Title: Putting the CAS Standards to Work
1Putting the CAS Standards to Work
- Matt Weismantel, CiVSA CAS Director
- Rutgers University
2Overview of CAS
- Founded in 1979 in response to efforts to
establish specialized accreditation for student
affairs preparation programs - CAS is a consortium of 37 professional
associations (100,000 professionals in higher
education) - Thirty standards and guidelines have been
promulgated (and sometimes revised) by 2004
3CAS Mission
- Promulgate standards and guidelines for practice
and preparation - Promote assessment in educational practice
- Promote the use of standards in practice
- Promote quality assurance within higher education
4CAS Principles Organization, Leadership, and
Human Resources
- Leadership is essential for institutional success
- Institutional success is related to clarity of
mission - Qualifications of staff members is tied directly
to quality of educational programs and services - Leaders possess sound educational preparation and
5CAS Purpose
- Beliefs about excellence require that all
programs and services in institutions of higher
education function at optimum levels - Beliefs about collaboration require that all
programs and services be accomplished in concert
by students and educators - Beliefs about ethics require that all programs
and services be carried out in an environment of
integrity and high ideals.
6CAS Purpose
- Beliefs about student development require that
the student be considered as a whole person and
that the campus environment be structured to
create opportunities for involvement and
learning. - Beliefs about responsibility require that
institution provide an array of resources and
opportunities that enable students to take full
advantage of them.
7Functional Areas
30 Functional areas ranging from Academic
Advising, to Campus Information and Visitor
services to Orientation Programs.
8CAS Standards form the base
- Measures of service effectiveness.
- Designs for service development and assessment.
- Criteria for institutional self-studies and prep
for accreditation. - Opportunities for staff development.
- Frameworks for accountability and quality
9Other Uses of CAS Standards
- Program establishment
- Staff development
- Academic preparation
- Credibility
10CAS Protocol
- Identify and define a functional area.
- Use existing standards as a base.
- Majority vote to sponsor development.
- Development Team of 3-5 Directors.
- Identify CAS and Non-CAS member organization with
interest, and ask for substantive
recommendations. - Evaluate recommendations and, using the teams
knowledge, develop initial draft.
11CAS Protocol (Continued)
- Initial draft sent to CAS Directors, CAS member
association leaders and at least 5 recognized
experts for review. - Revised draft created and submitted to CAS
Executive Committee for review and critique. - Penultimate draft created for considerations of
entire CAS Board of Directors for review and
approval. - CAS Self-Assessment Guide format created and all
formats published.
12Standards and Guidelines
13The CAS Component Parts
- Mission
- Program
- Leadership
- Organization and Management
- Human Resources
- Facilities, Technology and Equipment
- Legal Responsibilities
- Equal Opportunity, Access, and Affirmative Action
- Campus and Community Relations
- Diversity
- Ethics
- Assessment and Evaluation
14Understanding CAS Standards
- CAS Standards . . .
- Represent indispensable requirements of
practice - Are achievable by all programs
- Appear in BOLD print
- Use auxiliary verbs must and shall
15EXAMPLE Distance Learning Mission Statement
Standard BOLD type Auxiliary verb
MUST Institutions MUST identify the
characteristics of their distance students and
adapt services to meet the needs of the
particular populations they serve.
16Understanding CAS Guidelines
- CAS Guidelines . . .
- Clarify amplify standards
- Guides enhanced practice
- beyond essential functions
- Appear in light-faced type
- Use verbs Should and May
17EXAMPLE Distance Learner AcademicSupport
Services Guideline
Standard Information concerning academic support
services MUST be made available.
Guideline Distance Learning students SHOULD have
opportunities for developing learning strategies
and getting assistance with content
comprehension. Tutoring services, supplemental
instruction, and other academic support services
SHOULD be available to all distance education
18Self-Assessment Guides
19Self-Assessment Guides
- Promote program self-assessment
- Help you gain informed perspectives on strengths
and weaknesses - Support professional development
- Lead the way to enhancement of programs and
- Translate Standards and Guidelines into more
user-friendly evaluation format - A vehicle to create action plans that can lead to
enhanced student learning and personal development
20Essential Elements in Self Assessment
- Institutional culture that values involvement.
- Quality indicators determined by institution.
- Use of standards and guidelines.
- Collection analysis of data.
- Commitment to continuing improvement.
21- Process for Self-Assessment
- Assemble Team
- Understand Self Assessment
- Understand Standards Guidelines
- Gathering evidence and conduct rating
- Gather consensus
- Document strengths and deficiencies
- Prepare plan of action
- Write the report
22 The Self-Assessment cant be successfully
undertaken until relevant data and related
documentation are in place to inform the raters
23Formulating an Action Plan
- On the basis of the review and discussion,
develop an ACTION PLAN to set new directions to
guide future performance and development.
24Campus Information Visitor Services Standards
and GuidelinesHow to Orderwww.cas.edu
25Putting the CAS Standards to Work
- Standards and Guidelines for Campus Information
and Visitor Services