Title: Kinematics: Workspace : Trajectory:
1Kinematics Workspace Trajectory
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6A systematic way to develop the 4x4 matrix
T(q),from Introduction to Robotics, J.J. Craig
7Link i-1
8Axis i-1
9Axis i
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12There generally exists a line that connects, and
is perpendicular to, both axes of rotation of a
given member.
13Call the unique length for member i-1 ai-1
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15Zi-1 axis is defined to pass through the i-1 axis.
16Xi-1 axis is aligned with the length that defines
17Yi-1 completes the right-handed coordinate system
for member i-1.
18Unless i-1n, (i-1 is the last link or member)
another unique axis ai can be defined.
19di joins ai as a second length parameter for the
ith link.
20di joins ai as a second length parameter for the
ith link.
21The Xi Yi Zi axes are defined according to the
previous scheme.
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31Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
32Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
33Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
34Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
35Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
36Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
37Four parameters characterize each link For
revolute joints, three are constant and one is
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40Example Forward kinematics for a 3DOF robot
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46Example Forward kinematics for a 3DOF robot