Title: This is a demonstration of Slide TRANSITIONS
1This is a demonstration of Slide TRANSITIONS
- Slide Transitions can be an interesting way to
move from one slide to the next.
2Tiger (Woods)
Top golf player in the world Incredible iron
shots Gets great sponsors Even eats bananas while
he plays Respected by all athletes.
3Harry Small, brave, clever Son of James and
Lily Much loved by Hagrid Sibling of no one
Wishes Draco Malfoy would leave him alone Wants
to be a great wizard Who fears Voldemort Who is
afraid of Potions class Who feels lonely during
the holidays
Who gives Gryffindor points Who would like to
meet his parents Lover of Quidditch Resident of
Hogwarts (some of the time) Potter
4- An old silent pond
- A frog jumps into the pond,
- Splash! Silence again.
- Basho (1644-1694)
- Scholastic Guides How to Write Poetry, p.100
5Winter will soon end But it always leaves a
mess As it melts and drips Making streets muddy
and wet A slow departure each year
6Games Played on Computers Are my hobby Fun
7Television Large, black Watching, projecting,
channel flipping Click! Remote control, pages,
Swish! Reading, writing, sharing Portable,
printable Books
8Autumn Brilliant, picturesque Beautifies,
brightens, enchants Wears colorful clothes of
orange and red Spectacle
9Stars Bright, small Glowing, guiding,
guarding Watching over me at night Swoosh!
10The Purple Cow
I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you, anyhow,
Id rather see than be one.
- Gelett BurgessTalking Like the Rain, p. 35
11Mud Turtles
On the rock the turtles get
When they are tired of being wet.
Back into the pond they slide
When they are tired of being dried.
- Grace Taber Hallock
- The Beauty of the Beast Poems from the Animal
Kingdom, p.24
12Peer and Self Review Handout
Date Your Name Type of Poem
Cinquain Name of classmate
1. I liked ___________s poem because 2.
His/her poem used ______________________ (poetic
device). 3. How did the poetic device affect the
4. _______________ (classmate) told me my poem
was ____________ (adjective) because. 5.
The thing I like most about my poem is
13Peer and Self Review Handout
Date Your Name Type of Poem
Quatrain Name of classmate
1. I liked ___________s poem because 2.
His/her poem used ______________________ (poetic
device). 3. How did the poetic device affect the
4. _______________ (classmate) told me my poem
was ____________ (adjective) because. 5.
The thing I like most about my poem is