Title: Montane Shrublands
1Montane Shrublands
2Abiotic Features
- Elevation-Between 6,500 and 9,500 ft.
(2,000-2,900 m) which is usually found just above
the pinion-juniper habitats and just below the
ponderosa pine forest - Climate- semi- arid with hot-dry summers and
mild to cold winters - Annual Precipitation is 10-27 in (25-70 cm)
- Precipitation comes mostly from winter snows and
late summer rains - Mean Temperature -45 degrees
- Covers 5 to 10 percent of Colorado
- Found on level to steep slopes, cliffs,
escarpments, rim rock slopes, rocky outcrops, and
scree slopes - http//www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/communities/serpe
3Biotic Features
- Primary Plants-
- Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, White fir, Lodgepole
pine, yarrow, Colorado blue spruce, quaking
aspen, Rocky Mountain juniper, Wax currant,
blue-eyed grass, black-eyed susan, Golden banner,
Mountain muhly - Primary Animals
- Birds-Virginias Warbler, Blue- Gray Gnatcatcher,
Green-tailed Towhee - Mammals-Deer, Elk, Blackbear, Porcupine, Badger,
Garder snake - Insects- Colorado Hairstreak, Mountain Pine
Beetle, Cotton Aphid, Melon Aphid -
- Fires are the main disturbances and play a huge
role in maintenance - Shrublands follow a die-back system where the
burning of old and dead plants clear the way for
new sprouts - Fires also create a more nutrient rich soil
- Controls invasion of trees into shrubland systems
5Virginias Warbler(Vermivora virginiae )Order
PasseriformesFamily Parulidae
- Physical Description-
- Length 4.25 inches
- Small, active, insect-eating bird
- Thin, very pointed bill
- White eye ring
- Gray upperparts
- Grayish under parts with yellowish patch on
breast - Yellow rump and under tail coverts
- Plain gray wings
- Dark legs
- Females and immatures similar to males but
somewhat paler and may have some buff on under
- Habitat- found in the western United states from
Central and Southern Colorado, Wyoming, and New
Mexico - Spends winters in areas of Mexico
- Resides in mostly wooded areas and scrubby
hillsides - Behaviors- shy, retiring, and hard to observe
- Diet- consists mostly of insects
- forages on the ground, in foliage, or catches
insects in mid-air
6Porcupine(Erethizon dorsatum)Order
RodentiaFamily Erethizontidae
- Physical Description-
- Third largest rodents
- about 2536Â in (6391Â cm) long, with an 810Â in
(2025Â cm) long tail - Weighing between 1235Â lb (5.416Â kg)
- Round, large and slow
- come in various shades of brown, grey, and the
unusual white - covered in a coat of sharp spines, or quills,
that defend them from predators - Habitats-
- can be found on rocky areas up to 3,700Â m
(12,000Â ft) high - Nocturnal
- live in forests, deserts, rocky outcrops,
hillsides and grasslands - Some porcupines live in trees
- Behaviors-
- solitary animal, although it may den with other
porcupines in the winter - spends much of its time in trees
- Diet
- is an herbivore
- eats leaves, twigs and green plants like skunk
cabbage and clover - climbs trees to find food
7Mountain Muhly(Muhlenbergia montana)Order
CyperalesFamily Poaceae
- Physical Description-
- Green foliage and yellow flowers, with brown
fruits or seeds - At maturity, the typical Mountain Muhly will
reach up to 1.5 feet high, with a maximum height
at 20 years of 1.5 feet - has High tolerance to drought and restricted
water conditions - Habitats-
- Native to the United States
- Wyoming, Utah, California, Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas and Mexico - Special Adaptions-
- plant cannot survive exposure to temperatures
below -38F - has High tolerance to drought and restricted
water conditions - Is a perennial
- Grows in course and medium textured soils
8Works Cited
"Birding Basics." Colorado Birding Trail. 2009.
The Colorado Birding Trail, Web. 24 Sep 2009.
ne_shrubland.php gt. "Ecoregions Montane
Grasslands and Shrublands." Nation Master.com.
2005. Wikipedia encyclopedia, Web. 24 Sep 2009.
grasslands-and- shrublandsgt.
"Mountain Scrub." Tarleton Education. Tarleton,
Web. 24 Sep 2009. lthttp//www.tarleton.edu/range
/Shrublands/Mountain20Scrub/m ountainshrub.htmlgt.
"Rocky Mountain Gamble Oak-Mixed Montane
Shrubland." Colorado State. September 2009. Web.
24 Sep 2009. lthttp//www.cnhp.colostate.edu/downl
oad/projects/eco_systems/pdf/R M_Gambel_Oak-Mixed_