Title: Models of Neutrino Mass
1Models of Neutrino Mass
G.G.Ross, IPPP December 2005
Origin of mass and mass hierarchy
What do we learn from the mixing angles?
2Origin of Neutrino masses
Dirac or Majorana?
3Origin of Neutrino masses
Dirac or Majorana?
Weinberg 1979
4Origin of Neutrino masses
Dirac or Majorana?
Weinberg 1979
Minkowski mechanism
5Origin of Neutrino masses
Dirac or Majorana?
Weinberg 1979
6Dirac or Majorana?
New space dimensions
Arkani Hamed, Dimopoulos, March
Russell Dienes,Farragi
Flux spreading
In 4D small Dirac masses can arise through higher
dimension operators
Abel, Dedes, Tamvakis
7Neutrino mass and dark energy
Symmetry needed to keep it light
Quintessence field
CP violating field of neutrino mass matrix?
Barbieri, Hall, Oliver, Strumia
Mass varying neutrinos
Fardon, Nelson, Weiner
energy in A
At finite density
dimension of operator
order of radiative corrections
Can get normal, inverted or degenerate structures
(NB Radiative corrections can split precise
degeneracies unless protected by symmetry)
9Unravelling the origin of mass..
Many possibilities, many parameters
difficult (impossible) unless we are lucky!
Small in quark sector, large in lepton sector?
Non Abelian Structure?
Bi-Tri Maximal Mixing
Harrison, Perkins, Scott ansatz
10Tri-Bi-Maximal mixing
11Discrete non Abelian family symmetry
But what about the charged lepton sector
Need complete theory
12Two ingredients
See-saw with sequential domination
(Discrete) Non-Abelian family symmetry
King, GGR, Varzielas
Vacuum alignment
13Vacuum alignment
Origin of mass and mass hierarchy
- Many possibilities for both Majorana and Dirac
Heavy see-saw, light see-saw, bare Dirac,
radiative generation, radiative running, running
massesdark energy
- All patterns of mass possible
normal, inverted, degenerate
What do we learn from the mixing angles?
-Hints at an underlying (spontaneously broken)
family symmetry?
SO(10)XSU(3)? Unified theory of quark,
charged lepton and neutrino masses
with related textures
15I de Medeiros, GGR King, Vives, Velasco Sevilla
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
c.f. Georgi-Jarskog
Common texture zero
only terms allowed by G
Origin of mass and mass hierarchy
- Many possibilities for both Majorana and Dirac
Heavy see-saw, light see-saw, bare Dirac,
radiative generation, radiative running, running
massesdark energy
- All patterns of mass possible
normal, inverted, degenerate
What do we learn from the mixing angles?
-Hints at an underlying (spontaneously broken)
family symmetry?
SO(10)XSU(3)? Unified theory of quark,
charged lepton and neutrino masses
with related textures
- A discrete non-Abelian subgroup can give vacuum
alignment needed for bi-tri-maximal mixing