Title: A Woman of Excellence
1A Woman of Excellence!
Pastor Dave Martin Cross Creek Community Church
May 8, 2005
2- Proverbs 141 The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers
3- Proverbs 3110 A wife of noble character who
can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
4A Woman of Excellence...
- 1. Lives out an encouraging Lifestyle!
Proverbs 3111-12 Her husband has full confidence
in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him
good, not harm, all the days of her life.
5A Woman of Excellence...
- 2. Shows Diligence in her responsibilities!
Proverbs 3113 ... works with eager hands.
Proverbs 3115 She gets up while it is still
dark... Proverbs 3117 She sets about her work
6A Woman of Excellence...
- 3. Rests Confident in her Calling!
Proverbs 3121 When it snows, she has no fear for
her household for all of them are clothed in
scarlet. Proverbs 3125 She is clothed with
strength and dignity she can laugh at the days
to come.
7She Rests Confident in her Calling!
8A Woman of Excellence...
- 4. Engages in Consistent Teaching!
Proverbs 3126 She speaks with wisdom, and
faithful instruction is on her tongue.
9Proverbs 3128 Her children arise and call her
blessed her husband also, and he praises her
10The Key to beinga Woman of Excellence...
Proverbs 3130 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is
fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be
11The Fruit of a Woman of Excellence...
Proverbs 3131 Give her the reward she has
earned, and let her works bring her praise at the
city gate.
12Eternally Changed Lives!
13Happy Mothers Day!