Title: Asian Insulators Public Company Limited
1Asian Insulators Public Company Limited
254 Seri Thai Road, Kannayaow, Bangkok 10230
Thailand http//www.asianinsulators.com Tel.
(66) 0-2517-1451 Fax. (66) 0-2517-1465 E-mail
March, 2007
2Miles Stone
1981 Asian Insulators Public Company Limited
(AI) was founded with the registered capital of
12 million Baht. The factory was located at Bang
Chan Industrial Estate, the outskirts of Bangkok
area. 1991 The company achieved and has been
accredited to Quality Assurance to AS 1182-1985
Suppliers Quality Systems for Production and
Installation certification by Standard
Australia. 2001 The company had its factory
relocated to Sing Buri Province and commenced
using BOI privilege. 2003 The company achieved
and has been accredited to ISO 9001-2000
certification by Management System Certification
Institute (Thailand).
2004 - 40 joint venture in PPCAI to manufacture
and export insulators to Europe and America
markets. - Increased the registered capital to
500 million Baht. - Change its status to public
company limited. - 1st Trading Day in Stock
Exchange of Thailand (SET) on September 9,
2004. 2006 Establish AI Logistics
Company Limited for Logistics business.
Establish AI Energy Company limited
for Alternative Energy business. 2007
Establish AI Ports and Terminals Company
Limited for Seaports and Tank farms business.
3AI Group
- Manufacturer and suppliers of high quality
products and services Electro-Porcelain for low,
medium and high voltage insulators - Paid-up capital of 500 MB
AIES 99.84
PPCAI 40.00
AIL 84.50
AIPT 86.40
AIE 75.00
- Engineering contractor
- Paid-up Capital 200 million Baht
- Ports and depot service
- Paid-up capital 120 million Baht.
- Logistics
- Paid- up capital 80 million Baht
- Biodiesel
- Paid-up capital 300 million Baht.
- A Joint Venture company
- manufacturer and exporter of insulators for
Europe and North America markets. - Paid-up capital of 165 million Baht
4AI Engineering Services Company Limited
5AI Engineering Services Company Limited
6AI Energy Company Limited
7Biodiesel Price
- B100 b1 CPO b2 MtOH b0
- B100 Selling Price of Biodiesel
(Ex-factory) - CPO World Market Crude Palm Oil Price
- MtOH Methanol Price
- b1 Coefficient of CPO and Biodiesel
- b2 Coefficient of Methanol and
Biodiesel - b0 Fixed Cost
- B100 0.97 CPO 0.15 MtOH 3.32
- B100 0.97 (17) 0.15 (21) 3.32
- B100 22.96 Baht
- Note Fixed Cost is based on production output
of 80,000 liters per day.
- Benefit from using Biodiesel
- Reduces dependence on foreign oil
- Sustainable, non-toxic and biodegradable
- Promotes economic development
- Produces lower emissions
- Extended engine life
8AI Logistics Company Limited
9AI Ports and Terminals Company Limited