
buoyancy, mass, conduction, and
solubility. Earth Science---Patterns of change
such as weather, metamorphosis, growth, erosion,
and weathering. Properties of soil including
texture, capacity to retain water, and the
ability to support life. Effects of the oceans on
the land sun as the major source of energy for
earth the suns role in the growth of plants,
creation of winds, and the water cycle. Life
Science---Compare adaptive characteristics of
various species and those that may help increase
the survival of a species. Inherited traits and
learned characteristics between offspring and
parents. Identify and describe roles of different
organisms in living systems.
13Attack the TAKS
- Writing March 3, 2009
- Math April 28, 2009
- Reading April 29, 2009
- Parent volunteer forms available
- Background check / forms from office
Cori Harris www.mharris02_at_nisdtx.org Ann
Klinger www.aklinger_at_nisdtx.org Kim
Sadberry www.ksadberry_at_nisdtx.org Samuel
Torres www.storres_at_nisdtx.org Mary
Mendoza www.mmendoza_at_nisdtx.org
- Beck Webpage
- www.nisdtx.org
- Select Beck Elem. from select a school drop
down menu - Access teacher webpages / Staff
16Thank you so much for spending this time with us!
We are looking forward to a great year. Cori
Harris, Ann Klinger, Mary Mendoza, Kim Sadberry,
Sam Torres