Title: Gait Concepts and Orthotic Applications
1Gait Concepts and Orthotic Applications
Westcoast Brace Limb and St. Petersburg College
- Course Description
- Biomechanics has been taught from an open
chain point of view. This program not only
emphasizes the closed chain concepts of gait, but
applies those functional concepts to orthotic
design to enhance gait outcomes. - This program integrates biomechanics,
proprioception and muscle function with orthotic
design and application to expand the
possibilities for enhanced gait outcomes. - This Program provides handouts (course
packet) on the benefits of the latest in gait
technology to share with colleagues and referral
sources. - Location
- St. Petersburg College
- Health Education Center, Rm 177EW
- 7200 66th St. N
- Pinellas Park, FL
- Date and Time
- Sept. 25, 2008
- 430 p.m. 830 p.m.
- Course and Class
- HHP0335 Class 4239
- Registration Fee 25
- Fee includes handouts and dinner.
- Topics and Speakers
- Gait Concepts and Orthotic Application
- Speaker Carey Jinright, BOCO, ATS
- Objectives
- Introductions and overview, proprioception
function and its role in muscle activation during
gait. - Gait cycle and traditional vs. current
terminology, closed vs. open chain, 1st, 2nd, and
3rd rocker swing. - Biomechanical closed chain reaction to
gravitational and ground reaction forces at foot,
ankle, knee, hip and pelvis, including distal to
proximal to distal moments and reactions. - Tri-plane lower limb muscle function with
emphasis on anterior tibialis, soleus,
gastrocnemius,quadriceps, hamstrings, and
piriformismuscles. - AFO impact on biomechanics and muscle function,
including review of foot orthotics, ACBL, SMO,
PLS, solid ankle, articulating ankle AFO's, and
carbon fiber anterior shell floor reactions
AFO's. - Live patient models
5 ways to register Call (727) 341-4SPC
(4772) Mail in registration form Fax form to
(727) 341-3494 or (727) 547-4505 Online
http//www.spcollege.edu/ac/ce/ In person
(locations on registration form)
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