Title: Evalue Zvalue Comparison
1E-value / Z-value Comparison
- 10-02-2004 Nijmegen
- Tim Hulsen
- (1) SCOP comparison
- (2) BBH comparison
- Equal SwissProt name
- Co-expression
- Conserved gene order
- (3) Conclusions
3SCOP comparison
- E/Z sequence lt SCOP structural
- Astral SCOP database release 1.63 PDB sets with
10, 30, 50, 70, 90 and 100 maximum identity to
each other - Coverage how much of the pairs within a SCOP
class have E/ZgtTH - Errors per query how much of the queries give
a hit which is not within a SCOP class
4SCOP comparison
5BBH comparison
E 12695 BBH, Z 12817 BBH
- Best Bidirectional Hits calculated for
Human-Mouse - Biofacet (Protein World) -gt Smith-Waterman with
Z-values - Paracel -gt Smith-Waterman with E-values
6BBH comparison Equal SwissProt name
- Benchmarking of orthology through conservation of
function - Easy-to-read functional annotation SwissProt
name - Equal e.g.
7BBH comparison Equal SwissProt name
- E-value 297/1896 0.157
- Z-value 153/2018 0.076
8BBH comparison Co-expression
- Comparison of expression profiles of each best
bidirectional hit - Using GeneLogic Expressor data set
9BBH comparison Co-expression
10BBH comparison Co-expression
- Calculation of the correlation coefficient
- N?xy (?x)(?y)
- r ---------------------------------------
- sqrt( (N?x2 - (?x)2)(N?y2 (?y)2))
- Measured over the 12 corresponding SNOMED tissue
11BBH comparison Co-expression
- E-value 345 pairs compared 0.329
- Z-value 307 pairs compared 0.310
12BBH comparison Conserved gene order
How much of the neighboring gene pairs A-B in
human, that have at least one orthologous gene
pair A-B in mouse, have a neighboring
orthologous gene pair A-B in mouse?
Gene A Gene B
Gene A Gene B
13BBH comparison Conserved gene order
- E-value 21/74 0.284
- Z-value 18/96 0.188
- SCOP comparison Z-value only better than E-value
when high identity to each other (90,100) - BBH comparison
- Equal SwissProt name EgtgtZ
- Co-expression EgtZ
- Conserved gene order EgtgtZ
- Added value of Z-value is (very) doubtful