Title: Modern Physics PC300
1Modern Physics(PC300)
Class 8 Quantum Mechanics Born
2Test Assessment
3Quantum Episode 6
- Episode 4 Charge
- Episode 5 Black Body - Quantized Radiation
- Photoelectric Effect
4Photoelectric Effect
5Photoelectric Effect Intensity
Makes Sense more photons - more electrons
6Photoelectric Effect Frequency
Maximum KE does not depend on intensity
1902 Lenard -
1905 Lenard - Nobel Prize
71905 Photoelectric Effect Solution
Classical electromagnetic theory has problems
explaining the independence of Kmax and light
intensity, the linear dependence of Kmax on light
frequency and the instantaneous (10-9s) response
of the photocurrent.
Einstein - Light composed of irreducible "grains"
- quanta (energy packets).
1921 Einstein - Nobel Prize
8Photoelectric Effect Work Functions
9Various Work Functions
1923 Millikan - Nobel Prize
Why do different metals have different work
10(No Transcript)
11Sim 4 Photoelectric Effect
P-Drive\White\Modern Physics\Programs\Petutor\CTWI
NX Click on Photo15.ctb then hit OK
12Lab 6 Photoelectric Effect
13X Ray Production
1901 Roentgen - Nobel Prize
14EM Spectrum X-Rays
(Duane-Hunt Rule)
15Quantum Homework Questions
- Some PETUTOR Questions and an Electron Gun
question - Also
- Thornton and Rex
- 3-2,3-4,3-36,3-39,
- 3-42,3-43
"Yeah, well I got mine first
Due Friday 29th by 1100am