Title: 2D finite elements
1(No Transcript)
21- Time-indep model of rock fracture, damage, AE
- 2D finite elements
- constant strain rate
- (compression)
- confining pressure
- Behavior of each element
- E ? when ? reaches ?damage
- d models fractures at the micro scale
- Coulomb damage criterion
- C and E0 heterogeneous
Amitrano et al., GRL 1999 Amitrano, JGR 2003
31- Time-indep model of rock fracture, damage, AE
- Macroscopic behavior
- damage localization along shear bands
- transition brittle/ductile as a function of ?
- power-law distribution of avalanche size
shear stress (strain)
damage events (time) for ?45
final damage (?)
Amitrano et al., GRL 1999 Amitrano, JGR 2003
42- Time-dependent deformation creep
inelastic elastic, reversible
failure (?)
primary creep d?/dt ? Andrade law
tertiary creep d?/dt ?
secondary creep d?/dtconstant
52-Time-to-failure laws review of creep
experiments on rocks
- Failure time
- tf ? with stress as a
- exp tfexp(-b?????
- or power law tf (???????with b20
- tf ? with T and CH20
- Mechanisms
- Subcritical crack growth
- due to stress corrosion at the crack tips
- Scholz, 72 Das Scholz, 81
stress ? / instantaneous strength ? ?
62- Time-dependent numerical model
- Creep constant applied stress ?lt?i
- Each elements fails
- when stress ? ?i (Coulomb criterion)
- because of interactions between elements
- or when time failure time tf (?,?i) exp(-b
?/?i) - After each damage event
- broken elements
- - E ? EE(1-d)E0(1-d)n
- - change C unif pdf
- - lifetime ? with damage tf tf(?,?i) E/E0
7- 2- Temporal evolution of strain, damage and
energy rate
damage rate strain rate energy
tertiary creep primary creep
8- 2- Distribution of damage events size
large??????? ???i0.95
-- P(W)W-1.5
-- P(W)W-1.5
Small stress narrow pdf P(W), typical energy ?
with time Large stress power-law pdf P(W)W-1.5
at all times
9- 2- Distribution of damage events size
Average energy as a function of time before
failure for ? stress Power law acceleration of
ltWgt before rupture ltWgt (t-tc)-0.3
time before rupture
10- Damage (t)
- localization during tertiary creep (tgttc/2)
- ????????????????????
- Final damage (?)
- Shear bands width
- ? with ?
strain (t)
damage 1-E/E0
energy (t)
11Rockfalls tertiary creep failure?
Power-law acceleration of earthquakes and energy
rates before collapse
Chalk cliff, Mesnival, France June 2002
time before collapse
Amitrano et al., GRL 2005
12- Typical creep behavior
- - power-law relaxation during primary creep
- - acceleration during tertiary creep
- Power-law pdf of event sizes
- - only if integrated over all times for small ?
- - indep of times for large ?
- Damage localization during tertiary creep
- System always unstable (if tf E)
- - time of global failure tc local law tf(?,?i)