Title: 2 pt
Classification Of Epithelia
Ducts and Glands
Cells and Fibers
Types of Connective Tissue
1 pt
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2 pt
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5 pt
2A sheet of cells that covers a body surface or
lines a body cavity.
3What is Epithelial Tissue
4Its major functions include binding and support,
protection, insulation, and transportation of
bodily substances.
5What is Connective Tissue
6The main component of the nervous system
7What is Nervous Tissue
8Responsible for most types of body movements
9What is Muscle Tissue
10Spindle shaped tissue with one centrally located
11What is Smooth Muscle tissue
12Tissue with One layer
13Simple Epithelia
14Consisting of more than one layer stacked on top
of each other
15Stratified Epithelia
16When referring to epithelial cells, this type is
scale-like and flattened.
17Squamous cells
18This type of epithelial cell is boxlike,
approximately as tall as they are wide
19Cuboidal Cell
20This type of epithelial cells are tall and column
21Columnar Cells
22Consists of one or more cells that make and
secretes a particular product
23(No Transcript)
24What is a gland?!
25An aqueous fluid that usually contains proteins
26What is a secretion
27Compact, mulitcellular organs that produce
28What is an endocrine gland
29Type of Gland that secretes its produces onto
body surfaces or into body cavities.
30What is an Exocrine gland
33Tube like connections to the epithelial sheets
34What are ducts
35Constructed of the fibrous protein collagen
36What is Collagen Fibers
37Long, thin fibers that form branching networks in
the extra-cellular matrix
38What are Elastic Fibers
39Fine Collagenous fibers and are continuous with
collagen fibers
40What are reticular fibers
41Large irregularly shaped cells that avidly
phagocytize a broad variety of foreign materials
42What are macrophages
43These cells act as sensitive sentinels to detect
foreign substances and initiate local
inflammatory responses against them.
44What are Mast Cells
45Avascular connective tissue that lacks nerve
46What is Cartilage
47Type of Tissue found underneath the skin, around
kidneys and eyeballs and within the abdomen
48 What is Adipose (FAT) tissue
49Why do babies have brown fat?
50Because they cant shiver yet
51Mature bone cells that reside in the Lacune
within the matrix they have made
52What are Osteocytes
53The most atypical connective tissue
54What is blood!