Title: MAST Distributed
1MAST Distributed Sensing and Perception Kostas
Daniilidis University of Pennsylvania Universit
y Of Maryland October 15th, 2008
Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD
Contractors Only Critical Technology (March
2007). Other requests for this document Shall be
referred to Director, US Army Research
Laboratory, ATTN AMSRD-ARL-DP-P, Adelphi, MD
2Distributed Sensing and Perception
- Distributed Inference
- Distributed SLAM
- Visual SLAM
- Partitioning
- Loop closing
- Distributed tracking camera calibration
31. Why distributed inference
- Scalability with network size
- Computing power required at each node is fixed
- Bandwidth required between any 2 nodes is fixed
- Robustness
- No node is system critical
- All nodes has full environment information
- Modularity and composability
- A network of modular components rather than a
single complicated system - Flexibility in deployment
- A system can be composed from modules based on
situation and objectives - Increased performance
- Nodes have global information available locally
- Nodes receive information about states they
cannot observe
41. Our Requirements for Distributed Inference
- Models
- Dynamic
- Mobile platforms, mobile targets
- Mixed discrete continuous
- To describe more interesting/complex phenomena
- Hierarchical
- (next slide)
- Inference
- Asynchronous
- Observations are asynchronous
- Robust
- i.e. graceful degradation of belief quality in
the face of communication failure Paskin05 - Efficient
- To be reasonably scalable
- No current work addresses all of these
51. Hierarchical Modeling
- Advantages
- Represent information on multiple abstraction
layers - Representation as well as learning/inference
algorithms can be selected for each layer of the
model - Modular learning and reuse of models
- Better fit for human-network interaction
Transportation routines and destinations Liao04
(bidirectional information flow)
Office activity recognition Tu06 (information
flows bottom-up only)
61. Next StepDistributed Hierarchical Tracking
- Better distributed tracking through better
modeling of, e.g. - targets themselves
- target/target interaction (group behavior)
- target/environment interaction
- Graphical models are well suited for both
distributed and hierarchical inference
Target Type
Target Context
Target Location
72. Distributed SLAM Markov Random Fields
82. Reorder -gt Structure R Changes
- Sparser ! - Independent Parts
92. R Clique Tree Junction Tree
- R is not symmetric - Extra edges fill
102. Distributed SLAMSimulation
ResultsPlayer/Stage Simulation
GreenRobot 1, BlueRobot 2, Yellow common
113. Visual SLAM
- SLAM with range sensors for indoor mapping is
now a well studied problem - Visual SLAM is useful for MAST because it is
passive sensory modality and needs no
infrastructure - Challenges for MAST
- Data association in harsh environments
- Abundance of visual features makes it intractable
- Explosion of metric information
- Solution
- Map segmentation
- Loop closure for partitioning into stable submaps
Poorly tracked feature from specular reflection
on window
Accurately tracked features
Top down view
123. SLAM Structure
- The SLAM problem to simultaneously estimate the
position of the robot and the landmarks in the
world - Uncertainty of landmark positions and the robot
pose is captured by a covariance matrix.
Correlations between features are captured by
off-diagonal elements. - The structure of the covariance matrix is
block-diagonal - Problem How to partition landmarks according to
block structure?
133.1 Segmentation
- Graph cut algorithms used to partition into two
sets while optimizing network flow - Normalized graph cuts ltgt inter-set affinity
maximization - Widely used for image segmentation
- Can be directly used to partition covariance
Images taken from Normalized Cuts and Image
Segmentation, J. Shi, J. Malik, PAMI 2000
143.1 Simulation example to demonstrate principle
- Simulated EKF SLAM
- Robot driven in circular pattern to observe
landmarks - Wall prevents measurements from crossing
- Partition result easily segments two rooms
153.1 Early results on indoor SLAM partitioning
Visual SLAM with simple feature
detectors Uses monocular camera and inverse
depth parameterization Operates in real-time
163.2 Loop closing Perceptual aliasing and
- Perceptual Aliasing Many places look the same.
Image similarities between images on a typical
route using a vanilla image retrieval index based
only on appearance
173.2 SIFT descriptors coresponding to one visual
183.2 Geometric Consistency
1. Given two images, Find a set of
correspondences (at least for a part of a
scene) 2. Use number of correspondences as
similarity measure (sensitive to outliers).
193.2 No match (false positive) vs match (repeated
Similar appearance (horiz axis) in both but
different geometric consistency (vert axis)
203.2 Matched map using geometric consistency
Appearance and geometry
Appearance only
213.2 Fab-Map Public Oxford Datasets
New College
City Center
- 1.9 kilometers (2146 images)
- Tests robustness to perceptual aliasing
- 2 kilometers (2474 images)
- Tests robustness to scene changes traffic /
Cummins Newman, The University of Oxford
223.2 Results for Fab-Map Datasets
Geometry enabled loop closing has best performance
City Center
New College
234. Robust Localization of Camera Networks
- Goal to recover orientations and positions of
all cameras - Difficulties
- Correspondence under wide baseline
- Point features are inadequate
- Our approach
- Spatio-temporal features
- we used tracks of moving objects as
spatio-temporal features - tracks are detected by each camera using
multi-target tracking - orientations and positions are computed by
matching tracks between cameras - Efficient since many spurious features are
removed by the tracking algorithm before the
matching step - Robust against wide baseline and different
photometric properties - It can be applied to mobile robots with cameras
for self-localization of a fleet of robots for
solving SLAM
244. Experiments Camera Sensor Networks
CITRIC Mote Chen et al. ICDSC 2008
average reprojection error 4.9 pixels
254. Fusion-Based Localization
- Fuse video and radio data
- Recovers scaling factors
- Full localization of cameras
- For a clique of size 3, there exists a linear
solution - For a general case, a nonlinear approach
- Meingast et al. ICDSC 2008
Full Localization
264. Experiments 6 Radio-Camera units
average reprojection error lt 3 pixels.
estimated scaling factors