Title: Deformable Models Highdimensional deformable models
1Deformable Models(High-dimensional deformable
Petia Radeva(part III)
- Centre de Visió per ComputadorUniversitat
Autonoma de Barcelona
2Deformable sheets
- Implicit Euler time integration scheme yields to
the evolution equation - Stabilized solution Q ( t ) corresponds to a
deformed sheet with - minimal total energy.
- FDM is applied to discretize the deformable
sheet. - Deformable meshes - constructed by triangular or
quadrilateral - finite elements.
- - simplex angle and discrete mean curvature are
dened in order to determine the internal energy
4Energy-Minimization of Balloon
- Applying Euler-Lagrange equation leads to a
linear system - A.V G
- where A is the stiness matrix, V is the vector of
coordinates in the chosen - basis (the values of the surface and its
derivatives) at the nodes of tesselation. - Note A is symmetric, positive denite and
heptadiagonal (tridiagonal per bloc in the 3D
case). - Considering the evolution equation
- If elastic parameters are constant, the
factorization is done once - at the beginning.
5Deformable B-Grids (A. Gueziec, A. Amini)
6Different topologies of B-grids
7Energy of the deformable surface (Gueziec et al.)
8Three-Dimensional Deformable Models Deformable
9Energy of the Deformable B-Solid
- The B-solid is a deformable body with an
associated energy com- - posed of internal and external energies
- External forces the B-solid approaches image
features by minimizing its - external energy.
- Internal forces the B-solid tends to a smooth
volumetric shape or - an ideal solid by minimizing its internal energy .
10Internal Energy of a Smoothing Deformable B-Solid
11Energy-Minimization Procedure
12Properties of the Energy-Minimization Procedure
- Computational scheme
- 1. Three independent linear equations for ( X
Y Z ). - 2. Numerical properties of the snake
computational system. - 3. Banded and constant stiffness matrices.
- 4. One factorization of the 3 matrices in the
beginning. - 5. Allows for displacement of the B-solid
- 6. Does not change the numerical stability of
the linear system of the snakes - Tensorial representation of energy-minimization
procedure - Decoupled wrt the parameters smoothing operator.
- 1. Possible estimate of the eect of each
smoothing operator. - 2. Different elastic parameters to re ect data
13Advantages of the B-solid as a volumetric
deformable grid
- C 2 continuity throughout the volume.
- A compact B-spline representation.
- Flexible model due to local control of
B-splines. - No strong constraints imposed by a model.
- Few parameters of the B-solid (elastic
14Dynamic analysis by snakes of SPAMM-MRI
15Dynamic analysis by snakes of SPAMM-MRI
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17Dynamic analysis by snakes of SPAMM-MRI
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