Title: An Introduction to Modelling with the Original BMethod
1An Introduction toModelling with the Original
B User Group 3rd November 2006 Andy Edmunds
2- Two parts of the talk
- A summary of the B-Method
- An example model
What is B?
- B is a method, a notation and a mathematical
theory. - method
- defines a structured, rigorous development
process - notation
- using Abstract Machine Notation (as syntactic
sugar), to specify - behaviour, designed to be similar to constructs
used by - programmers.
- But it is a modelling language
- theory
- mathematical underpinning - set theory, first
order predicate calculus.
3What is B for?
- Modelling software systems
- at a functional level.
- to create dependable software systems.
- Used in safety and business critical systems.
- - criticisms
- FM seen as slow
- difficult to understand
- does not address all the problems.
- i.e. rubbish in leads to rubbish out.
4Features used to Specify Models
- state  - deferred sets  - constants  -
variables (still represented by sets) - behaviour (operations) Â - guarding
(blocking)Â - preconditions (aborting) - invariant - predicates that describe properties
of the system. - predicates must evaluate true at all times, in B
- - typing of variables
- consistent models (1) - self consistency
- discharge proof obligations to ensure operations
- do not violate the invariant
- Abstract Machines, Refinements, and
5Features to aid the Development Process
- composition  - includes, sees, promotes etc.
- (makes other machines/features visible with
access restrictions) - imports (for
implementations similar to Libraries in C/Java) - refinement  - data refinement - specifying
more information about a type. Â - operation
refinement - strengthen guards, weaken
preconditions    any operation can refine
skip used in Event-B. Â - changes to state
are the same in abstract as refinement but new
state can be introduced. Â - gluing invariant
relates the state of the refinement to the
abstract machine. - consistent models (2) - a refinement is
consistent with its abstraction and self
consistent when the proof obligations
of the gluing invariant, and other invariants,
are discharged. - B0 notation for implementations - links B to
C,C,ADA. - - is like B but with program-like constructs, and
no preconditions, non-determinism.
6The Modelling approach according to the B-method
- Take an abstract view of a software system.
- create an abstract specification from analysis
obtaining the correct abstraction is key,
include only relevant information - can be from, or during, requirements analysis
(but formal modelling can feed - changes back into the requirements).- a high
level view - allowing non-determinism/under-specif
ication - The most abstract specification is the root node
of a tree - What does the model describe? Â - It models the
state of a system and the changes that occur when
operations are invoked. Â Â - Each jump from
one state to the next is modelled with atomic
operations. Â Â - Intermediate state is not
7- Why refine? Â - To add more detail, remove
non-determinism, move towards implementation.
 - but refinement is hard!! However, insight is
gained into the system through the process. Â -
complexity can be handled by decomposition, and
there are proposals for partitioning at the
highest level of abstraction. - Now for an example,
- - model of array objects (like in Java arrays)
- - two equivalent abstract models
- - no refinement
8array_Set (set of possible instances)
Array Instances of type Integer
Operations Constructor newArrayObject()
Operation Integer get(Integer i) Operation
set(Integer I, Integer v)
9/ Violation of PRE is always a failure.
Someone else will handle the problem . PRE
will eventually be turned into guards (IF,
or Assertion handling, Exceptions) /
/ Guard not satisfied gives rise to
blocking behaviour , refusal. The
problem is handled by us! (Conditional
waits, IF, Assertions, Exceptions) /
10Helping the prover
For the example one remaining PO to be
discharged interactively.
Use sl to select the following
hypotheses, capacity3 dom(contents)
arrayObject contents arrayObject? (0..2 -gt
Use ah to add the following hypotheses, 0INT 0
..capacity-1 0..2 0-gt0,1-gt0,2-gt0