Econometric Methods 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Econometric Methods 1


The non-stochastic assumption. Now think of walking into randomly sampled households ... Estimation with stochastic regressors ... Consequences of stochastic X ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Econometric Methods 1

Econometric Methods 1
  • Lecture 5 Stochastic regressors and IV estimation

The non-stochastic assumption
  • Suppose conducting trials of a pesticide effects
    on harvest
  • Randomly choose which fields you apply pesticide
    and how much
  • Collect data harvests (y), dose of pesticide is
    X variable helping to explain the size of the
    harvest from a field.
  • Since the process of spraying field was
    undertaken by the experimenter, a statistician
    could then treat the dose as fixed.

The non-stochastic assumption
  • Now think of walking into randomly sampled
  • Ask them how many boxes of breakfast cereal they
    keep, how many pints of milk in refrigerator and
    how many people in the house, and particularly
    how many children in the house.
  • All of these quantities are things you, the
    investigator, didnt know before you performed
    the interview and all could be correlated with
    holdings of breakfast cereal.
  • For all of them can calculate a mean and a
    standard deviation, which allow you to say
    something about the relevant population. In
    other words we might treat them all as
    realisations of random variables.

Estimation with stochastic regressors
  • Consider modelling cereal holding per household
    with these variables.
  • Run a regression of cereal holding with number of
    children as an explanatory variable.
  • Would it be OK to treat the number of children as
    if it were a control variable like the pesticide
    in the field trial example?
  • (1)
  • Assumption we require is the independence of
    nchild and e, or, that the conditional
    expectation of e given nchild equals zero.
  • With independence (1) can be estimated by OLS,
    and all desirable properties (unbiasedness) can
    be asserted.

Estimation with stochastic regressors
  • Recall OLS estimator with non-stochastic x in
    deviation form is
  • b
  • And E(b) ß because E(Sxu)
  • If x is stochastic we can no longer decompose
    E(Sxu) so conveniently. Taking expectations
  • E(b) ß ESxu/ Sx2 where both u and x are
  • Unfortunately, ESxu/ Sx2 ? ESx/ Sx2 x E(u)
    0 unless x and u are independent.
  • So OLS will be biased unless x and u are

Independence can be violated in a number of ways
  • Simultaneity bias (reverse causality)
  • Suppose having lots of breakfast cereal increases
    fertility (Unlikely!!!)
  • Then 2nd model with nchild as dependent variable
    and cereal as explanatory variable. Then nchild
    contains e!
  • Covariance of nchild and e, cannot be zero

Independence can be violated in a number of ways
  • Measurement error in X
  • Suppose that the true number of children is
  • But we measure this with error nchild nchild
  • Where ? is a random error with mean zero E(v)0
    and it is uncorrelated with the true nchild
  • True model is
  • But we estimate
  • X is now correlated with the error term
  • Cov(nchild,v) E(nchild.v) E(nchild.v)E(v2)

Measurement error in X
  • It can be shown (Wooldridge p322) that
  • Where is the variance of the true X
  • So bias in b is dependent upon the ratio
  • This is sometimes called the signal to noise
  • It is always less than 1
  • So b is biased towards zero (attenuation bias)
  • If variance of x large relative to measurement
    error then bias is small

Independence can be violated in a number of ways
  • Omitted variables
  • These can be observed or unobserved
  • The true model is Y b1 b2 X2 b3 X3 u
  • But we omit X3 then
  • E(b2)
  • This equals ß2 only if ß3 0 or there is zero
    correlation between X2 and X3

Consequences of stochastic X
  • Suppose that there is positive correlation
    between x and u (reflecting lack of
    independence), then the OLS estimate of the slope
    is biased upwards, see formula.
  • Can we assume independence?
  • We need to be reasonably convinced there are
  • (a) No feedbacks/simultaneity
  • (b) No (serious) measurement error
  • (c) No omitted variables likely to be correlated
    with x.
  • Independence requires all of the observations on
    x are uncorrelated with all of the error terms
  • Perhaps plausible that my error term is
    uncorrelated with other households number of

How about in time series?
  • Much less plausible that independence holds
  • Last years inflation error is uncorrelated with
    this years unemployment?
  • It does not apply in model with lagged dependent
  • yt a bxt gyt-1 ut
  • Since one of the x variables (yt-1 ) is
    correlated with ut-1

Asymptotic properties
  • Recall consistency. If an estimator is
    consistent, its sampling distribution 'homes in'
    on the true value of the parameter as the sample
    size increases.
  • limit P(b - b lt e) 1 for arbitrarily
    small e plim b b
  • n ? ?
  • Sufficient (not necessary) conditions for
    consistency are that the bias and sampling
    variance of estimator both go to zero.
  • Example consider 1/n as an estimator of m.
    Biased (bias 1/n) in small samples and sampling
    variance s2 /n.
  • Both of these go to zero as n goes to infinity,
    so it is a consistent estimator.
  • Hence consistency might be a nice property to
    have in the absence of unbiasedness (at least if
    you've got a large sample).

Properties of plim
  • Plim has some convenient properties. In
    particular, if b1 is a consistent estimator of b1
    and b2 is a consistent estimator of b2 (i.e. plim
    b1 b1 etc.) then
  • f(b1 ) is a consistent estimator of f(b1 ) for
    any function f. E.g. log b1 is a consistent
    estimator of log b1.
  • f1 (b1 )/f2 (b2 ) is a consistent estimator of f1
    (b1 )/f2 (b2 ) for functions f1 and f2. This
    implies that b1 /b2 is consistent for b1 /b2, b1
    ? b2 is consistent for b1 ?b2 etc.
  • These apply irrespective of whether b1 and b2 are
    independent or not.

Asymptotic properties of regression coefficients
  • Using the plim properties we can now write
  • plim b b
  • Note we have divided top and bottom by n to
    obtain sensible probability limits.
  • The second term on the RHS will be 0 as long as
  • (i) plim(Sxu)/n 0 and (ii) plim(Sx2)/n exists
    and is non-zero.
  • The first part of this is satisfied if E(Sxu) 0
  • (the contemporaneously uncorrelated case)
  • This is a weaker condition than independence,
    since only xt and ut need to be uncorrelated (not
    all past and future values). This allows the
    Lagged Dependent Variable model.

(No Transcript)
Instrumental Variables Estimation
  • When x and u contemporaneously correlated need an
    alternative method of estimation.
  • Instrumental variables (IV) is a general method
    which always yields consistent estimates, in
    particular when x and u are correlated
  • The principle is simple - replace each of the
    problem x variables with an instrument z
    which is highly correlated with x but is
    uncorrelated with u.
  • Two properties instrument relevance (i.e.
    important determinant of x) and instrument
    exogeneity that is not correlated with u. A
    valid instrument must be both.

Instrumental Variables Estimation
  • Intuition for relevance seems pretty
  • Exogeneity means instrument has no independent
    place in the regression only affects y through
  • Instrument need not consist of a single variable,
    several could be used to instrument a single x.
  • We start with the simpler case with one
    instrument for each problem variable.
  • If we call the n ? k matrix of instruments W
    then the IV estimator of ß is given by
  • bIV (WX)-1 Wy

Instrumental Variables Estimation
  • IV is effectively a two-stage procedure. Take
    case of one x and one instrument w. First do OLS
    regression of x gw e.
  • Then Now let
  • Now do the OLS regression
  • IV is the two stages collapsed into one.
  • In using only using that variation in x due
    to w
  • Have purged it of variation that is correlated
    with u

Variance of IV estimates
  • IV estimates have higher variances than OLS
  • The variance of the IV estimator is given by
  • V(bIV) s2 (WX)-1 WW(XW)-1
  • (for the single instrument per regressor case).
  • s2 is estimated by (y Xb) (y Xb)/(n-k).

Testing instrument validity
  • Testing for instrument relevance is
  • Estimate first stage regression to see if w
    affects x
  • Rule of thumb (F-stat gt 10)
  • Checking instrument exogeneity much harder and
    impossible when have just one w for each x
  • We have
  • Want to test w is uncorrelated with u cov(w,u)0
  • But which us do we use here
  • IV residuals not
    appropriate since may be inconsistent if w not
    exogenous instrument
  • OLS residuals also likely to be inconsistent

Testing instrument validity
  • If these are more instruments than endogenous xs
    then we can test exogeneity, using the
    over-identifying restrictions test. See Stock
    and Watson p354. The intuition of it is that
    because there are more instuments than endogenous
    xs, then we can test if the instruments
    significantly enter the equation additionally to
    their role as instruments.
  • Since cannot test exogeneity of instruments we
    always need a convincing story
  • Appeal to economic theory or introspection
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