Reasoning with Logic Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reasoning with Logic Programming


To provide a logic programming integrated framework and working system, for ... Classical complies with the 'excluded middle' principle (i.e. F v F is tautological) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Reasoning with Logic Programming

Reasoning with Logic Programming
  • Luís Moniz Pereira
  • José Júlio Alferes

  • To provide a logic programming integrated
    framework and working system, for representing
    knowledge and reason about classical AI topics
    and applications, such as
  • taxonomies
  • hypothetical reasoning
  • abduction
  • paraconsistent reasoning
  • revision
  • diagnosis

  • Overview of Logic Programs semantics
  • Explicit negation semantics
  • Paraconsistency
  • Methodology for KR in LP
  • Proof procedures
  • Belief revision and abduction

LP forKnowledge Representation
  • Due to its declarative nature, LP has become a
    prime candidate for Knowledge Representation and
  • This has been more noticeable since its relations
    to other NMR formalisms were established
  • For this usage of LP, a precise declarative
    semantics was in order

  • A Normal Logic Programs P is a set of rules
  • H ??A1, , An, not B1, not Bm (n,m ? 0)
  • where H, Ai and Bj are atoms
  • Literal not Bj are called default literals
  • When no rule in P has default literal, P is
    called definite
  • The Herbrand base HP is the set of all
    instantiated atoms from program P.
  • We will consider programs as possibly infinite
    sets of instantiated rules.

Declarative Programming
  • A logic program can be an executable
    specification of a problem

member(X,XY). member(X,YL) ? member(X,L).
  • Easier to program, compact code
  • Adequate for building prototypes
  • Given efficient implementations, why not use it
    to program directly?

LP and Deductive Databases
  • In a database, tables are viewed as sets of
  • Flight(lisbon,adam)
  • Flight(lisbon,london)
  • Flight(lisbon, munich)
  • Flight(munich,dresden)
  • Other relations are represented with rules
  • Connection(A,B) if flight(A,B).
  • Connection(A,B) if flight(A,C), connection(C,B).
  • chooseAnother(A,B) if not connection(A,B).

Default Rules
  • The representation of default rules, such as
  • All birds fly
  • can be done via the non-monotonic operator not
  • Flies(A) if bird(A), not abnormal(A).
  • Bird(P) if penguin(P)
  • Abnormal(P) if penguin(P)
  • Bird(a)
  • Penguin(p).

The need for a semantics
  • In all the previous examples, classical logic is
    not an appropriate semantics
  • In the 1st, it does not derive not
  • In the 2nd, it never concludes choosing another
  • In the 3rd, all abnormalities must be expressed
  • The precise definition of a declarative semantics
    for LPs is recognized as an important issue for
    its use in KRR.

2-valued Interpretations
  • A 2-valued interpretation I of P is a subset of
  • A is true in I (ie. I(A) 1) iff A ? I
  • Otherwise, A is false in I (ie. I(A) 0)

3-valued Interpretations
  • A 3-valued interpretation I of P is a set
  • I T U not F
  • where T and F are disjoint subsets of HP
  • A is true in I iff A ? T
  • A is false in I iff A ? F
  • Otherwise, A is undefined (I(A) 1/2)
  • 2-valued interpretations are a special case,
  • HP T U F

  • Models can be defined via an evaluation function
  • For an atom A, Î(A) I(A)
  • For a formula F, Î(not F) 1 - Î(F)
  • For formulas F and G
  • Î((F,G)) min(Î(F), Î(G))
  • Î(F ? G) 1 if Î(G) ? Î(F), and 0 otherwise

Minimal Models Semantics
  • The idea of this semantics is to minimize
    positive information. What is implied as true by
    the program is true everything else is
    false. ableMathematician(X) if
    physicist(X) physicist(einstein) president(sam
  • pr(s),pr(e),ph(s),ph(e),aM(s),aM(e) is a model
  • Lack of information that sampaio is a physicist,
    should indicate that he isnt
  • The minimal model is pr(s),ph(e),aM(e)

Minimal Models Semantics
  • Truth ordering For interpretations I and J, I ?
    J iff for all atom A, I(A) ? J(A), i.e.
  • TI ? TJ and FI ? FJ

TP operator
  • The minimal models of a definite P can be
    computed (bottom-up) via operator TP

On Minimal Models
  • SLD can be used as a proof procedure for the
    minimal models semantics
  • If the is a SLD-derivation for A, then A is true
  • Otherwise, A is false
  • The semantics does not apply to normal programs
  • p ? not q has two minimal models
  • p and q
  • There is no least model !

Stable Models definition
Problems with SMs
  • Dont provide a meaning to every program
  • P a ? not a has no stable models
  • Its non-cumulative and non-relevant
  • The only SM is not a, c, b

a ? not b c ? not a b ? not a c ? not c
  • However b is not true in P U c (non-cumulative)
  • P U c has 2 SMs not a, b, c and a, not b,
  • b is not true in Relb(P) (non-relevance)
  • The rules in Relb(P) are the 2 on the left
  • Relb(P) has 2 SMs not a, b and a, not b

Problems with SMs (cont)
  • Its computation is NP-Complete
  • The intersection of SMs is non-supported

a ? not b c ? a b ? not a c ? b
Well Founded Semantics
  • Defined in GRS90, generalizes SMs to 3-valued
  • Note that
  • there are programs with no fixpoints of ?
  • but all have fixpoints of ?2

P a ? not a
  • ?(a) and ?() a
  • There are no stable models

Partial Stable Models
P a ? not a, has a single PSM
This program has 3 PSMs , a, not b and c,
b, not a The 3rd corresponds to the single SM
a ? not b c ? not a b ? not a c ? not c
WFS definition
Well Founded Semantics
  • Let M be the well founded model of P
  • A is true in P iff A ? M
  • A is false in P iff not A ? M
  • Otherwise (i.e. A ? M and not A ? M) A is
    undefined in P

WFS Properties
  • Every program is assigned a meaning
  • Every PSM extends one SM
  • If WFM is total it coincides with the single SM
  • It is sound wrt to the SMs semantics
  • If P has stable models and A is true (resp.
    false) in the WFM, it is also true (resp. false)
    in the intersection of SMs

More WFS Properties
  • The WFM is supported
  • WFS is cumulative and relevant
  • Its computation is polynomial (on the number of
    instantiated rules of P)
  • There are top-down proof-procedures, and sound
  • these are mentioned in the sequel

Extended LPs
  • In Normal LPs all the negative information is
    implicit. Though thats desired in some cases
    (e.g. the database with flight connections),
    sometimes an explicit form of negation is needed
    for Knowledge Representation
  • Penguins dont fly could be noFly(X) ?
  • This does not relate fly(X) and noFly(X) in
  • fly(X) ? bird(X)
  • noFly(X) ? penguin(X)

Extended LP motivation
  • is also needed in bodies
  • Someone is guilty if is not innocent
  • cannot be represented by guilty(X) ? not
  • This would imply guilty in the absence of
    information about innocent
  • Instead, guilty(X) ? innocent(X) only implies
    guilty(X) if X is proven not to be innocent
  • The difference between not p and p is essential
    whenever the information about p cannot be
    assumed to be complete

ELP motivation (cont)
  • allows for greater expressivity
  • If youre not sure that someone is not innocent,
    then further investigation is needed
  • Can be represented by
  • investigate(X) ? not innocent(X)
  • extends the relation of LP to other NMR
    formalisms. E.g
  • it can represent default rules with negative
    conclusions and pre-requisites, and positive
  • it can represent normal default rules

Explicit versus Classical
  • Classical complies with the excluded middle
    principle (i.e. F v F is tautological)
  • This makes sense in mathematics
  • What about in common sense knowledge?
  • A is the the opposite of A.
  • The excluded middle leaves no room for

The excluded middle implies that every X is
either hired or rejected It leaves no room for
those about whom further information is need to
determine if they are qualified
hire(X) ? qualified(X) reject(X) ? qualified(X)
ELP Language
  • An Extended Logic Program P is a set of rules
  • L0 ??L1, , Lm, not Lm1, not Bn (n,m ? 0)
  • where the Li are objective literals
  • An objective literal is an atoms A or its
    explicit negation A
  • Literals not Lj are called default literals
  • The Extended Herbrand base HP is the set of all
    instantiated objective literals from program P
  • We will consider programs as possibly infinite
    sets of instantiated rules.

ELP Interpretations
  • An interpretation I of P is a set
  • I T U not F
  • where T and F are disjoint subsets of HP and
  • L ? T ? L ? F (Coherence Principle)
  • i.e. if L is explicitly false, it must be
    assumed false by default
  • I is total iff HP T U F
  • I is consistent iff ? L L, L ? T
  • In total consistent interpretations the Coherence
    Principle is trivially satisfied

The coherence principle
  • Generalizing WFS in the same way yields
    unintuitive results

pacifist(X) ? not hawk(X) hawk(X) ? not
pacifist(X) pacifist(a)
  • Using the same method the WFS is pacifist(a)
  • Though it is explicitly stated that a is
    non-pacifist, not pacifist(a) is not assumed, and
    so hawk(a) cannot be concluded.
  • Coherence is not satisfied...
  • Coherence must be imposed

Imposing Coherence
  • Coherence is L ? T ? L ? F, for objective L
  • According to the WFS definition, everything is
    false that doesnt belong to ?(T)
  • To impose coherence, when applying ?(T) simply
    delete all rules for the objective complement of
    literals in T

If L is explicitly true then when computing
undefined literals forget all rules with head L
WFSX definition
WFSX example
Ps pacifist(X) ? not hawk(X), not
pacifist(X) hawk(X) ? not pacifist(X ), not
hawk(X) pacifist(a) ? not pacifist(a)
pacifist(b) ? not pacifist(b)
T0 ?s(T0) p(a),p(a),h(a),p(b),h(b) T1
p(a) ?s(T1) p(a),h(a),p(b),h(b) T2
p(a),h(a) T3 T2
P pacifist(X) ? not hawk(X) hawk(X) ? not
pacifist(X) pacifist(a) pacifist(b)
Properties of WFSX
  • Complies with the coherence principle
  • Coincides with WFS in normal programs
  • It is supported, cumulative, and relevant
  • Its computation is polynomial
  • It has sound implementations (cf. below)

Inconsistent programs
  • Some ELPs have no WFM. E.g. a ???a ?
  • What to do in these cases?
  • Explosive approach everything follows from
  • taken by answer-sets
  • gives no information in the presence of
  • Belief revision approach remove contradiction by
    revising P
  • computationally expensive
  • Paraconsistent approach isolate contradiction
  • efficient
  • allows to reason about the non-contradictory part

WFSXp definition
  • The paraconsistent version of WFSX is obtained by
    dropping the requirement that T and F are
    disjoint, i.e. dropping T ? ?Ps(T)

SLXProof procedure for WFSXp
  • SLX (SL with eXplicit negation) is a top-down
    procedure for WFSXp
  • Here we only present an AND-trees
  • The proof procedure details are in AP96
  • Is similar to SLDNF
  • Nodes are either successful or failed
  • Resolution with program rules and resolution of
    default literals by failure of their complements
    are as in SLDNF
  • In SLX, failure doesnt mean falsity. It simply
    means non-verity (i.e. false or undefined)

Success and failure
  • A finite tree is successful if its root is
    successful, and failed if its root is failed
  • The status of a node is determined by
  • A leaf labeled with an objective literal is
  • A leaf with true is successful
  • An intermediate node is successful if all its
    children are successful, and failed otherwise
    (i.e. at least one of its children is failed)

Negation as Failure?
  • As in SLS, to solve infinite positive recursion,
    infinite trees are (by definition) failed
  • Can a NAF rule be used?

  • This is the basis of SLX. It defines
  • T-Trees for proving truth
  • TU-Trees for proving truth or undefinedness

T and TU-trees
  • They differ in that literals involved in
    recursion through negation, and so undefined in
    WFSXp, are failed in T-Trees and successful in

a ? not b b ? not a
Explicit negation in SLX
  • -literals are treated as atoms
  • To impose coherence, the semi-normal program is
    used in TU-trees

a ? not b b ? not a a
Explicit negation in SLX (2)
  • In TU-trees L also fails if L succeeds true
  • I.e. if not L fails as true-or-undefined

not a
c ? not c b ? not c b a ? b
Paraconsistent example
b ? not a a a
T and TU-trees definition
Success and Failure
Properties of SLX
  • SLX is sound and (theoretically) complete wrt
  • Even ignoring rules concerning explicit negation,
    SLX is sound and (theoretically) complete wrt
  • See AP96 for the definition of a refutation
    procedure based on the AND-trees
    characterization, and for all proofs and details

Infinite trees example
Negative recursion example
Guaranteeing termination
  • The method is not effective, because of loops
  • To guarantee termination in ground programs
  • Local ancestors of node n are literals in the
    path from n to the root, exclusive of n
  • Global ancestors are assigned to trees
  • the root tree has no global ancestors
  • the global ancestors of T, a subsidiary tree of
    leaf n of T, are the global ancestors of T plus
    the local ancestors of n
  • global ancestors are divided into those occurring
    in T-trees and those occurring in TU-trees

Pruning rules
  • For cyclic positive recursion

Pruning rules (2)
Other sound rules
Pruning examples
a ? not b b ? not a a
c ? not c b ? not c b a ? b
not a
Simple diagnosis example
inv(G,I,0) ? node(I,1), not ab(G). inv(G,I,1) ?
node(I,0), not ab(G). node(b,V) ?
inv(g1,a,V). node(a,1). node(b,0). Fault
model inv(G,I,0) ? node(I,0), ab(G). inv(G,I,1) ?
node(I,1), ab(G).
The only revision is P U ab(g1) ? u It does
not conclude node(b,1).
2-valued Revision
  • In diagnosis one often wants the IC
  • ab(X) v not ab(X) ?
  • With these ICs (that are not denials), 3-valued
    revision is not enough.
  • A two valued revision is obtained by adding facts
    for revisables, in order to remove contradiction.
  • For 2-valued revision the algorithm no longer

? ? p. ? ? a. ? ? b, not c. p ? not a, not b.
The only support is not a, not b. Removals are
not a and not b.
  • In 2-valued revision
  • some removals must be deleted
  • the process must be iterated.

Algorithm for 2-valued revision
  • Let Revs
  • For every element R of Revs
  • Add it to the program and compute removal sets.
  • Remove R from Revs
  • For each removal set RS
  • Add R U not RS to Revs
  • Remove non-minimal sets from Revs
  • Repeat 2 and 3 until reaching a fixed point of
  • The revisions are the elements of the final Revs.

Example of 2-valued revision
? ? p. ? ? a. ? ? b, not c. p ? not a, not b.
Rev1 a, b
Rev2 b
Rev3 b,c
  • Choose . Removal sets of P U are not a
    and not b. Add them to Rev.
  • Choose a. P U a has no removal sets.
  • Choose b. The removal set of P U b is not
    c. Add b, c to Rev.
  • Choose b,c. The removal set of P U b,c is
    . Add b, c to Rev.
  • The fixed point had been reached. P U b,c is
    the only revision.

  • The algorithm with various optimizations had been
    implemented - REVISE system.
  • Revise also has
  • The possibility of defining a partial ordering of
    preferences among revisables.
  • Associate probabilities to revisables.
  • Also computes revisions with minimal cardinality.
  • Optimizations include
  • Pruning of the search space.
  • Making use of preferences and probabilities.

Revision and Diagnosis
  • In model based diagnosis one has
  • a program P with the model of a system (the
    correct and, possibly, incorrect behaviors)
  • a set of observations O inconsistent with P (or
    not explained by P).
  • The diagnoses of the system are the revisions of
    P U O.
  • Weve shown how to perform mixed consistency and
    abduction based diagnosis.

Diagnosis Example
Diagnosis Program
Observables obs(out(inpt0, c1),
0). obs(out(inpt0, c2), 0). obs(out(inpt0, c3),
0). obs(out(inpt0, c6), 0). obs(out(inpt0, c7),
0). obs(out(nand, g22), 0). obs(out(nand, g23),
Connections conn(in(nand, g10, 1), out(inpt0,
c1)). conn(in(nand, g10, 2), out(inpt0,
c3)). conn(in(nand, g23, 1), out(nand,
g16)). conn(in(nand, g23, 2), out(nand, g19)).
Predicted and observed values cannot be
different ?? obs(out(G, N), V1), val(out(G, N),
V2), V1 ? V2.
Value propagation val( in(T,N,Nr), V ) ? conn(
in(T,N,Nr), out(T2,N2) ), val( out(T2,N2), V
). val( out(inpt0, N), V ) ? obs( out(inpt0, N),
V ).
Normal behavior val( out(nand,N), V ) ? not
ab(N), val( in(nand,N,1), W1), val( in(nand,N,2),
W2), nand_table(W1,W2,V).
Abnormal behavior val( out(nand,N), V ) ?
ab(N), val( in(nand,N,1), W1), val( in(nand,N,2),
W2), and_table(W1,W2,V).
Diagnosis Example
, and ab(g16),ab(g22)
Revision are
, ab(g19)
Abduction as Revision
  • For abductive queries
  • Declare as revisable all the abducibles
  • If the abductive query is Q, add the IC
  • ? ? not Q
  • The revision of the program are the abductive
    solutions of Q.

Bibliography (1)
  • Most of the work covered by this course is
    detailed in
  • AP96 J.J. Alferes and L.M. Pereira. Reasoning
    with Logic Programming. Springer LNAI 1111, 1996
  • See references there for the original definitions
  • For more on semantics of normal LPs see
  • PP90 H. Przymusinska and T. Przymusinski.
    Semantic issues in deductive databases and logic
    programs. In R. Banerji ed, Formal Techniques in
    AI, a Sourcebook. North Holland, 1990
  • For more on derivation procedures
  • AB94 K. Apt and R. Bol. Logic Programming and
    Negation A survey. In Journal of L.P., 1994

Bibliography (2)
  • For more on LP for KRR
  • BG94 C. Baral and M. Gelfond. Logic Programming
    and Knowledge Representation. In Journal of L.P.,
  • For relation with NMR e structural properties
  • BDK97 G. Brewka, J. Dix and K. Konolige.
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning an overview. CSLI
    Publications, 1997
  • More on our LP belief revision approach in
  • ADP95 J. J. Alferes and C. V. Damásio and L. M.
    Pereira, A Logic Programming System for
    Non-monotonic Reasoning, Journal of Automated
    Reasoning (14), 1995

Bibliography (3)
  • For more on LP update
  • MT96 V. Marek and M. Truszczynski. Revision
    specifications by means of programs. In JELIA94,
    Springer LNAI 838, 1994
  • ALPPP98 J.J. Alferes, J. Leite, L.M. Pereira,
    H. Przymusinska and T. Przymusinski. Dynamic
    Logic Programming. In KR98, Morgan Kaufmann,
  • Another good entry point for these questions is
  • DPP97 J. Dix, L.M. Pereira, T. Przymusinski.
    Prolegomena to Logic Programming and
    Non-Monotonic Reasoning. In Non-Monotonic
    Extensions of Logic Programming. Springer LNAI
    1216, 1997
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