Title: Folie 1
1The German National Focal Pointand its Network
German Federal Ministry of Health(BMG)
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug
Addiction (EMCDDA)
financial funding support
financial funding support
GPSGeneral Population Surveys
EWSEarly Warning System
- IFT ? ESA (Epidemiologic Survey on Substance
Abuse), ESPAD - BZgA ? DAS (Drug Affinity Study)
- RKI ? KiGGS (Children and Adolescent Health
Survey) - Universities of Bielefeld, Dresden, Hamburg, FH
Frankfurt ? HBSC - Hamburg Centre for Addiction Issues ? SCHULBUS
(pupil and teacher survey) - Centre for Drug Research, University Frankfurt ?
MoSyD (Monitoring System Drug trends)
- Federal Centre for Drugs and Medical Devices
- Federal Criminal Police Office
- Poison Control Centre, University Mainz
- Centre for Drug Research, University Frankfurt
- Hamburg Centre for Addiction Issues
- Lower Saxony Centre for Addiction Issues
German Centre for Addiction Issues
Institute for Therapy Research
Federal Centre for Health Education
Focus Prevention
Focus Epidemiology Coordination
Focus Treatment
together form the
German National Focal Point
TDITreatment Demand Indicator
PDUProblematic Drug Use
- Federal Criminal Police Office
- IFT, DHS ? German statistical report on treatment
centres for substance use disorders
- German Pension Fund
- IFT, DHS ? German statistical report on treatment
centres for substance use disorders
DRIDDrug-Related Infectious Diseases
DRDDrug-Related Deaths
Reporting Other Tasks
- RKI Robert-Koch-Institute (Federal institution
for disease control and prevention) - STEP Hannover
- BADO Hamburg ZIS Centre for interdisciplinary
addiction research, University Hamburg - Institute of Addiction Research, Frankfurt
University of Applied Sciences - Delphi Corporation for research, counselling and
project development, Berlin
- Federal Statistical Office
- German Instituteof Medical Documentation and
Information - Federal Criminal Police Office
- State Criminal Police Offices
- Department of Legal Medicine, University Hamburg
- German Federal Ministry of Health
- 16 Länder (States)
- Technical University Dresden
- German Centre for Addiction Research in Childhood
and Adolescence, University Hamburg - Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
University Munich - FOGS Corporation for research and counselling in
the areas of health and social issues, Köln - SPI Research Institute, Berlin
- and others...
ContactDBDD Deutsche Beobachtungsstelle für
Drogen und Drogensucht c/o IFT Institut für
Therapieforschung Parzivalstr. 25 D 80804
München Tel 49 89 360 804 41 E-Mail