Title: Didactic Laboratory for teaching Mobile IPv6
1Didactic Laboratory for teaching Mobile IPv6
IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do
Estado de São Paulo
2Mobile Networks
- Dissemination
- Mobile IPv4
- Mobile IPv6
- Learning Material
3Didactic Laboratory
- What was implemented
- MIPv6 Embedding on Knoppix
- Changes done
- Wireless board drivers
- Needs of the technology
- Daily practical use
4Didactic Laboratory
2 - Binding Update sent using the key
1 - "Return routability" checks and establishes
the session key
3 Packages is routed directly using the router
head and options from IPV6 destination
- Mobile IP with extensions for route optimization
5Laboratory Architecture
- A FTP server is started on the Agent Home and
begin downloading a file - During the download the ESSID is changed from
fabio (Rede Home) to visitnet (Rede Visitada)
6Didactic Experiments
- Changing from the network segment
- Routing
- Doing the connection and starting the download
ftp fec010627001 get wingate.log
iwconfig eth0 essid visitnet
After changing essid a new IP is generated with
the mask of visitnet subnet. See it using
ifconfig on the mobile node
eth0 Link encapEthernet HWaddr
000475BC27B6 inet6 addr
fec010627004/64 ScopeSite inet6
addr fe8020475fffebc27b6/64 ScopeLink
inet6 addr fec01061100020475fffebc27b
6/64 ScopeSite inet6 addr
fec01062700020475fffebc27b6/64 ScopeSite
Care-of address acquired
7(No Transcript)
mipdiag -s Mobile IPv6 Statistics NBindAcksRcvd
1 NBindUpdatesSent
mipdiag -c Mobile IPv6 Binding cache Home
Address Care-of Address
Lifetime Type fec010627004
fec01061100020475fffebc27b6 924
mipdiag -m If Home Address/prefix length
Home Agent H
R fec010627004 / 64
fec010627001 0 1
mipdiag -l Mobile IPv6 Binding update
list Recipient CN fec010627001 BINDING home
address fec010627004 care-of
addressfec01061100020475fffebc27b6 expires
944 sequence 0 state 1 delay 3 max delay 32
callback time 744
9Basic Operation
2 - Binding Update sent using the key
1 - "Return routability" checks and establishes
the session key
3 Packages is routed directly using the router
head and options from IPV6 destination
- Mobile IP with extensions for route optimization
10Basic Operation
3 - Use home address
2 Node updates the Home Agent
1 - Node goes to the foreign network
Mobile IP based on Home Agent
11Agent Home Operation
- A Home Agent maintain a separate list of agent
home for each link that serves a Home Agent - Package process
- Processing intercepted packages
- Handling reverse tunneled packages
12Mobile Node Operation
- Each mobile node must maintain a Binding Update
List - Each entry on the conceptual list of the Binding
Update has the following fields - The IP address of the node and the home address
of the sent Binding Update - The care-of address sent in this Binding Update
- The initial value of the TTL
- The remaining life time of that binding
- The maximum value of the field sequence number
- The last Binding Update time sent to that
destination - The status of any retransmission needed for this
Binding Update
13Mobile IPv6 with Knoppix
- The Knoppix distribution
- What was done?
- What topology is compliant?
- Compatibility with wireless hardware
- Advantage of adopting this learning tool
- Download
- www.geocities.com/fabioxa