Title: Personalised Learning
1Personalised Learning
- Barry Taylor
- and
- Abigail Haley
2The ministerial view
- "The experience of successful schools shows
(that) decisive progress in educational standards
occurs where every child matters careful
attention is paid to their individual learning
styles, motivations, and needs there is rigorous
use of pupil target setting linked to high
quality assessment lessons are well paced and
enjoyable and pupils are supported by
partnership with others well beyond the
classroom. - This is what I mean by Personalised Learning.
- David Miliband
3The DfES view
- Personalised learning is not a new initiative...
It is a philosophy that is being embedded in
current initiatives ..... to ensure that
everything has the child at its centre. - DfES Personalised Learning web site
4The five components
1. Assessment for Learning
2. Effective teaching and learning
3. Curriculum entitlement and choice
4. Organising the school
5. Beyond the classroom
51 - Assessment for learning
6Seven Kings High School Redbridge
2,000 pupils 11-18
Have stopped giving grades for work
Interviews to review learning
Learning log
You engage the student in the learning process -
you dont just do it to them. Sir Alan Steer,
71 - Assessment for learning
82 - Effective teachingand learning
- Teaching, learning and ICT strategies for
classes, groups and individuals - Wide variety of teaching styles and approaches
- So, how can ICT help?
93 - Curriculum entitlementand choice
- KS3
- Entitlement
- KS4
- Entitlement and choice
- Stage not age
10Saffron Walden CountyHigh School - Essex
2,000 pupils 11-18
Two-year KS3
Soft federation
KS4 qualifications in 2, 3 or 4 years
The extent and excellence of the transition
programme gives us the confidence that we could
deliver a condensed KS3 to all our
students. John Hartley, Headteacher
114 - Organising the school
12Cirencester Deer ParkSchool - Gloucestershire
1,100 pupils 11-16
ICT-based mentoring
13(No Transcript)
144 - Organising the school
- Mentoring
- Teaching environment
Curriculum, teaching and buildings designed to
deliver personalised learning
164 - Organising the school
- Space for lecturessmall learning
groupsone-to-one - Open design forobservation and control
- Little mass-movement
17same age, same group different timetables
School opens, Leyla arrives
School opens
Adam arrives
Maths lecture
Individual tutorial
Maths workshop
Science lecture
Science lecture
Science practical
Science essay
Prepares home assignment, Science
Plays basketball
Adam goes home
School closes
Leyla goes home, school closes
184 - Organising the school
- Mentoring
- Teaching environment
- Strategic planning of ICT resources
195 - Beyond the classroom
- Home-school partnerships
- Every Child Matters
- Guidance
- e-portfolios
- Linked systems holistic view of the pupil
205 - Beyond the classroom
215 - Beyond the classroom
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25(No Transcript)
26The five components
1. Assessment for Learning
2. Effective teaching and learning
3. Curriculum entitlement and choice
4. Organising the school
5. Beyond the classroom
27In summary
- The school
- AfL
- KS2/KS3 transition
- Mentoring
- Personal logs
- Teaching environment
- The ICT
- Diagnostics and assessment
- Presentation of learning material
- Support for mentoring
- Links beyond school
- Holistic view of pupil