Title: D. Jean Clandinin
1Reflective Journeys Attending to our Footprints
- D. Jean Clandinin
- Centre for Research for Teacher Education and
Development - University of Alberta
2Conversation One
- Narrative Reflective Practice
- Living, Telling, Retelling and Reliving Stories
3Three Narrative Conceptualizations Central to
Reflective Practice
- Teacher knowledge is experiential,
- embodied, emotional, moral,
- personal, practical.
4Three Narrative Conceptualizations Central to
Reflective Practice
- 2. A narrative view of life as stories we
- live and tell.
5Three Narrative Conceptualizations Central to
Reflective Practice
- 3. Education is a process of learning
- to tell and retell stories of
- teachers and students.
6Four terms living telling
retelling reliving to structure the
process of engaging in narrative reflective
7Learning to tell stories is difficult, risky
work. Retelling stories is even more difficult
than telling stories.
8In a fractured age, when cynicism is god, here is
a possible heresy we live by stories, we also
live in them. One way or another we are living
the stories planted in us early or along the
way, or we are also living the stories we planted
- knowingly or unknowingly - in ourselves. We
live stories that either give our lives meaning
or negate it with meaninglessness. If we change
the stories we live by, quite possibly we change
our lives (King, 2003, p. 153).
9Provocative Proposition
- Can we really learn to shift our stories?
10Conversation Two
- Considerations for Creating Pedagogical Spaces
for Narrative Reflective Practice
11Pedagogical SpacesArrogant Perception,
Loving Perception, World Travelling
12Pedagogical SpacesSpaces for Story Telling
and Story Retelling
13Pedagogical Spaces
- Over time
- Multiple activities
- Sharing within a sustained response community
- Works-in-progress
- Reading
14Pedagogical SpacesAsking questions that point
toward temporality, the personal, the social,
15Pedagogical SpacesTelling stories into
storied landscapes.
16Provocative Proposition
- Creating spaces for telling and retelling stories
is challenging.
17Conversation Three
- Considerations Around Sustaining Counterstories
- Wakefulness and Response
18SummonsRobert FrancisKeep me from going to
sleep too soonOr if I go to sleep too soonCome
wake me up. Come any hourOf night. Come
whistling up the road.Stomp on the porch. Bang
on the door.Make me get out of bed and comeAnd
let you in and light a light.Tell me the
northern lights are onAnd make me look. Or tell
me cloudsAre doing something to the moonThey
never did before, and show me.See that I see.
Talk to me tillIm half as wide awake as youAnd
start to dress wondering whyI ever went to bed
at all.Tell me the walking is superb.Not only
tell me but persuade me.You know Im not too
hard persuaded.
19Waking Up
- Waking up
- Response or inquiry communities
- Staying at it
20Waking Up
- Waking up
- The place of imagination
- Attending closely
- Slowing down
21A Response Community
- Found communities
- Communities of choice
22Staying At It
- Resistance and subordination
- Counterstories
23Provocative Proposition
- Working together we can shift institutional
24Conversation Four
- Considerations Around Ethical Dilemmas
25Relational, Responsive, Responsible Ethics in
Narrative Reflective Practice.
26Want a different ethic?Tell a different
27Provocative Proposition
- Narrative reflective practice is full of ethical