Title: Barriers to Democracy: Voter Accessibility in Minnesota
1Barriers to Democracy Voter Accessibility in
2Global Context of Voting
- Historical Context
- Why did we get involved
- The first survey
- The post-election survey
- Solutions
4Right to Vote
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Article XXI
- The will of the people shall be the basis of the
authority of government this will shall be
expressed in periodic and genuine elections which
shall be by universal and equal suffrage and
shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent
free voting procedures.
5Right to Vote
- Minnesota Constitution
- ARTICLE VII Section 1.
- Every person 18 years of age or more who has been
a citizen of the United States for three months
and who has resided in the precinct for 30 days
next preceding an election shall be entitled to
vote in that precinct.
6Recent Landmarks
- Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and
Handicapped Act 1984 - Requires polling places to be physically
accessible to people with disabilities - Americans with Disabilities Act 1990
- Provided for ballot and poll access for those
with disabilities - Help America Vote Act 2002
- Mandates that all polling places have at least
one disability-accessible voting device
7Why Voting? Why Courage?
What if you wanted to vote but the polling place
was locked? For many of the 33.7 million
Americans with disabilities of voting age, this
situation is all too real
8Why Voting? Why Courage?
- Courage Center is committed to advancing the
lives of children and adults experiencing
barriers to health and independence. - Empowering people to advocate for themselves,
friends, family and the whole community is
essential for moving Minnesota forward.
9Why Voting? Why Courage?
University of Arkansas Study
A study by researchers Kay Schriner and Douglas
Kruse shows that people with disabilities
eligible to vote are 20 percentage points less
likely than non-disabled people to do so.
10Why Voting? Why Courage?
Untapped Power of the Disability Vote
- If people with disabilities voted at the same
rate as the non-disabled, 10M more votes would
have been cast in the last Presidential election
- a major voting bloc. - Voting is power, and measuring the size of a
group's vote can significantly impact that
group's political muscle.
11The First Survey Development
- We developed the survey by reviewing the
literature and looking at common problems with
access. - We wanted to hit on all types of accessibility
including physical and social access
12The First Survey Data Collection
Conducted in March of 2008
- We distributed the survey through various
organizations, particularly utilizing the reach
of the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with
Disabilities - They were distributed in hard copy and by email
- We received 144 surveys
13First Survey Outcomes
By the numbers
- 97 of the respondents voted in Minnesota
- 90 voted at the polling place, 10 absentee
- 65 of the respondents knew that accessible
voting machines were available, but only 44 used
them - 64 of respondents knew that they could use an
absentee ballot, and 54 said they knew they
could request to always get an absentee ballot.
14First Survey Outcomes
Physical Barriers to Voting
- 26 of respondents reported that transportation
or parking were barriers to the polls - While the individual responses for physical
barriers were not high, 24 of respondents
reported at least one physical barrier to the
polls - Heavy doors, signage, curb cuts, steps, narrow or
obstructed paths, narrow doors, ramps, and
revolving doors were the biggest challenges
15First Survey Outcomes
Other Barriers to Voting
- 20 of respondents reported that providing
identification was a barrier to the polls - 11 of the respondents reported that election
judges had presented barriers to voting.
16However, we had more questions
- We didnt specify which election, so could not
say whether these were problems that had existed
at one time, or existed currently - We decided to repeat the survey after the 2008
elections to see what the experiences of were in
a Presidential year - We also wanted more information about where the
respondents lived, and more about their health
17New Survey
Completed this Summer
- We received 127 surveys, returned by individuals
who were eligible to vote in the 2008
Presidential elections. - The respondents had a wide range of disabilities,
18Breakdown of Disabilities
19Respondents were Statewide
20New Survey
How we vote
- 55 of the respondents were aware of accessible
voting machines - 31 of the respondents had used the accessible
voting machines - However, 10 reported that election judges being
unable to use the accessible voting machines was
a barrier to voting
21New Survey
Absentee Ballots
- 78 were aware that they could vote by absentee
ballot - Respondents had strong feelings about going to
the polls and voting - Overall distrust of absentee ballots, and whether
they would be counted
22Comments on Absentee Ballots
Comments Included
- They have to count my ballots if I come in
person, absentee ballots may not be counted. - Its traditional for me to vote in person.
- Why should I vote absentee? I have the right
to vote in person and shouldnt be forced to vote
23Comments on Absentee Ballots
- Because I want to participate in the process
Respondents wanted to be part of the social
experience as a member of the community, and
specifically to demonstrate that everyone votes. - Some eligible voters didnt know that they could
vote absentee, or found the absentee process
complicated or confusing.
24New Survey
Barriers Identified by Respondents
- 34 identified transportation, parking or drop
off problems as barriers to the polls
25New Survey
Barriers Identified by Respondents
- 35 identified physical barriers to the polls and
to voting.
26New Survey
Barriers Identified by Respondents
- Doors too heavy or difficult to open 17
- Lack of signage to accessible entrance 13
- Narrow or obstructed paths, in or outside of the
building 10 - Steps 9
- Lack of curb cuts at the voting site 9
- Doors that are too narrow 6
- Ramps too steep 3
- Revolving doors 2
27New Survey
Barriers Identified by Respondents
- 14 of the respondents identified the polling
staff as a barrier to voting (increase over last
survey) - Only 37 of the respondents were able to vote
without asking for help.
28New Survey
Barriers Identified by Respondents
- 8 reported that the need for identification was
a current barrier to voting - In one case, the voter lived in a group home, did
not have an ID, and didnt receive bills in the
mail so could not use those as ID. The staff at
the group home would not accompany the individual
to vote.
29What are the Solutions
Picture ID
We asked if needing a picture ID would be a
barrier to voting. 10 said that it would, and
cited the following problems
- Long lines
- Difficulty getting a picture ID
- Difficulty physically handling the ID
- Difficulty with transportation to get the ID
- Problem with losing the ID
30What are the Solutions
Assessment of the environment
- Is community transportation available throughout
the voting day? (not just work hours) - Are the judges trained and comfortable with the
voting machines?
31Poll Accessibility Checklist
- Are the doors (interior or exterior) too narrow
for wheelchairs? - Is there adequate parking and drop-off space near
the polling area? - Are there curb cuts at the voting sites?
- Are there narrow or obstructed paths inside or
outside of the building?
32Poll Accessibility Checklist
- Is the voting location and parking and drop off
areas clearly marked? - Are there steps between parking and the voting
location? - If there is a ramp, is it of appropriate grade?
- Are there heavy doors that must be opened?
- Are there revolving doors?
33Community Solutions
Rides to the Polls
- Pilot project in the Seven County Metro
- Multiple partners including MN Council of
Non-Profits, Merrick Inc. and Target - Driver recruitment entirely voluntary- 50
volunteers in total - Multiple ride options on Election Day including 6
fully accessible minivans - A total of 242 rides given on Nov 4th
34Community Solutions
Rides to the Polls
- Selected Stories and Quotes
- Thank you for you service today. I had a stroke
and this way the only way I could vote. - Accessible Service Curbside voting
Respectful Help One More Voice! A stronger
Democracy - Ming, originally from Shanghai, China and a new
citizen. Due to his physical disability he was
unable to get to his polling place independently.
He called for a ride and was picked up by a
volunteer driver at his senior citizen high rise
and was excited to vote for the first time.
35Innovative Solutions
Mobile Polling Teams
- The Australian Electoral Commission has mobile
polling teams that take portable polling places
to many eligible voters who are not able to get
to a polling place. - Mobile polling is carried out around Australia
during the 12 days before election day and on
election day.
36Innovative Solutions
Mobile Polling Teams
- Mobile polling teams visited hospitals and
nursing homes to enable patients and residents to
cast their vote. - In 2004 2,107 hospitals and nursing homes around
Australia were visited by a total of 445 mobile
polling teams in the days leading up to and
including election day.
37Innovative Solutions
Mobile Polling Teams
- The AEC used road, air and sea transport to visit
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
and their outstations, pastoral properties, small
towns, tourist resorts and mine sites - 43 mobile polling teams visited 382 remote
locations in the Northern Territory, Western
Australia, South Australia and Queensland
- Access to the polls is still a major issue for
individuals with disabilities - Action at the community and state level needs to
take place - An examination of the organizational set up of
elections needs to occur
39Thank You
- Courage Center
- www.couragecenter.org
- Nancy Flinn Christian Knights