Title: Learning Theories and the Use of MM
1Learning Theories and the Use of MM Internet
One current goal of education deep
understanding and critical thinking
Constructivistic approach to learning
2Constructivistic approach to Learning
Active Learning Constructive Learning Situative
Learning Social Learning Reflexive Learning
Goal-oriented Learning Learning based on
previous knowledge
3Constructivistic approach to Learning
Constructivistic theories agree on 1. Knowledge
is actively build by the learner 2. Knowledge
does not exist independently from the
learner 3. Knowledge is generated dynamically
and not stored in a fixed way
4Constructivistic approach to Learning
This means Knowledge construction is a
permanent re-newing process
5Constructivistic Learning
Constructivistic learning influences Motivation
Way of Learning using strategies etc.
Motivation Mix of the learners beliefs and
perceptions referred to their learning process,
teachers/moderators behaviour, educational
demands, design of the learning material
and classroom practice
PEDACTICE Study Multimedia and Internet can
increase learners motivation because of the
Demand of active learning Design of the
material Interactivity Teachers and Students
role changing Learners control Collaborative
8Learning Strategies
Effective Learning demands a huge pool of
learning strategies. Why?
9Learning Strategies
Aims Learning of important and approapriate
strategies for supporting the individual (deep)
learning process Effectivity of
Learning Lifelong learning
10Learning Strategies
Different forms of strategies Cognitive
Learning strategies such as implementation,
summarising, self-questioning note taking
drawing the mental representation Meta-Cognition
(reflections, comprehension, monitoring,
checking, feedback checking)
11Learning Strategies and MM Internet
Search Strategies in Scenario 2 Cognitive
strategies in all scenarios (making sense of the
content, organising the content in the learners
own way follow own routes) Meta-Cognition (all
12Self-directed Learning
Metacognitive strategies Finding out about own
needs concerning learning Establishing what to
learn Indentifying the necessary
resources Choosing and applying learning
strategies Evaluating the results
13Self-directed Learning MM Internet
The characteristics of MM Internet support
strongly self-directed learning
interactivity Giving feedback Simulations Learni
ng according own needs (time, space) and own
paste and own levels of difficulty