Title: The Value-Line Dow-Jones Model: Does It Have Predictive Content?
1The Value-Line Dow-Jones Model Does It Have
Predictive Content?
- Tom Fomby and Limin Lin
- Department of Economics
- SMU, Dallas, TX
- ISF 2004
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- Data Mining by Michael Lovell (1983, RES) The
Lovell Pretesting Rule for Coefficient
Significance - Start MLR with c candidate variables.
- Use A Best Subset Method to obtain
- A MLR with k final variables
- P-Value(actual) (c/k)P-Value(stated)
- On the Usefulness of Macroeconomic Forecasts as
Inputs to Forecasting Models Richard Ashley Jo.
of Forecasting. 1983 - Var(x(hat))/Var(x) versus 1
- Ratio greater than one, x generally not useful
- Ratio less than one, x possibly useful
- It seems a lot of practitioners ignore this rule
at their peril
5The Value-Line Dow Jones Stock Evaluation Model
- Regression model used by the Value-Line
Corporation in its end-of-year report (Value Line
Investment Survey) to provide its readers a
forecast range for the Dow-Jones Index in the
coming years. (Model builder Samuel Eisenstadt) - DJ Dow Jones Industrial Average,
- EP Earnings Per Share on the Dow Jones,
- DP Dividends Per Share on Dow Jones, and
- BY Moodys AAA Corporate Bond Yield
- logarithm transformation linear form
- No evaluation of the model in existing
literature, although the model is in use for over
twenty years and possibly by millions of readers
who may have made decisions upon forecasting
results from the model. It would be interesting
and useful to see how precise and reliable these
forecasts are. - Arguments in the literature about the forecasting
competence of regression model vs. univariate
models, eg. Ashley (1983). Accuracy of the model
depends on the accuracy of the forecasts of the
independent variables. Are the independent
variables making the forecast better or worse? -
7Outline of Presentation
- Data
- Stability Analysis
- Out-of-Sample Forecast Evaluation
- (Predictive Content of Input Variables)
- Conclusions
- Annual observations (1920-2002) on
- DJ Dow Jones Industrial Average, annual
averages - EP Earnings Per Share on the Dow (data point
1932 adjusted - for convenience of log
transformation) - DP Dividends Per Share on the Dow
- BY Moodys AAA Corporate Bond Yield
- Data source Long Term Perspective chart of the
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1920-2002,
published by the Value Line Publishing, Inc. in
Value Line Investment Survey - Logarithm transformation used to obtain linear
regression - Comparisons are made among forecasts of DJ
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12Stability Analysis for VLDJ Model Recursive
Coefficients Diagrams
As reported in end of year ValueLine Investment
Survey, coefficients are estimated as follows
2002 (1.030, 0.210, 0.350, -0.413)
1999 (1.034, 0.217, 0.332, -0.468) 2001
(1.032, 0.218, 0.336, -0.463)
1998 (1.032, 0.216, 0.335, -0.473), and so
on. 2000 (1.033, 0.214, 0.340, -0.480)
13Stability Analysis for VLDJ ModelCUSUM and
CUSUMSQ Test Results
The CUSUM test is based on the statistic
The CUSUMSQ test is based on the statistic
Where is recursive residual defined
S is the standard error of the regression fitted
to all T sample points.
14Test for Structural Change of Unknown Timing
Wald Test Sequence as a Function of Break Date
Andrews (1993, 2003) critical values
15The Models for DLDJ (specified using in-sample
data only)
- Transfer function model (in same form as the
Value-Line Model) DLDJ at time t is a function
of DLEP, DLDP and DLBY at time t where - DLEP MA(2) , DLDP MA(1) and DLBY AR
(1) - Box-Jenkins univariate model DLDJ MA(1).
- Note Transform Predictions for DLDJ to DJ in two
steps - Step 1
- Step 2
16Ex-Ante Forecast AccuracyTransfer Function vs.
Box-Jenkins(Imperfect Foresight)
17Usefulness of Explanatory Variables in the
Transfer Function Model
Ashley(1983 )
18Forecast Accuracy--RMSFE Assuming Perfect
Foresight for Leading Indicators in Transfer
Function Model
Disadvantage Loss of forecast accuracy relative
to TF-Perfect
19Value Line Forecasts vs. TF and BJ Forecasts
The MAFE and RMSFE are computed based on years
1983-2002 except 1993-1995
20Combination Forecasts of TF and BJ
- Simple Average (CF1)
- Nelson Combination (CF2)
- Granger-Ramanathan Combination (CF3)
- Fair-Shiller Combination (CF4)
- Note We apply dynamic weights
21Forecast Accuracy (RMSFE)Box-Jenkins vs.
22Ways of Combating Weak Input Variables
- Drop input variables that dont satisfy Ashleys
Criterion (Forecast could have bias but less
variance) - Use improved input variables Combination of
sample mean and forecasts of input variable - -- Simple average
- -- Ashley (1985) combination
23Forecast AccuracyDropping Inadequate Input
24Forecast AccuracyInput Variables From
Combination Forecasts
- In the absence of perfect foresight, TF (Value
Line) forecasts are less accurate than the BJ
benchmark forecasts for any forecast horizons. - Ashley (1983) criterion shows that the leading
indicators are very noisy and inhibit ex ante
forecasting accuracy of TF model. - If future values of leading indicator variables
are assumed known, (perfect foresight), TF
forecasts improve considerably--beat the BJ
forecast for 2-6 step-ahead forecast horizons,
but do not for the 1-step-ahead forecast horizon.
26Conclusion (cont.)
- With respect to Ex Ante combination forecasting,
BJ forecasts perform better for short horizons
and combinations of the TF and BJ are best for
longer horizons. - For Ex Ante forecasts, differences in accuracy
between TF forecasts and the most accurate
forecasts are not statistically significant.
Ashley (2003) - Dynamic Combination forecasts perform better than
combinations with fixed weights. - Dropping inadequate input variables did not
improve forecast accuracy. Using combination
forecasts for the input variables only improved
the forecast accuracy of some horizons.
27Conclusion (cont.)
- Evidently, the Value Line personnel have been
pretty astute with respect to choosing future
values of the independent variables of their
model. Their published 1-step-ahead forecasts
have smaller MAFE than the ex ante TF model and
the BJ model. With respect to the RMSFE, however,
the BJ model provides a more accurate
1-step-ahead-forecast. - Remember forecasting accuracy is only one way to
evaluate the VLDJ model. Irrespective of its
forecasting powers, it should be recognized that
the VLDJ model is potentially quite useful for
examining what if scenarios and understanding
historical causal factors in the stock market. - It would be interesting to compare competing
models based on interval forecast accuracy and
density forecast accuracy.
28Thank you!
- Andrews, D. W. K. (1993) Tests for Parameter
Instability and Structural Change with Unknown
Change Point, Econometrica, 61, 821-856. - Andrews, D. W. K. (2003) Tests for Parameter
Instability and Structural Change with Unknown
Change Point A Corrigendum, Econometrica, 71
(1), 395-397. - Ashley, R. (1983) On the Usefulness of
Macroeconomic Forecasts as Inputs to Forecasting
Models, Journal of Forecasting, 2, 211-223. - Ashley, R. (2003) Statistically Significant
Forecasting Improvements How Much Out-of-Sample
Data Is Likely Necessary? International Journal
of Forecasting, 19(2), 229-239. - Bai, J. (1997) Estimation of A Change Point in
Multiple Regression Models, Review of Economics
and Statistics, 79 (4), 551-563.
30References (cont.)
- Brown, R. L., J. Durbin, and J. M. Evans (1975)
"Techniques for Testing the Constancy of
Regression Relationships Over Time," Journal of
the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 37,
149-192. - Diebold, F. X. and R. S. Mariano (1995)
Comparing Predictive Accuracy, Journal of
Business and Economic Statistics, 13 (3),
253-263. - Fair, R. C. and R. J. Shiller (1990) Comparing
Information in Forecasts from Econometric
Models, American Economic Review, 80 (3),
375-389. - Nelson, C. R. (1972) The Prediction Performance
of the FRB-MIT-PENN Model of the U.S. Economy,
American Economic Review, 62 (5), 902-917.
31Combinations of the TF and BJ models
- Naïve combination simple average (weight0.5)
In-sample (obs. 1-53)
Out-of-sample (obs. 54-83)
32Combinations of the TF and BJ models (dynamic
weights applied)
- Dynamic Nelson combination (weights sum to 1)
- where weight is obtained from LS regression
15 obs.
Test Data (Out-of-sample)
15 obs.
33Combinations of the TF and BJ models (dynamic
weights applied)
- Dynamic Granger-Ramanathan combination (weights
obtained from unrestricted regression) - where weights are obtained from regression
- Dynamic Fair and Shiller Combination
- where weights are obtained from
34Data --LDJ
35Data --LEP
36Data --LDP
37Data --LBY
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