Title: Clustered Star Formation
1Clustered Star Formation
- Cluster forming clumps in the Rosette
- Internal (collapse?) motions in W3
- The masses of the Orion proplyds
Jonathan Williams Institute for Astronomy (UH
2Massive stars form in clusters in Giant Molecular
Y. Fukui
3Heyer, Williams Brunt in prep
4with Meredith Hughes (REU)
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Heyer, Williams Brunt in prep
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8Young stellar clusters in the RMC
M tens of Mc, R 0.3 pc, Dv few km/s
No clear trends of NIR properties with L/M, HII
distance, morphology, etc!
lt 1
bound, n(H2) 103-4 cm-3, S 0.02 g/cm2
Carlos Roman PhD
9Chemistry of cluster envelopes
10Velocity gradients
Low density tracers have small or non-existent
gradients incoherent/turbulent motion Higher
density tracers have much more ordered motions
with high velocity gradients transition to
coherence? (c.f. Goodman et al. 1998)
11Internal (collapse?) motions in W3
W3(OH) compact HII region O7 star
Turner-Welch object
M 15 Mc L 3x104 Lc 2 proto-B-stars?
Wyrowski et al. 1999
12W3 SMA 1.3mm continuum
6 0.07pc
preliminary results with Sandrine Bottinelli
13CO(2-1) absorption of both continuum sources
14A toy model
rear emitting layer
stationary absorbing layer
15Two-layer radiative transfer model
16A toy model
rear emitting layer
0.8 km/s
0.5 km/s
2 km/s
0.5 km/s
stationary absorbing layer
17Differentially rotating clump?
18Interferometric absorption studies
- a reliable way to map relative motions - more
feasible at high frequencies (SMA!) higher
line optical depth, greater continuum strength
Welch et al. (1987)
19The masses of the Orion proplyds
20The masses of the Orion proplyds
Tightly clustered objects Background cloud
emission Strong bremsstrahlung emission
21The masses of the Orion proplyds
Tightly clustered objects Background cloud
emission Strong bremsstrahlung emission
22(Bally et al. 1998)
230.019 Mc
4/23 proplyds have enough material to form Solar
System scale planetary systems
0.013 Mc
0.023 Mc
0.017 Mc
24What about the non-detections? (18 are lt 3s)
(Williams, Andrews, Wilner 2005)
253 7s, 1 3s detection but 18 non-detections
sudden mass loss event?
are the proplyds on circular or radial
orbits? (Storzer Hollenbach)
265 detections, 4 dust masses
M gt minimum mass solar nebula enough
material to form Solar System architectures
2718 non-detections
positive average flux M 2x10-4
Msun uneven mass distribution rapid mass
loss event?
radial orbits? (Storzer Hollenbach 2003)
28High mass stars affect many more planetary
systems if stars move on radial (rather than
circular) orbits
Future observations proplyd mass
distribution and distance dependence
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