Title: MGMT 7061 Leading HighPerformance Teams
1MGMT 7061 Leading High-Performance Teams At A
Article Reviews Due
Team Project Presentations Due
One-Page Process Analysis Due
- Introduction
- Syllabus
- map
- Preface and Chapter 1
- General discussion of course
- High-Performance Team Wheel
- The Nine Dimensions
- Positives
- Drifts
- Chapters 3 and 4
- Leading High-Performance Teams
- Chapter 9
- Team Leadership Assessment???
Headspace Adjustment
- Team Skills and Knowledge Matrix Learning Plans
- Chapter 7
- Appendix 6
- The Individual in the Team
- Individuals and
- individual
- differences
- Team roles
- Kolbs LSI?
- Chapter 2
Written Component of Final Project
Due. Co-authored paper includes team reflection.
- Team Problem-Solving, Decision-Making and Action
Planning - Chapter 5
- Synectics CPS
- The World of Teams
- Examples / types
- Theory
- Principles
- Assumptions
- and Myths
- Studying Teams
Team Initiatives Due
- Making Teams Work Feedback and Coaching
- Appendix 7
- Real-Time Case Studies
- Tying It All Together
- Chapter 10
- Participative Goal-Setting and Team
Self-Management - Chapter 8
- Goal-Setting and Planning Exercise
Diagnosing Teams
Closing Ceremonies
- Team Work Developing the Team Charter
- Chapter 6
Set up project teams and conduct preliminary
Course Critique as a Group
Team Interventions
Critique and Reflection
Course / Instructor Evaluations
Week 1
Week 3
Week 5
Week 4
- Teams As Systems
- Systems Thinking
- Systemic Nature
- of Teams
- Teams as
- learning systems
Week 7
Team Time
Notes 1. Agreed that priority for evening of
the 13th would be team initiatives. 2. Agreed
that class members were to take and score the TCI
before class on the 13th. To be discussed
on the 13th, time permitting. 3. Decision yet to
be made on continuing in current teams for 2nd
project (see 7, below). 4. No agreement on due
date for journal article review, but proposed for
the 27th. 5. No agreement on actual
presentations to class on journal articles.
Class can choose, but one-page summaries required
as of accepted due date. 6. Major change is
deletion of Assessment 3 (team analysis) with
points allotted to other assessment. To what and
how much needs to be agreed. 7. Result of six,
above, is that Assessment 4 will be modified to
include three parts presentation in class and a
written component (report) that includes team
reflection on working together on the project
(and, perhaps, across the term). 7. Written
component of Final Project may be submitted by 16
Individual Reflective Papers Due 23 June
Reflection and reflective journal writing
Week 2
Week 6
Revised and Updated on 6 May 08