Title: SVM as an Unconstrained Minimization Problem
1SVM as an Unconstrained Minimization Problem
- Change (QP) into an unconstrained MP
- Reduce (n1m) variables to (n1) variables
2Smooth the Plus Function Integrate
Step function
Sigmoid function
Plus function
3SSVM Smooth Support Vector Machine
4Newton-Armijo Algorithm for SSVM
5Newton Method Quadratic Approximation of SSVM
generated by solving a
quadratic approximation of SSVM, converges to the
of SSVM at a quadratic rate.
unique solution
- Converges in 6 to 8 iterations
- At each iteration we solve a linear system of
- n1 equations in n1 variables
- Complexity depends on dimension of input space
- It might be needed to select a stepsize (Armijo)
6Comparisons of SSVM with other SVMs
Tenfold test set correctness (best in Red)CPU
time in seconds
Linear Eqns.
7Two-spiral Dataset(94 White Dots 94 Red Dots)
8The Perceptron Algorithm (Dual Form)
9Nonlinear SVM Motivation
10Nonlinear Smooth SVM
Nonlinear Classifier
- Use Newton algorithm to solve the problem
- Nonlinear classifier depends on entire dataset
11Difficulties with Nonlinear SVM for Large
- Long CPU time to compute the dense kernel matrix
- Runs out of memory while storing the kernel
- Separating surface depends on almost entire