Title: Biodiversity in Alabama
1Biodiversity in Alabama
- The Richest State East of the Mississippi River
2What is Biodiversity?
- Species
- 1.4 1.75 Million Species
- 10 100 Million Species Exist
- Ecological
- Genetic
3The Importance of Biodiversity
- Keystone Species
- Bees for pollination
- Gopher Tortoise
- Environmental Indicators
- Amphibians
- Raptors
4The Importance of Biodiversity
- Products
- Food
- Fiber
- Medicine
- Gene Pool
- 1 in 2,000 species survive periods
5What Leads to Biological Diversity
- Solar Energy
- Increases from poles to tropics
- Area
- 10x increase in area 2x increase in species
- the closer to the equator the smaller the range
- Stable Climate
- With muted seasons allow specialists to
out-compete generalists
6What Leads to Biological Diversity
- Landscape
- Soils and Physical Geography
- Streams, Lakes, Rivers, Seas, Oceans
- Forest Types
- Regional
- Latitude
- Weather
- Temporal
- Disturbances
- Climate
- Isolation
7Physiographic Regions
- Limestone Valleys and Uplands
- Appalachian Plateau
- Piedmont Plateau
- Coastal Plain
- Blackland Prairie
- Flood Plains and Terraces
- Coastal Marshes
8Alabama Rivers and Wetlands
- 11 of the state is classified as wetland
- Roughly 77,000 miles of intermittent and
perennial streams - These streams produce 33.5 trillion gallons of
water each year
9Forest Types
- Greater areas of habitat lead to more diversity
- Forests cover 71 of the state
- Consists of over 300 species of trees and nearly
3,000 species of vascular plants - Alabama ranks 9th in this category
10Stable Climate
- Time and stability hypothesis
- The southeast was not covered by glaciers in
previous ice ages - Age coupled with the stability of the climate
could lead to greater diversity
11Alabama Biodiversity
- Alabama Ranks 5th in the Nation in Biodiversity
- Alabama Ranks 1st in the Eastern U.S. in
Biodiversity - Over 4,500 Species of Plants and Animals are
Found in Alabama
Chris Evans, The University of Georgia,
Pete Pattavina, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
12Alabama Biodiversity
- There are 144 Endemic Species Found in Alabama
David J. Moorhead, The University of Georgia,
13Alabama Biodiversity
- Alabama Ranks 1st in the Nation in Fish Species
with 284 - Alabama Ranks 1st in the Nation in Mussels with
60 of all North American Species
Jeffrey J. Jackson, University of Georgia,
Gary Peeples, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
14Alabama Biodiversity
- Alabama Ranks 6th in the Nation with 68 Species
of Amphibians - Alabama also Ranks 6th in the Nation with 85
Species of Reptiles
Jeffrey J. Jackson, University of Georgia,
Gary Peeples, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
15What is the Biodiversity Issue?
- Human population is 100x more than any other
species of comparable size - Humans use 20-40 of solar energy captured in
land plants - Need for intensive management
- Poorest countries are home to most diverse biota
potential hotspots
16What is the Biodiversity Issue?
17Extinct Species in Alabama
- Passenger Pigeon
- Carolina Parakeet
- Bachmans Warbler
- Harelip Sucker
- Whiteline Topminnow
- 42 Snails
- 27 Mussels
John James Audubon
18Threatened and Endangered Species in Alabama
- 99 Animal Species, including Eastern Indigo Snake
- 18 Plant Species, including the Relict Trillium
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Speake, Dr. Dan,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pattavina, Pete
19Delisted Species
- American Alligator 1967 - 1987
- Peregrine Falcon 1970 1999
- Brown Pelican 1970 1985
- Eggerts Sunflower1997 - 2005
20What is Threatening the
Worlds Biodiversity?
- Loss of Habitat 85
- Nonnatives 49
- Pollution 24
- Exploitation 17
- Disease 3
21Loss of Habitat - Urbanization
- Urban and suburban areas now cover 64 million
acres - An increase of 300 since 1955
- While population has only increased 75 in the
same time
22Loss of Habitat - Forestland
- Original forests in the U.S. totaled about 1.05
billion acres - Clearing of forests in the East from 1850 - 1900
averaged 13 square miles every day for 50 years - The most prolific period of forest clearing
coincides with the most prolific period of
immigration - Forests cover about 749million acres, 33 of the
U.S. and 22 million acres, 73 of Alabama
23Average Annual Harvest Area
- Harvesting affects 10 million acres, 1.3, in the
US annually - More than 5 million acres is in the South which
provides 60 of all the nations forest products - Harvesting affects lt 3 of the Souths forests
annually - Only about 38 of the annual harvest area is by
the clearcut
Source FIA State Reports
- Is the 3rd ranked contributor for all imperiled
species - However is 2nd ranked for imperiled aquatic
species - Pollution includes sedimentation
25Nonnative Invasive Species
- Approximately 1,000 exotic plants occupy 100
million acres in the U.S. - 49 of threatened and endangered species affected
by invasive species
26Species Accounts MammalsIndiana Bat Myotis
- 9.5-10.5 wingspan
- Largest hibernating population in Sauta Cave near
Scottsboro - Endangered
- Human disturbance during hibernation leads to
starvation - Vandalism and loss of habitat
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Andy King
27Species Accounts BirdsRed Cockaded Woodpecker
Picoides borealis
- No visible red marks from a distance
- Only woodpecker in Ala. That lives in living
pines - Depends on mature pines with heart-rot fungus
- Abandons nests when a mid-story develops
- Endangered
- Habitat loss
Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service,
28Species Accounts ReptilesGopher Tortoise
Gopherus polyphemus
- Only indigenous tortoise in the SE
- Prefers open canopy forests
- Lives up to 40 years
- Listed in Alabama as a game species with no open
season - Threatened west of the Tombigbee and Mobile Rivers
Chris Evans, The University of Georgia,
29Species Accounts ReptilesGopher Tortoise
Gopherus polyphemus
- Burrows can reach up to 9 feet deep and 20 feet
long - Females lay 5-8 eggs in May June
- Declines due to loss of habitat
- Prescribed burning and herbicides improve habitat
David J. Moorhead, The University of Georgia,
30Species Accounts ReptilesEastern Indigo Snake
- Drymarchon corais couperi
- More stout than Black Racer and Pine Snake
- Immune to all venoms
- Prefers diet of snakes
- Uses burrows of Gopher Tortoise for shelter and
nesting - Threatened due to habitat loss and human
collection and killing
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pete Pattavina
31Species Accounts AmphibiansRed Hills
Salamander Phaeognathus hubrichti
- State amphibian of Alabama
- Found on steep bluffs of the Tallahatta and
Hatchetigbee formations - Spends most time in burrows
- Threatened
David J. Moorhead, The University of Georgia,
32Species Accounts FishesAlabama Sturgeon
Scaphirhynchus suttkusi
- Found in the Alabama River below Millers Ferry
and Claiborne Dam - Feeds on mollusks and aquatic larvae
- Endangered due to blockage of migratory routes,
poor spawning habitat and sedimentation
Fishes of Alabama and the Mobile Basin ONeil,
Pierson and Mettee
33Species Accounts InvertebratesFreshwater
Gary Peeples, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
34Species Accounts InvertebratesMitchells Satyr
Butterfly Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii
Gary Peeples, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
35Species Accounts PlantsGreen Pitcher Plant
Sarraccenia oreophila
James Henderson, Gulf South Research Corporation,