Title: Probabilistic Modelling for Software Quality Control
1Probabilistic Modelling for Software Quality
- Paul J. Krause
- Philips Research Laboratories
- Surrey University
Norman Fenton Martin Neil Agena Ltd Queen
Mary, University of London
- Bad ways of predicting quality
- A better way - causal models
- A probabilistic causal model for defect
prediction - The tool in use
- Conclusions
3Can we predict Quality-In-Use?
- Typically informal assessments of critical
factors will be used during software development
to assess whether the end product is likely to
meet requirements - Complexity measures
- Process maturity
- Test results
4Using fault data to predict quality
- But does this work?
- Often an assumption is made that those modules or
components that have most faults during testing
will be most fault-prone post-release.
5Pre-release vs. post-release faults - actual
- This is what actually happened in a large scale
telecommunications project - At least two factors influence the number of
faults detected - number of faults actually present
- test effectiveness
- In this example, those components with the
highest number of pre-release faults were the
ones that had been most effectively tested.
Post-release faults
Pre-release faults
6The need for causal modelling
- Naïve regression models cannot be used to manage
a software development process - All relevant causal influences on the attribute
of interest need to be identified.
Defects Detected
7AID - Assess, Improve, Decide
- Comprehensive defect prediction model using
Bayesian network technology - Jointly developed between Agena Ltd and Philips
Research Labs, UK - Preliminary validations performed at PSC,
Bangalore in July 2000
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9Specification quality sub-net
staff quality
document quality
stakeholder involvement
internal resources
problem size
intrinsic complexity
resource effects
stability effects
specification quality
module size
new rqmnts effects
spec. defects
new rqmnts
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12Validation at PSC Bangalore
- Input
- Data collected from 41 projects from 3 Business
Divisions - Extensive data was available from 20 of these
13Median of Prediction 125 Actual Value
122 (but note the imprecision in the prediction)
14Example Project - independent test
Median of Prediction 30 Actual Value 31 (but
note the imprecision in the prediction)
15Validation at PSC, Bangalore
- Result
- High degree of consistency between the
predictions of the model and the defect data that
was collected - Caveats
- Insufficient data to provide measures of
significance of fit - Model not probably not suitable for handling the
large number of minor User Interface defects - Additional factors, not currently handled by AID,
are now becoming important as a result of the
move to distributed multi-site development
- Naïve regression models are inadequate for
managing quality of complex software products - Probabilistic causal models can provide richer,
more effective modelling tools - The AID tool makes available accurate (if
somewhat imprecise) predictions of software
defects at an early stage in product development - It can also be used to explore a range of what
if scenarios to help identify Process
Improvement actions