Title: Overview of Adaptation
1Overview of Adaptation Visual Distortions
- Jim Patton
- Presented at the Motor learning and biorobotics
meeting 7/15 - Robotics Lab, Sensory Motor Performance Program,
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Northwestern University
2Literature from this talk
- http//www.smpp.nwu.edu/savedLiterature
5VR challenges
- Brightness
- Delays
- Presence
- Graininess (resolution)
- offsets and other transformations
6Preliminary fundamentals Visual modes
- Saccades
- Pursuit (tracking)
- VOR and VCR
7Latencies and frequencies associated with the
basic pathways
These delays are long enough to make feedback
control impossible for everyday rapid movements.
8Force field adaptations
- (Bock 1990). More complex loads can take hundreds
of movements (Lackner and DiZio 1994 Shadmehr
and Mussa-Ivaldi 1994 Sainburg, Ghez et al.
1999) - Capitalize on the adaptive phenomenon
- Mussa-Ivaldi and Patton 2000
- Mussa-Ivaldi and Patton 2000
- Patton and Mussa-Ivaldi 2003
- Scheidt grant
9Dynamic Model of the Arm controller Functional
form assumptions
10Stroke Adaptation
A. Unperturbed baseline
(Stroke Subject sa38)
11Prisms many papers
- Miles, F. A. and B. B. Eighmy (1980). "Long -term
adaptive changes in primate vestibuloocular
reflex I behavioral Observations." Journal of
Neurophysiology 43 1406-1425.
12Learning a warped visual space results in
straight-lined movements in the new space
- Flanagan, J. R. and A. K. Rao (1995). "Trajectory
adaptation to a nonlinear visuomotor
transformation evidence of motion planning in
visually perceived space." Journal of
Neurophysiology 74(5) 2174-8.
- Sainburg R. L., Lateiner J. E., Latash M. L.,
Begesteiro L. B., (2003), Effects of altering
initial position on movement direction and
extent, J. Neurophysiology, vol. 89, pp. 401-415 - Movement direction is specified relative to an
origin at the current location of the hand
14Smooth pursuit of the hand in the dark
- Sandros early work tracking your hand using
smooth pursuit, even in the dark
15Imaging of Learning of a Visual rotation
- Imamizu, H., S. Miyauchi, et al. (2000). "Human
cerebellar activity reflecting an acquired
internal model of a new tool. see comments.."
Nature 403(6766) 192-5. - Tool use
- brain areas active
- cerebellum and was precisely proportional to the
error signal that guides the acquisition of
internal models during learning. - area near the posterior superior fissure and
remained even after learning, when the error
levels had been equalized, thus probably
reflecting an acquired internal model of the new
16Are these using the same neural resources? --
NO, because they do not interfere!
- Krakauer, J. W., Z. M. Pine, et al. (2000).
"Learning of visuomotor transformations for
vectorial planning of reaching trajectories."
Journal of Neuroscience (Online) 20(23) 8916-24. - But
17They do interfere if they use the same variable
(either position, velocity, acceleration, etc.)
- Tong, C., D. M. Wolpert, et al. (2002).
"Kinematics and dynamics are not represented
independently in motor working memory evidence
from an interference study." Journal of
Neuroscience 22(3) 1108-13.
18False Visual feedback
- Secco, Scheidt, Mussa-Ivaldi, Conditt
- in the works
- Yoki bambi Brewer B. R., Klatky R., Matsuoka
Y., 2003, Feedback Distorsion to increase
Strength and Mobility, Proc. ICORR 2003,
Daejeon, Korea - SrinivasanLaMotte
- Srinivasan, M. and R. LaMotte (1995). Tactual
Discrimination of Softness. Journal of
Neurophysiology 73 88-101. - -- percieving stiffness higher when the visual
feedback shows it. - Jim and Yejun
- - learning vision using force
- Jim and Preeti
- - error augmentation
19Stroke patients and hemispatial neglect
- Rossetti, Y., G. Rode, et al. (1998). "Prism
adaptation to a rightward optical deviation
rehabilitates left hemispatial neglect." Nature
395(6698) 166-9.
20Combining visual kinematic
- Flanagan J., Nakano E., Imamizu H., Osu R.,
Yoshioka T., Kawato M., (1999), Composition and
Decomposition of Internal Models in Motor
Learning under Altered Kinematic and Dynamic
Environments, Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 19,
pp. RC34(1-5) - kinematic transformation (visuomotor rotation), a
dynamic transformation (viscous curl field), and
a combination of these. - Summation Errors on the combination were smaller
if the subject first learned the separate
kinematic and dynamic transformations. - Reaching errors under the kinematic (but not the
dynamic) transformation were smaller if subjects
first learned the combined. - The brain can combine decompose these different
21Things I forgot to include in the presentation on
- Wolpert, D. M., Z. Ghahramani, et al. (1995).
"Are arm trajectories planned in kinematic or
dynamic coordinates? An adaptation study."
Experimental Brain Research 103(3) 460-70. - Warping of arm traj is best explained by visual
distortions - Weiner, M. J., M. Hallett, et al. (1983).
"Adaptation to lateral displacement of vision in
patients with lesions of the central nervous
system." Neurology 33(6) 766-72. - After-effects were significantly reduced only for
the cerebellar patients - Pine, Z. M., J. W. Krakauer, et al. (1996).
"Learning of scaling factors and reference axes
for reaching movements." Neuroreport 7(14)
2357-61. - Compared adaptation to display rotation and
altered gain - Adaptation to rotation was less complete and more
variable - Generalized broadly for gain change, but poorly
for rotation - Duh, H. B. L., J. J. W. Lin, et al. (2002).
"Effects of Characteristics of Image Quality in
an Immersive Environment." Presence 11(3). - psychological and physiological effects of the VR
on humans.
22Things I forgot to include in the presentation on
- Duh, H. B. L., J. J. W. Lin, et al. (2002).
"Effects of Characteristics of Image Quality in
an Immersive Environment." Presence 11(3). - psychological and physiological effects of the VR
on humans