Title: SpatioTemporal UWB Propagation Channel Characterization
1Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless
Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission
Title Spatio-Temporal UWB Propagation Channel
Characterization Date Submitted 14 March,
2004 Source Katsuyuki Haneda (1), Jun-ichi
Takada (1) and Takehiko Kobayashi (2) Company
(1) Communications Research Laboratory UWB
Technology Institute /
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
(2) Communications Research Laboratory UWB
Technology Institute /
Tokyo Denki University Address
3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa
239-0847 Japan Voice E-Mail (1)
haneda, takada_at_ap.ide.titech.ac.jp, (2)
koba_at_c.dendai.ac.jp Re Status report of the
802.15.4a channel modeling subgroup Abstract Th
is contribution describes the results of
spatio-temporal propagation channel measurements
in a typical home environments in Japan.
Purpose Reports on UWB channel measurement
for IEEE802.15TG4a Notice This document has
been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is
offered as a basis for discussion and is not
binding on the contributing individual(s) or
organization(s). The material in this document is
subject to change in form and content after
further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the
right to add, amend or withdraw material
contained herein. Release The contributor
acknowledges and accepts that this contribution
becomes the property of IEEE and may be made
publicly available by P802.15.
2Spatio-Temporal UWB Propagation Channel
Katsuyuki Haneda (1), Jun-ichi Takada
(1) Takehiko Kobayashi (2) Communications
Research Laboratory (1) Tokyo Institute of
Technology (2) Tokyo Denki University Presented
by Honggang Zhang, Yuko Rikuta Communications
Research Laboratory
3Table of contents
- Spatio-temporal channel measurement technique
- Specifications of experiment
- Measurement site
- Path identification results
- Clusters in spatio-temporal domain and their
relation to physical structure of the environment - Diffuse scattering
4Channel measurement technique (1)
- Double directional measurement
- Spatial transfer function distribution
measurement by VNA in conjunction with synthetic
array antennas in Tx and Rx - Ray path identification by deterministic approach
based on the SAGE (Ref. 1) - Successive Interference Cancellation type
5Channel measurement technique (2)
- Spherical wave array mode vector was used (Ref
2) - Derived ray path parameters
- DOD, DOA, TOA, curvature radius of the spherical
wave and variation of spectra with respect to
amplitude and phase
6Specifications of experiment
- 3.1 to 10.6 GHz
- Angular resolution 10 deg in both Tx and Rx
sides - Antennas wideband monopole antennas
- SNR at the receiver about 30 dB
- Calibration use a function of the VNA
- Measurement site LOS in a typical home
environment in Japan (Ref 3)
7Measurement site
8(No Transcript)
9Identification of the detected paths
10(No Transcript)
11Spatio-temporal characteristics of identified
paths (100 waves) and their clusterization
12Clusterization procedure
- The whole paths were clusterized intuitively by
human recognition on the delay-angular map. - We can observe sub-clusters in clusters A and E
(expressed in red lines).
13Clusters A
Reflection from the window (including window
glass and metal frame)
14Cluster B
Reflection from the displays
15Cluster C
Reflection from adjacent room through wooden door
16Cluster D
Ceiling, floor and door reflection (includes two
bounces, ex. ceiling/door)
17Clusters E
Reflection from the window (including window
glass and metal frame)
18Intra-cluster properties
Cluster (containing multipaths)
Mean power
A (18)
B (34)
C (4)
D (22)
E (18)
Units are angle deg, delay ns, power dBm.
19Findings on the clusters
- Spatio-temporal clusters are determined by a
physical structure of the environment. - Specular reflections or specular diffractions are
the dominant mechanisms. - Spatial and temporal characteristics are highly
correlated. - Delay spread of the reflected waves from one
scatterer is related to the - Height of the room, if more than two bounces are
considered (scatterer bounce ceiling or floor
reflection) - Size of the scatterer
20Extracted power
21Spatio-temporal spectrum from measured data and
estimated 100 waves
Red Spectrum of measured data
Green Detected paths by the SAGE
22Residual spectrum after the extraction of 100
Red Residual spectrum
23Spatio-temporal characteristics of identified
paths (100 waves) and their clusterization
24Residual components after the extraction of 100
-110 dBm
-115 dBm
-120 dBm
-125 dBm
25Findings on the residual components
- About 30 of the measured power still remains
unextracted even if 100 waves were extracted by
the SAGE. - The residual component diffuse scattering which
is hard to characterize by our deterministic
approach. - Further investigations on the diffuse components
should be continued.
- Paths and clusters identification based on the
physical phenomena. - Whole received power was divided into the
deterministic components (70) and the diffuse
components (30). - Site-specific models are appropriate if the
indoor UWB channels are simulated, i.e. ray
tracing diffuse scattering.
- Channel measurement system
- 1 Haneda et. al., UWBST2003, Reston, VA, USA,
- Nov. 2003.
- 2 Haneda et. al., accepted for IWUWBS joint
- with UWBST 2004, Kyoto, Japan, May 2004.
- Channel measurement result
- 3 Haneda et. al., submitted to WPMC04, Padova,
Italy, - Sept. 2004.