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Presenters: Jo Sabin, Centre Manager & Mairi Ann Cullen, CEDAR, University of Warwick ... I am very pleased and very happy that there is such a place as Sure ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Key findings from the local evaluation 2004
  • Presenters Jo Sabin, Centre Manager Mairi Ann
    Cullen, CEDAR, University of Warwick

The key challenge
  • I am very pleased and very happy that there is
    such a place as Sure Start now. Its nice to know
    that, because this is up and running and its
    well-established now, in years to come my
    children will have somewhere to go with their
    children, as well.
  • (quote from a parent)

Focus of local evaluation, 2004
  • Three strands of work
  • Collate and analyse existing internal evaluation
  • Conduct two service evaluations a) support for
    speech and language development b) adult tutor
  • Conduct thematic evaluation - partnership

Purposes of the local evaluation
  • Each strand included for a purpose
  • To draw together existing, internally-generated
    information about members views into an
    accessible format
  • To begin focused thinking about mainstreaming
  • To unpick the Chelmsley Wood model

  • 1. Parents views of 18 groups events, 2000-03
  • 492 evaluation sheets 5 reports based on
    parents views
  • 2a. Support for speech and language development
  • 8 interviews (parents, professionals, Sure Start
  • 145 Reynell assessments 64 PIPA assessments
  • 2b. Support for adult learners
  • 13 interviews (parents, professionals, Sure Start
  • College and LSC data on adult and community
  • 3. Working in partnership
  • 40 interviews (parents, professionals, Sure Start

  • Main findings

Headline findings, 2004
  • Existing information from members gave evidence
    of overwhelmingly positive views
  • Support for speech and language development is
    making a difference
  • Adult learners are thriving and increasing
  • The partnerships work - for parents and their
    children, for the staff team, for local
    professionals and for the community

What has been achieved?
  • Improvements related to all four Sure Start
  • Social and emotional development
  • Health
  • Childrens ability to learn
  • Family functioning and sense of community

Objective 1 - Social and emotional development
  • increased confidence of parents and children
  • mental health issues addressed
  • behavioural issues addressed
  • improved parenting skills
  • improved bonding between parents and children
  • improved parent-child interaction
  • success of Solihull Approach
  • success of Family Support Model

Objective 2 - Health
  • tentative findings that preventative work is
    reducing health inequalities ( a long-term goal)
  • quality of ante-natal and post-natal support
  • benefits of Baby Massage
  • progress in smoking cessation
  • valued support for young mums
  • valued support for mums with post-natal
  • promotion of health eating
  • promotion of dental health
  • support for breastfeeding - Baby Café, trained
    parent counsellors

Objective 3 - Childrens ability to learn
  • parents have higher aspirations for their
  • improved play experience (play at Sure Start
    Centre planned around child development Birth
    to Three Matters implemented)
  • improved listening skills
  • better preparation for Nursery
  • adults notice the benefits to children from
    experience of Sure Start crèche, Play and Stay,
    Play Link, Welcome to Nursery, Rainbow Tots

Objective 3 service evaluationSupport for
speech and language
  • sharing knowledge and skills with parents has led
    to positive behavioural changes in how members
    interact with their babies and young children
  • sharing knowledge and skills with team has led to
    effective support for speech and language
    development becoming embedded across the
  • outreach work in local nurseries has led to
    statistically significant improvements in
    childrens phonological awareness, a prerequisite
    of literacy
  • members value access to qualified speech and
    language therapist without waiting for a referral
    or clinical appointment and the friendly,
    reassuring, holistic manner in which support and
    advice is given
  • local professionals report a marked improvement
    in speech, language and social interaction skills
    of children who attend
  • local paediatric SLT service willing to learn
    from Sure Start Chelmsley Wood

Objective 4 - Strengthening families and the
  • friendships social networks formed among
    parents and children makes transition to
    nursery and school easier
  • parents and professionals report increased sense
    of community spirit
  • coherent, articulate, assertive parental voice,
    especially evident through Parents Action
    Community Team
  • parent-run parent and toddler groups
  • parent-run adventure group for under-10s
  • increased parental representation on local
    decision-making groups and on local working

Objective 4 service evaluationSupporting adult
  • role of adult tutor valued by Sure Start members,
    colleagues and Solihull College Community
    Education staff
  • adult tutor provides support to enable access to
    first steps learning, accredited learning, routes
    to employment
  • adult tutor has raised local profile of family
    learning, esp. through Family Learning Network
  • huge increase in take-up of adult learning
    opportunities in Chelmsley Wood ward
  • progression routes from first steps learning now
    established and used e.g. improved uptake of
    Level 2
  • improved employability, especially successful in
    childcare sector

  • How has it been achieved?

Thematic evaluation - partnership
  • All the successes achieved through the processes
    of working in partnership
  • the partnership that put together the original
  • the partnerships that sustain the local programme
    the Partnership Board and Community Reference
  • the partnership working within the multi-agency,
    multi-skilled, carefully chosen team
  • the partnership working with parents

Working in partnership what it means in Sure
Start Chelmsley Wood
  • Key elements of definitions given Partnership
    Board and Community Reference Group
  • shared vision
  • purposeful, open discussion
  • agreed, shared action
  • How far did this match reality at Sure Start
    Chelmsley Wood?
  • ALL agreed it was an exemplar of good practice

Partnership working in the team what it means
in Sure Start Chelmsley Wood
  • team is representative of needs of members - i.e.
    a coordinated cohesive team, working together
    in service of families
  • respect for others roles, skills and knowledge
  • blurring of edges of roles (not precious about
    areas of expertise)
  • benefits of co-working, of core planning and
    joint planning
  • accessible, effective support for team and
  • underpinned by Solihull Approach - provides a
    common language and consistency of approach to
    children and families
  • mutual support provides scope to be innovative
  • actively learning from each other

Partnership with parents what it means in
Sure Start Chelmsley Wood
  • Key aspects of definitions given by parents
  • treated as equals (even first among equals)
  • being valued and listened to
  • being taken seriously, esp. re decision-making
  • acting on parents views (delivering the goods)
  • How far did this match reality at Sure Start
    Chelmsley Wood?
  • ALL stated this matched all these expectations
  • awareness of what parents offer to Sure Start
    Chelmsley Wood Were what makes it work.

Partnership with parents - valued
characteristics of Sure Start Chelmsley Wood
  • children and parents at the centre - working with
    and for local parents and children, not doing
    unto them
  • environment - safe, friendly, welcoming
  • respect for staff, parents and children staff
    who listen and dont judge
  • high quality - of staff, of facilities, of group
    sessions, of individual support of childcare of
    equipment provided

  • The Sure Start Chelmsley Wood Model

THE SOLIHULL APPROACH empowering families
The 3 elements of the Solihull Approach are used
to empower both parents and children and can be
utilised at any stage in the family relationship
in a therapeutic or preventative way.
CONTAINMENT (from psychoanalytic theory)
RECIPROCITY (from child development research)
BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT (from learning theory)
For further information contact
The three elements
  • Containment responding to another in a way that
    acknowledges their feelings reflects them back
    as tolerable and meaningful restores ability to
    process emotions and capacity to think feeling
    safe valued
  • Reciprocity mutual involvement in the starting,
    continuation and ending of an interaction, i.e.
    each person being able to affect and be affected
    by the other - basis of relationship with baby
    supports communication language development
    dancing together
  • Behaviour management parents teaching children
    self-control through setting reasonable
    boundaries, giving attention praise, modelling
    expected behaviour facilitates learning and
    development ready to learn and develop

Sure Start Chelmsley Wood Model
  • Think of a series of triangles sitting inside
    each other, with a heart in the middle
  • Heart at the centre values and attitudes of all
  • valuing the children, families and each other as
  • Triangle 1 all working within the Solihull
  • containment reciprocity behaviour management
  • Triangle 2 the Sure Start Chelmsley Wood
  • safe, welcoming environment i.e. containment
    respectful relationships i.e. reciprocity
    high quality staff delivering high quality
    services in well-kept premises - all learning
    and developing together i.e. behaviour

Sure Start Chelmsley Wood Model - affecting,
and affected by, its context
  • The model of working affects, and is affected by
  • Triangle 3 the wider context of Solihull
  • partnership structures in place (containment)
    day to day partnership working (reciprocity)
    willingness to learn together and develop
    mainstream versions of the positive experiences
    from Sure Start Chelmsley Wood (behaviour
  • Triangle 4 the wider national context
  • commitment to national Sure Start programme
    (containment) mutual sharing of knowledge and
    experiences, e.g. through NESS (reciprocity)
    facilitating others to learn from Sure Start
    local programmes and develop similar approaches
    within Childrens Services (behaviour management)

  • Conclusion

Key recommendations
  • To continue to work together as a Partnership to
    achieve the long-term future of the facilities
    and provision at Sure Start Chelmsley Wood
  • To embrace widening access to the programme -
    parents and professionals want this (interview
  • To support the mainstreaming of approaches and
    lessons from Sure Start Chelmsley Wood being
    implemented locally
  • whilst ensuring that
  • the emphasis on high quality provision, made in
    partnership with parents, for children and
    parents is maintained
  • quick, easy access to specialist support within
    universal services is maintained

What next? - the current position
  • Mainstreaming is already happening
  • Education local development of Neighbourhood
    Nurseries, Extended Schools, Childrens Centres
    all influenced by Chelmsley Wood model
  • Social services - Solihull Family Support Model
  • Health - Health Visitor review Parental
    Evaluation Developmental Screening pilot
    influence within CAMHS SLT Dept parents groups
    Solihull Approach spreading
  • Community action - Parents Action Community Team
  • Sustainable community provision - Cheeky Monkeys
    Little Squirrels for pre-school Funky Monkeys
    for under-10s
  • Opportunities for adults - local college agreed
    to train crèche workers to improve quality of
    childcare to increase uptake of courses
    development of Excellence in the Community
    learning pods

What next? - the framework for the future exists
  • The local programme slots in to the key
  • a) national agenda
  • Childrens National Service Framework
  • Every Child Matters Change for Children - Sure
    Start members want these five Outcomes for their
    children too (interview data)
  • Choice for Parents (10 Year Childcare Strategy)
  • Together from the Start
  • Early Support Pilot Programme

What next? - the framework for the future exists
  • The local programme slots in to the key
  • b) local agendas
  • Solihull Sure Start Plan, 2004-06
  • Solihull Lifelong Learning Partnership (3 Year
  • Solihull Adult Community Learning, SDP 2004-07
  • A Place for People - community strategy for
    Solihull, 2003-13

The key challenge
  • I am very pleased and very happy that there is
    such a place as Sure Start now. Its nice to know
    that, because this is up and running and its
    well-established now, in years to come my
    children will have somewhere to go with their
    children, as well.
  • (quote from a parent)
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