Title: Crook Disc Prognosis
1Crook Disc Prognosis
- (Or whats worth observing)
- By
- Dr David McGrath
2Pre 1997 State of Affairs
- Biological Variables Duration of Pain, Past Hx
of Pain, Leg Pain, BMI, (Disability) - Psychosocial Variables Education, MMPI, Sickness
Impact score, Depression, Coping level, Distress,
Fear - Work Variables Job Satisfaction, Work Capacity.
3Fear- Avoidance Model
- Intolerance of activity may not be a biological
factor but instead have a substantial behavioural
basis - Activity intolerance can be explained by a
combination of pain severity, depression and
illness behaviour - Fear avoidance can lead to chronicity
- Basis for cognitive /behavioural Rx
4Epidemiological Shortcomings
- The results of a survey will be a function of the
questions asked - More reliable studies include a large number of
variables then submit them to multiple regression
analysis - Longitudinal studies are best
5Medline Searches 1999-2005
- LBP Natural History
- IDD Natural History
- LBP Disc Prolapse
- LBP Prognostic
6Ascending Chronological Order
- No judgement about quality of study, only if they
seem to address prognostic indicators - Individual studies and literature reviews
71999 Far-Lateral Disc Herniations
- N16
- Radicular Pain (concordant with root)
- 3 year study
- 71 Full recovery with no surgery
- Ref (1)
81999 VEP Hypothesis
- Common Cause of BP is vertebral end plate
fracture - natural history of BP consistent with
hypothesis - Ref 2
92000 Relation between Intensity, Disability,
Recurrence of LBP
- N94
- Disability ve correlates with pain intensity
- Episodic nature of painful periods -ve correlates
with functionality at work and home - Not a static phenomenon
- Ref (3)
102000 Exercise Rx and Outcome post Discectomy
- N20
- Exercise vs normal activities
- 4 week exercise program
- Improvements in pain, spinal ROM, disability
score over non exercise group - Maintained at 1 year
- Ref(4)
112000 N/H Asymptomatic Disc MRI
- N46
- 5 year follow up
- No change to herniations or neural compression
- Disc degeneration progressed in N17
- Minor episodes of LBP in N19
- 5 of 19 obtained Sick Leave
- 5 S/L best predicted by job characteristics and
job satisfaction and NOT MRI - Ref(5)
122000 Herniated Discs
- N/H of nucleus pulposus herniations complex with
variables such as inflammation, compression and
pain altering prognosis - Relationship between Imaging and LBP or
radiculopathy not clear - Value of MRI may be monitoring changes in
longitudinal studies - Ref (6)
132000 Prospective LBP Study
- N1455
- Questionairre blind survey to adults
- 1/3 lifetime NO LBP
- 4 year new incidence rate
- 40 intermittent LBP
- Ref (7)
142000 Socioeconomic aspects MRI
- MRI facilitates medicalization of LBP
- Urging radiologists to avoid unnecessary
labelling possibly leading to inappropriate
treatment - Ref (8)
152000 Surgery Disc Prolapse
- Cochrane Review up to 31/12/99
- N27 trials
- Surgical discectomy provides faster relief from
acute attack than conservative management but ve
or ve effects on lifetime natural history is
unclear - Chemonucleolysis better than placebo but worse
than surgery - All surgery similar results
- Ref (9)
162002 N/H Sequestrated Disc Herniation
- N49
- Signal Intensity on T2 of herniation compared to
nucleus pulposus is indicator of potential for
herniation reduction with time - Ratio of intensities gt1.2 predictive
- Ref(10)
172002 N/H Disc Herniation with Radiculopathy
- Majority of patients suffering radiculopathy
(Herniated NP) resolve spontaneously without
surgery or chemonucleolysis - Ref(11)
182002 LBP General Population
- Population of 17,000
- 2 year follow up of LBP patients
- No predictive factors for recovery
- 2 per year new LBP event
- LBP often becomes chronic even when sick leave is
rare - Ref(12)
192002 N/H Risk Factors Musculoskeletal
Conditions US Army
- N15268
- LBP conditions greatest risk of disability
- Male Risk Factors low pay, diagnosis, shorter
length service, older, occ category, lower job
satisfaction, smoking, work stress, physical
demands. - Female Risk Lower Educational level
- Ref(13)
202003 N/H Spodylolysis Spondylolithesis
- N30 from a population of 500
- Inception ages 6-30
- 45 year follow up
- Unilateral defects NO slippage
- Progression of slip slowed with decades
- No association slip and pain
- Pain and disability scores same as age cohort
- Ref(14)
212003 GP perceptions of LBP
- Straightforward condition or complicated?
- Frustration with those that fail to recover
- Biomechanistic approach and good N/H works well
for most - Psychological and social dimensions?
- Ref(15)
222003 N/H of Aging Spine
- Multiple structural changes
- unrelenting changes leading to scoliosis,
destabilisation, and rupture of equilibrium - Ref(16)
232003 Risk factors for progression of disc
- N796
- Mean age of cohort 54
- Mean BMI 25
- Anterior osteophytes (AO) and disc narrowing
(DSN) - AO Progression correlates with age, radiographic
OA of hip. - DSN progression correlates age, BP, radiographic
AO hip and knee - Nil significance for smoking, physical activity,
other - Ref(17)
242003 Acute LBP Prognosis
- Literature review
- Most people recover rapidly
- Recurrence common
- Ref(25)
252003 LBP Prognosis post MVA
- N4473
- Change in legal entitlement with no common law
claims - Claim closure faster
- Higher pain, slower claim closure
- Ref(26)
262003 Prognosis Subacute LBP
- N164 Working group
- Duration pain 4-12 weeks
- Predictors, age and pain intensity
- Type of work, not work satisfaction predictive
- Ref(30)
272004 Management Chronic LBP
- Opinion
- Monotherapies. Either dont work or limited
efficacy - Multidisciplinary based on intensive exercises.
Improves physical function and has modest effects
on pain. - Reductionism. Pathoanatomical diagnosis.
Treatments are emerging for Z, disc,S/I joints. - Ref(18)
282004 N/H and prognostic indicators of sciatica
- N622 Workers electricity/gas
- Follow up 2 years
- Factors predictive of persistence or recurrence
were driving at least 2 hours per day, carrying
heavy loads at work, a high level of
psychosomatic problems, and pain preceeding onset
of study. - Ref (19)
292004 Dutch Army minimal intervention LBP
- minimal sports medicine approach
- 2 short training sessions per week
- Study in progress
- Ref(27)
302004 Prognostic Factors Recurrent BP
- Prospective cohort, factory Holland
- Prognostic factors, high disability and to a
lesser degree job satisfaction, low decision
authority, low social support. - Ref(28)
312004 Scaffolders LBP
- N288 3 year Questionnaire study
- 20 pain every year. 26 nil pain every year.
- High rate of BP incidence, recurrence and
recovery - High association of cumulative recurrence with
manual handling, high job demands, low job
control - Weak association with BMI, general health
- Ref(20)
322004 Quality of Life Prognostic Indicator of
Acute LBP
- N113
- 5 developed chronic LBP
- Delayed recovery with compensation status,
initial disability, lower SF-36 (quality of life) - Lower SF-36 with psychiatric disorders,
unemployed, comorbidity, job dissatisfaction,
foreign origin. - Ref(21)
332004 LBP Diagnosis, Rx, Prognosis
- Rxs mostly pain modulating, not cure
- N/H favourable
- A worry is long term disabled
- Fear avoidance behaviour part of disabling
pathway - Removing fear and uncertainty. The back is
robust even if it hurts. Promising approach. - Ref(22)
342004 Outcomes with peri-radicular infiltration,
disc herniation
- N55 Radicular pain
- Mean change VAS 2
- 3 month follow up
- N/H or treatment effect?
- Ref(23)
352004 Fear Avoidance Validation LBP
- N388
- Assessment 6 months post treatment
- Fear avoidance score predictive of chronicity
- Ref(31)
362004 Ergonomic Interventions LBP
- N1631
- ergonomic Interventions are Successful
- Ref(32)
372004 LBP Outcomes Longitudinal Study
- N?
- 1 year follow up
- 75 continuing symptoms
- Baseline pain and general health predicitive of
continuing BP - Work satisfaction and negative event predictive
of pain and disability - Ref(24)
382004 LBP in young NZers
- N969 Birth cohort age26
- LB data questionnaire. BP previous year.
- 54 LBP previous one year with 3-4 times a
episodes year - N448 working. No difference between
professional, clerical, technical, trade or
production. N56 required S/L - N13 unable to care for themselves
- Ref (25)
392004 Prolotherapy
- Systematic Review
- 4 trials high quality
- Conclusions confounded by clinical heterogeneity
and co-interventions - No evidence that prolotherapy alone more
effective than control injections. - Ref(26)
402004 RTW LBP Prognosis
- Literature Review
- Prognostic Factors P/H of LBP, low level job
satisfaction, poor general health - Other factors such as wage, compo, depression,
physical factors, work postures less significant - Ref(35)
412004 Prognosis Lumber Discectomy
- N48
- Poor outcome predicted by reduced SLR, depression
- Ref(36)
422004 Prognostic Value of Functional Capacity
- N226
- Validity of Functional Capacity assessments
suspect - Ref(33)
432004 Back Schools LBP
- Literature search
- Content of schools has changed
- Moderate evidence schools in occupational setting
reduce pain, improve function and RTW status cf
to Other treatments. - Ref(27)
442004 McKenzie
- Systematic Review 6 trials
- Better results than Other for LBP with short term
pain/disability - No trials for McKenzie vs placebo
- Insufficient data for neck pain
- Ref(28)
452005 Questionnaires. What do they assess
- Main focus on activity limitations
- Considerable variation
- Only a few could be considered acceptably
validated using WHO criteria - Ref(29)
462005 Behavioural treatment for chronic LBP
- Cochrane database
- Better than waiting list in short term
- No significant difference between behavioural and
exercise - No conclusions or recommendations can be made
from this data - Ref(30)
472005 Multidisciplinary Rehab Prognosis
- N?
- Predictive of poor outcome was number of pre
admission health care visits - Ref(37)
482005 Acupuncture LBP
- Cochrane data base
- Data does not allow firm conclusions for acute
LBP - For chronic LBP better than nil Rx immediately
after Rx and short term - No more effective than other Rx
- Data suggests useful adjunct to other Rx
- Ref(31)
49Conclusions 2005
- Biological variables continue to have predictive
power. In particular Intensity of pain and
previous episodes. - Probably lack of diagnostic precision hampers
further progress. Imaging findings have poor
predictive capacity as they distinguish
structural pathology NOT painful pathology.
Precision needle techniques are often used as
therapeutic interventions. - Spinal physiology needs improving.
50Conclusions 2005 (contd)
- BP tends to be a recurring problem. We do not
know why. The structural limits of a component
are probably exceeded during flare ups. Adaptive
changes such as tissue remodelling may be
overwhelmed in the short term or longer. - Ability is a multi-dimensional concept of
interaction. Any of these variables can have a
feedback influence on a vulnerable structure
through spinal and neural dynamics.
51Conclusions 2005 (contd)
- In a work environment, work variables will be
found which influence pain disability. - In a social milieu, psychosocial variables will
be identified.
52Conclusions 2005 (contd)
- Evidence Suggests
- Dont over diagnose
- Dont over treat
- Dont over prognosticate
- Resume normal everyday activities ASAP
- Explain/Reassure. Expect flare ups.
53Conclusions 2005 (contd)
- Interactive Model might be useful
- What painful structure/s
- What underlying spinal dynamics
- What environment
- What adaptive skills