Title: Grants for Innovative Teaching
1Grants for Innovative Teaching
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2Todays Agenda
- Introductions
- Mission Statement Purpose
- Explanation of Funding
- Explanation of Grant Process
- Helpful Grant Writing Hints
- Timeline Review
- Questions/Concerns
3Grants for Innovative Teaching
- Mission Statement
- To improve education by funding unique programs
designed especially for a particular school or
grade level. The program is committed to the
cause of better education in the Dallas area and
strives to promote opportunities for teachers and
- Grants for Innovative Teaching is a Junior League
of Dallas project designed to encourage and
support excellence in teaching. - The grants will enable teachers to implement
ORIGINAL and CREATIVE projects not provided for
in school budgets.
- The JLD, thanks to the generosity of Chase, will
be able to award up to 75,000.00 in grants to
educators in elementary (including kindergarten),
middle, and high schools in the DISD. - Only one application per teacher will be
accepted. When applying as a team, each
teachers name should be listed and one should be
designated as the lead teacher. - Grant awards are up to 500 for an individual
teacher, up to 1,000 for two teachers, and up to
1,500 for a group of three or more teachers.
6Grant Process
- The completed application and six paper clipped
copies must be received by the Junior League of
Dallas, Inc., 8003 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX
75209, by 600 p.m. on Friday, April 27, 2007. - The grant request should be on the JLD form.
Facsimile and electronic submissions will not be
accepted. - Grant applications will be available through your
principal and librarian or online at www.jld.net.
7Grant Process
- Applications are anonymous. Identifying
information (teachers name, school principal,
etc.) should only appear on the cover sheet. - Applications will be reviewed by the JLD Grants
for Innovative Teaching Committee. Grants will
be awarded in September 2007 and will be
distributed through each schools activity fund. - Projects must be implemented from September 1,
2007 and April 30, 2008. - JLD committee members will make site visits to
observe and evaluate the projects. - Grant winners must submit an evaluation of
his/her project by May 3, 2008.
8Helpful Grant Writing Guidelines
- Does the project have a clear definition and
- Is the time table reasonable? Projects need to
be implemented between September 1, 2007, and
April 30, 2008. - Are the activities clearly defined and achievable
in a classroom setting? - CREATIVITY
- How innovative is this project?
- Does it replace or resemble existing programs,
either in the school or in the community? - PRACTICALITY
- Is this project age appropriate?
- Is this a project that will have school and
parental support?
9Helpful Grant Writing Guidelines
- How can the success of this project be tangibly
measured and evaluated? - Are goals clearly defined?
- What will the students gain from this project?
- How many students will benefit from this project?
- Will this grant fulfill all the financial
requirements of the project or will additional
funds be needed? - Have other funds been applied for from other
sources for this project? - Is the budget clear and specific?
- Are all expenses itemized?
- Does the budget meet the funding parameters?
10Grant Specifics
- Short Summary
- Remember to include the number of students
impacted directly and indirectly - Ex Directly 70 students will be involved in
the project - Ex Indirectly Those 70 students will present
the topic in a play that will be seen by the
entire student body (575 students) - Project Description
- When describing the proposed project, please keep
in mind the committee reviewing the proposals may
not know all the teaching acronyms (IRL, ARC,
TAG, etc.). Please provide appropriate
supporting details. - How INNOVATIVE is this project? How is it
different from existing programs at the school? - Ex Buying books for children may not appear
innovative on first blush. Explain why this is
different and how the books will be used and the
benefits to the children.
11Grant Specifics
- Goals and Objectives
- What particular need (with your students or at
your school) does this project fulfill? - What will the students gain from this project?
(Increased reading scores, better self esteem,
improved communication skills, etc.). - Effectiveness
- How will the success of your project be measured?
- Ex Students enjoying themselves during the
before school program (is not going to cut it). - Ex Improve reading scores from X to Y between
September 2007 and April 2008.
12Grant Specifics Budget How Much Detail?
- Just Right
- Seeds
- Mulch
- Soil
- Flowers
- Stone
- Rake
- Shovel
- Tiller (small one safe for children)
- Too Little Detail
- Plants
- Tools
- Misc Supplies
- Too Much Detail
- Tomato Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Pepper Seeds
- Organic Mulch
- Cedar Mulch
- Organic Soil
- Regular Soil
- Azaleas
- Peonies
- Flagstone
- Limestone
- 14 Rake
- 16 Rake
- 22 Shovel
Hint We need to know what types of tools
supplies you will purchase to ensure project
relevancy and age appropriateness.
Hint Provide enough detail about what is being
purchased so the Committee is comfortable with
the items chosen.
Hint Group items by category this will make
for fewer budget amendments.
13Timeline Review
- Grant Submission Deadline
- Friday, April 27, 2007
- Grants Awarded
- September 2007 (date TBD)
- Project Implementation
- September 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008
- Project Evaluations and Observations
- Throughout the school year
- Project Evaluation Due
- May 3, 2008
14The Junior League of Dallas is Committed to
Improving Education for DISD Students
For additional information, call Becky Park,
Project Chair, Grants for Innovative Teaching at
(214) 357-8822, ext. 218 or email
gfit_at_jld.net. Application deadline is Friday,
April 27, 2007.
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