Title: Quantum phase transitions across pwave Feshbach resonance
1Quantum phase transitions acrossp-wave Feshbach
with Victor Gurarie (CU Boulder) Anton
Andreev (U. Washington) for details see,
Gurarie, L.R., Andreev, cond-mat/0410620
support by NSF Materials Theory, Packard
- Motivation
- Predictions
- Model
- Analysis
- Phase transitions
- Conclusions
- discovery of p-wave Feshbach resonances in 40K
(Jin), 6Li (Salomon) - demonstration of s-wave FR-driven paired
superfluidity - richness of nonzero L superfluids (3He,
Ruthenates, high-Tcs,) - realization of a fractional quantum Hall state
- narrowness of p-wave FR small parameter
(cf. s-wave) - quantitatively accurate predictions
Regal, et al
Regal, et al
- novel vortices (Volovik, Liu)
- FQHE phenomenology (Read and Green)
5s-wave Feshbach resonant scattering
Timmermans, et al Holland, et al Stoof, et al
6s-wave resonant superfluidity
Griffin, et al Levin, et al
Timmermans, et al Holland, et al Stoof, et al
7p-wave Feshbach resonant scattering
naturally narrow!
8p-wave resonant superfluidity
Ho, Diener Ohashi
Sa de Melo, et al Cheng, Yip
- narrow resonance
- complex vector order parameter
- sample states
9Mean-field theory
- superfluid ground state
- excitation spectrum
10Isotropic resonance at T0
11Dipolar-interaction FR splitting
Ticknor, et al
12P-wave superfluid phases
13T0 phase diagrams
also see Cheng, Yip 05
14Finite T phase diagram
15Gapless gapped superfluid transitions
also see Sa de Melo, et al
16px i py superfluid in 2D
- same as the Pfaffian (Moore-Read) state in
quantum Hall effect - excitations with non-Abelian statistics
- topological classification in terms of uk and vk
- gapped ? gapped superfluid transition at ???
- suggested to be used as qubits for quantum
- quantitatively accurate description of crossover
and transitions - with ?????F as small parameter for
narrow resonance - px and px i py superfluid states
- superfluid ? superfluid finite T and quantum
phase transitions - need generalization to a trap and detailed
exploration of - phenomenology
18Numbers for various s-FBR
TF 2 ?K ? l 10,000 Å ?0 1/(2m r02) r0 h4
/(m2 g2)