Title: Lasers and Laser Research at KFUPM
1SAICSC-ACS Technical Seminar
Lasers and Laser Research at KFUPM
Zain Yamani KFUPM-Physics
22-8-1426 26-9-2005
- Introduction
- What lasers are
- What their properties are
- Laser applications (in general)
- Laser Research at KFUPM
- Conclusions
LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission Radiation
Lasers were first invents in the late
1950saround 1958
Three level laser (applet)
5Properties of Laser
Highly Directional
Highly Directional ? High Intensity (albeit not
high power!!)
Lets do a rough calculation.. how much light
power falls on a door knob 10 meters away from a
hand held (5 milli-watt) laser, and compare it to
that due to a 100 watt lamp.
6Properties of Laser
Laser line width lt 1 GHz millionth of spectral
width of visible light (or better)
7Properties of Laser
Laser can be ideally focused ? high.. high..
high intensity!!
8Properties of Laser
Repetitive short pulses
average power repetition rate x pulse width x
peak power
1 watt
10 ns
10 Hz
Power (Mega-Watt)
Note pulse width not drawn to scale
Time (s)
9Laser Applications
Medical Applications
Cutting and Welding
Environmental Applications
Atomic Spectroscopy
Security and Defense
10Laser Applications
click here
11Laser Applications
12Laser Applications
13Laser Research _at_ KFUPM
- Research using laser technology
- Technical and educational services
- Training of graduate and undergraduate students
14Laser Research _at_ KFUPM
Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS)
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
Supersonic Jet Spectroscopy
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Molecular Dynamics
Photo-Induced Chemistry
15Oil Fingerprinting (spectroscopy)
- The problem
- oil dumping in the sea
- The need
- know which ship dumps the oil
- The solution fingerprint oils using remote
sensing technique (US patent 6,633,043)
Spectral Fingerprints of neat Saudi Marketed
Crude Oils Using the Patented Technique
Dr. Hegazi
16Oil Fingerprinting (spectroscopy)
Schematic diagram of the setup
17Oil Fingerprinting (spectroscopy)
18Oil Fingerprinting (spectroscopy)
- S. Aramco RD
- Deliberations
- Contract (2 years)
- Implementation of project (build fingerprint
database of oils build a finished product) - Progress (Phase 1)
Fingerprints of the same crude oils after
seawater weathering
Next generation of the technique enhanced
fingerprints for weathered oils
19Thin Films (sensors)
- Thin films gas sensors
- energy saving applications
- thin films thermal switches
- optics
Dr. Ayub et. al.
20Thin Films (sensors)
Energy Saving Applications
Dr. Al-Jalal Dr. Khan
22Photo-induced Chemistry Methane Cracking
- The problem methane utilization and
transportation hydrogen production - The need transform methane into ethane and
higher hydrocarbons plus hydrogen
Dr. Gondal et. al.
23Photo-induced Chemistry Methane Cracking
M. A. Gondal, Z. H. Yamani, M. A. Ali, A.
Al-Arfaj and M. A. Dastageer (2003) Method for
the conversion of methane into C2 and higher
hydrocarbons using UV laser US PTO, September
3, 2003, Application 10/653,055
24Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS)
25Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Detour ?
26Atmospheric pollution monitoring (LIDAR)
Another Detour ?
27I am sure I have all the time in the world, left!
Is there time for just one joke?
I hope I have been able to stimulate your
interest in knowing more about lasers and laser
research at KFUPM.
Basic and Applied Research is being conducted at
CAPS in the fields of spectroscopy, environmental
protection, petro-chemistry, thin films ...etc.
Much more than can be done when more scientists
become active in the field.
Researchers at CAPS welcome collaborative
projects and/ or exchange of experience or ideas
I acknowledge my past and current colleagues
including professors Gondal, Al-Adel, Klein, Dr.
Hameed, Mr. Hussain, Mr. Mastromarino, Mr.
Dastageer and the rest of the CAPS team.
KFUPM is gratefully acknowledged for its
continuous support.
Thank you for your attention..
wa assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!!
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35Laser Applications
Laser pointer and laser level
Construction and civil engineering
36Laser Applications
- Lasers used in Medical applications
- CO2 Laser
- Nd YAG Laser
- Ar Laser
- Dye Laser
Whats special about using lasers in medicine?
37Laser Applications
?????? ? ?????? ??????
?????? ? ?????? ?????
?????? ? ??????? ????????
?????? ? ???? ???????
?????? ? ????? ?????
38Laser Applications
??????? ?????? ?? ???? ????????? ? ?? ?????
????????? ? ???????
?????? ?? ???? ????????? (optical communication)
??? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? ?????!
39Laser Applications
40Laser Applications
?????? ? ????? ????????? ?? ??????? ???????
?????? ??????? ??????? 1- ????? ?????????
?????! 2- ???? ????? ???????? 3- ??? ???? ??????
??????????? ? ??????? ?? ???? ????? 4- ?? ????
???????? ??? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ?????????
???????????? ? ?? ???????? (?? ?????)
41Laser Applications
????? ????????? ??????? (laser bar code scanners)
42Laser Applications
?????? ??????? ??????
?????? ??????? ????????? (UPC)
?????? 2 ?? 5
43Laser Applications
44Laser Applications
45Laser Applications
Why use a laser in compact disks?
46Photo-induced Chemistry Methane Cracking