Title: Why Cigarette Ingredients Can Cause Cancer
1Why Cigarette Ingredients Can Cause Cancer As if
this isnt a reason to Quit Smoking this weekend!
Most cigarette ingredients can cause long-lasting
harm to most of your bodily organs and provide
the best reasons to quit smoking. If youve taken
a few moments to glance through this quit smoking
portal, youll encounter reason after reason to
quit smoking from addiction to odor to
long-lasting ill health effects such as cancer,
oxygen deprivation, asthma, irritations,
infections and fetus impairment. Now that you
know the effects of smoking, we thought youd
like to know the cigarette ingredients
responsible for causing those effects.
Some of the dangerous chemicals found in
Arsenic Breathing high levels of inorganic
arsenic can cause you to experience a sore throat
and irritated lungs. Lower levels of arsenic can
cause nausea and vomiting, decreased production
of red and white blood cells, abnormal heart
rhythm, damage to blood vessels and a sensation
of pins and needles in hands and feet. Inorganic
arsenic can increase the risk of cancer in the
lungs, skin, bladder, liver, kidney and
prostate. Aminobiphenyl Aminobiphenyl is a
human carcinogen that induced bladder papillomas
and carcinomas in rabbits and dogs. Benzene
Breathing extreme high levels of benzene can
cause death. Breathing high levels of benzene can
cause drowsiness, dizziness, rapid heart rate,
headaches, tremors, confusion and
unconsciousness. The predominant threat of
benzene is blood-related in that it can cause ill
health effects to the bone marrow and cause a
decrease in the production of red blood cells
that leads to anemia. Benzene can also cause
extreme bleeding and problems with your immune
system thus increasing your chance for infection.
Studies performed on animals show that high
levels of Benzene can cause low birth weights,
delayed bone formation and bone marrow
damage. ChromiumChromium can lead to lung
cancer. The World Health Organization has
determined that Chromium is a human carcinogen.
Chromium can cause birth defects and other
developmental problems in people. IF you saw the
movie Erin Brockovich, you will understand the
ramifications of breathing Chromium. 2-Naphthylam
ine can cause bladder cancer. Nickel The most
common ill health effect in humans to nickel has
been allergic reactions or skin rash. Some people
sensitive to nickel can suffer asthma attacks,
chronic bronchitis, and reduced lung function.
Cancers of the lung and nasal sinus have been
witnessed in people breathing dust containing
high levels of nickel. Vinyl chloride Breathing
high levels of vinyl chloride can cause you to
feel dizzy and sleepy. Breathing high levels of
vinyl chloride can cause you to pass out and
extremely high levels can cause death. Some
people that work with vinyl chloride have
developed severe nerve damage and immune
reactions. The World Health Organization has
determined that vinyl chloride is a human
carcinogen. CadmiumBreathing high levels of
cadmium severely damages the lungs, kidneys and
can even cause death. Cadmium is considered to
possibly be a carcinogen. CatecholCatechol can
cause cough, burning sensation, and labored
N-Nitrosodiethylamine N-nitrosodiethylamine can
induce benign and malignant tumors in the liver,
respiratory and upper digestive tracts and
kidneys. N-NitrosopyrrolidineN-nitrosopyrrolidin
e can produce hepatocellular carcinomas, a liver
cancer that is rare in the US. However,
hepatocellular carcinoma is the 1 or 2 leading
cancer death type worldwide. N-Nitrosodiethanolam
ineN-nitrosodiethanolamine is connected to
esophageal cancer. BenzoapyreneBenzoapyrene
can cause damage to red blood cells which leads
to anemia and damage to the immune system leading
to increased risk of infection. Typically,
Benzoapyrene is part of the exhaust fumes from
a motor vehicle, emissions from coal, oil and
wood burning stoves and furnaces. Ammonia
Breathing ammonia can cause coughing as well as
irritation to the nose and throat. Ammonia has
not been classified as a carcinogen. Cigarette
Ingredients Could Lead To Respiratory Disease or
Infection AcroleinAcrolein can cause irritation
and damage to the lungs and extreme exposure
could cause death. Breathing low amounts of
acrolein can cause your eyes to water and your
nose and throat to burn. Moreover, you may
experience a decreased breathing rate due to
breathing acrolein. Acrolein is not classified as
a carcinogen. PyridinePeople breathing unknown
levels of pyridine have experienced headache,
giddiness, drowsiness, increased heart rate and
rapid breathing. Limited studies in people note
some liver damage when they were exposed to
pyridine. Pyridine is not known as a carcinogen.
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