Title: Rainbows
2Colors of the Rainbow
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet
Sir Isaac Newton discovered the seven colors of
the spectrum red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, violet.
3What Causes a Rainbow?
Click on image to open link
4You can make your own rainbow.
While light looks white, it actually contains all
of the colors in the spectrum.
Click on image to open link
You can make a rainbow with your garden hose on
a sunny day.
5Primary and Secondary Rainbows
When sunlight enters a raindrop, part of it is
reflected from the inside. It is refracted when
entering and leaving the raindrop. This process,
repeated for a huge number of raindrops, produces
the primary rainbow. It has the red band on the
outer edge, which are long light waves and the
blue-to-violet on the inner edge which are short
light waves. Another bow is often seen outside
the primary rainbow and parallel to it. This
secondary rainbow is produced in a similar way,
but the sunlight is reflected twice before
emerging from the raindrop, so the color sequence
is reversed red is on the inside, and because
there is a loss of light with each reflection, it
is not as bright as the primary rainbow.
6Rainbow Legends
The legends of many cultures see the rainbow as a
kind of bridge between heaven and earth. The
idea that a pot of gold can be found at the
rainbow's end originated somewhere in old Europe.
The Wizard of Oz is considered a great American
fairy tale. The movie introduced the song,
Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Click on the
picture to hear Dorothy sing it.
7Some nice rainbow shots
- Lindén B., (July 7, 2005). Chitambo Clouds and
other meteorological phenomena. Retrieved Nov.
20, 2005, from Rainbows website http//www.chitam
bo.com/clouds/cloudshtml/rainbows.html - Cowley L., (November 11, 2005). Atmospheric
optics. Retrieved Nov. 20, 2005 from Rainbows
website http//www.sundog.clara.co.uk/rainbows/b
ows.htm - University of Nebraska Lincoln School of
Natural Resources, (n.d.). Rainbow Pictures.
Retrieved Nov. 20, 2005 from
http//snrs.unl.edu/amet351/graf/bowpics.html - Loy, J., What causes a rainbow?, (2000).
Retrieved Nov. 20, 2005 from http//www.jimloy.c
om/physics/rainbow0.htm - How stuff works, (n.d.). What causes a rainbow?
Retrieved Nov. 20, 2005 from http//science.hows
tuffworks.com/question41.htm - Andreas Wizard of Oz homepage. (1997). Sing
along with Dorothy. Retrieved Nov. 20, 2005
from http//home.att.net/wizardoz/overtherainbo