Title: Spatial Data Mining: Three Case Studies
1 Spatial Data Mining Three Case Studies
- Presented by Chang-Tien Lu
- Spatial Database Lab
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Minnesota
- ctlu_at_cs.umn.edu
- http//www.cs.umn.edu/research/shashi-group
- Group Members
- Shashi Shekhar, Weili Wu, Yan Huang, C.T. Lu
- Introduction
- Case 1 Location Prediction
- Case 2 Spatial Association Co-location
- Case 3 Spatial Outlier Detection
- Conclusion and Future Directions
3Introduction spatial data mining
- Spatial Databases are too large to analyze
manually - NASA Earth Observation System (EOS)
- National Institute of Justice Crime mapping
- Census Bureau, Dept. of Commerce - Census Data
- Spatial Data Mining
- Discover frequent and interesting spatial
patterns for post processing (knowledge
discovery) - Pattern examples spatial outliers, location
prediction, clustering, spatial association,
trends, .. - Historical Example
- London, 1854
- Cholera water pump
- Problem statement capture special needs
- Data exploration maps
- Try reusing classical methods
- data mining, spatial statistics
- Invent new methods if reuse is not applicable
- Develop efficient algorithms
- Validation, Performance tuning
5Case 1 Location Prediction
- Problem predict nesting site in marshes
- Given vegetation, water depth, distance to edge,
etc. - Data - maps of nests and attributes
- spatially clustered nests, spatially smooth
attributes - Classical method logistic regression, decision
trees, bayesian classifier - but, independence assumption is violated !
- Misses auto-correlation !
- Spatial auto-regression (SAR)
- Open issues spatial accuracy vs. classification
accurary - Open issue performance - SAR learning is slow!
6Location Prediction
Given 1. Spatial Framework 2. Explanatory
functions 3. A dependent class 4. A family
of function mappings Find Classification
model Objectivemaximize classification_accurac
y Constraints Spatial Autocorrelation exists
Nest locations
Distance to open water
Vegetation durability
Water depth
7Evaluation Change Model
- Linear Regression
- Spatial Autoregression Model (SAR)
- y ?Wy X? ?
- W models neighborhood relationships
- ? models strength of spatial dependencies
- ? error vector
- Mixed Spatial Autoregression Model (MSAR)
- y ?Wy X? WX? ?
- Consider the impact of the explanatory variables
from the neighboring observations
8Measure ROC Curve
- Classification accuracy confusion matrix
- ROC Curve Locus of the pair (TPR,FPR) for each
cut-off probability - Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
- TPR AnPn / (AnPn AnPnn)
- FPR AnnPn / (AnnPnAnnPnn)
9Evaluation Change Model
- Linear Regression
- Spatial Regression
- Spatial model is better
10Solution Procedures
- Spatial Autoregression Model (SAR)
- y ?Wy X? ?
- Solutions
- ? and ? - can be estimated using Maximum
likelihood theory or Bayesian statistics. - e.g., spatial econometrics package uses Bayesian
approach using sampling-based Markov Chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) method. - Maximum likelihood-based estimation requires
O(n3) ops.
11Evaluation Chang measure
- Spatial accuracy (map similarity)
- New measure ADNP
- Average distance to nearest prediction
12Predicting Location using Map Similarity
13Predicting location using Map Similarity
- PLUMS components
- Map Similarity Avg. Distance to Nearest
Prediction(ADNP) ,.. - Search Algorithm Greedy, gradient descent
- Function family generalized linear (GL)(logit,
probit), non-linear, - GL with auto-correlation
- Discretization of parameter space Uniform,
non-uniform, - multi-resolution,
14Association Rule
- Supermarket shelf management
- Goal To identify items that are bought together
by sufficiently many customers - Approach Process the point-of-scale data
collected with barcode scanners to find
dependencies among items (Transaction data) - A classic rule
- If a customer buys diaper and milk, then he is
very likely to buy beer - So, dont be surprised if you find six-packs of
beer stacked next to diapers!
15Association RulesSupport and confidence
- Item set I i1, i2, .ik
- Transactions T t1, t2, tn
- Association rule A -gt B
- Support S
- (A and B) occur in at least S percent of the
transactions - P (A U B)
- Confidence C
- Of all the transactions in which A occurs, at
least C percent of them contains B - P (BA)
16Case 2 Spatial Association Rule
- Problem Given a set of boolean spatial features
- find subsets of co-located features,
- e.g. (fire, drought, vegetation)
- Data - continuous space, partition not natural
- Classical data mining approach association rules
- But, No Transactions!!! No support measure!!
- Approach Work with continuous data without
transactionizing it! - Participation index (support) min. fraction of
instances of a features in join result - Confidence Pr.fire at s drought in N(s) and
vegetation in N(s) - new algorithm using spatial joins
17 Co-location
Can you find co-location patterns from the
following sample dataset?
Answers and
18 Co-location
Can you find co-location patterns from the
following sample dataset?
19 Co-location
Spatial Co-location A set of features
frequently co-located Given A set T of K
boolean spatial feature types Tf1,f2, , fk
A set P of N locations Pp1, , pN in a
spatial frame work S, pi? P is of some spatial
feature in T A neighbor relation R over
locations in S Find Tc ?subsets of T
frequently co-located Objective Correctness
Completeness Efficiency Constraints R
is symmetric and reflexive Monotonic
prevalence measure
Reference Feature Centric
Window Centric
Event Centric
20 Co-location
Comparison with association rules
- Participation index
- Participation index minpr(fi, c)
- Participation ratio pr(fi, c) of feature fi in
co-location c f1, f2, , fk - Fraction of instances of fi with feature f1,
f2, f i-1, f i1,, fk nearby.
21Spatial Co-location Patterns
- Spatial feature A,B,C and their instances
- Possible associations are (A, B), (B, C), etc.
- Neighbor relationship includes following pairs
- A1, B1
- A2, B1
- A2, B2
- B1, C1
- B2, C2
22Spatial Co-location Patterns
- Partition approach Yasuhiko, KDD 2001
- Support not well defined
- i.e., not independent of execution trace
- Has a fast heuristic which is hard to analyze
for - correctness/completeness
Spatial feature A,B, C, and their instances
Support (A,B) 2 (B,C)2
Support (A,B)1 (B,C)2
23Spatial Co-location Patterns
- Reference feature approach Han SSD 95
- Use C as reference feature to get transactions
- Transactions (B1) (B2)
- Support (A,B) ?
- Note Neighbor relationship includes following
- pairs
- A1, B1
- A2, B1
- A2, B2
- B1, C1
- B2, C2
Spatial feature A,B, C, and their instances
24Spatial Co-location Patterns
- Our approach (Event Centric)
- Neighborhood instead of transactions
- Spatial join on neighbor relationship
- Support
- Participation index Min ( p_ratio )
- P_ratio(A, (A,B)) fraction of instance of A
participating in join(A,B, neighbor) - Examples
- Support(A, B)min(3/2,3/2)1.5
- Support(B, C)min(2/2,2/2)1
Spatial feature A,B, C, and their instances
25Spatial Co-location Patterns
Support A,B 2 B,C2
Spatial feature A,B, C, and their instances
- Reference feature approach
C as reference feature Transactions (B1)
(B2) Support (A,B) ?
Support A,B1 B,C2
26Case 3 Spatial Outliers Detection
- Spatial Outlier A data point that is extreme
relative to it neighbors
27Application Domain Traffic Data
28 Spatial Outlier Detection
- Given
- A spatial framework SF consisting of locations
s1, s2, , sn - An attribute function f si ? R
- (R set of real numbers)
- A neighborhood relationship N ? SF ? SF
- A neighborhood aggregation function RN ?
R - A difference function Fdiff R ? R ? R
- Statistic test function ST R ? True, False
- Test is based on Fdiff (f, (f, N)
- Find
- O vi vi ?V, vi is a spatial outlier
- Objective
- Correctness The attribute values of vi is
extreme, compared with its neighbors - Computational efficiency
29An example of Spatial outlier
30Spatial Outlier Detection Zs(x) approach
Declare x as a spatial outlier
31Evaluation of Statistical Assumption
- Distribution of traffic station attribute f(x)
looks normal - Distribution of
looks normal too!
32Different Spatial Outlier Test
- Spatial Statistic Approach
- Scatter plot approach(Luc Anselin 94)
- Moran scatter plot approach (Luc Anselin 95)
- Variogram cloud approach (Graphic)
33Scatter plot approach
- Given
- An attribute function f(x)
- A neighborhood relationship N(x)
- An aggregation function
- A difference function
- Fdiff ? E(x) (m ? f(x) b)
- Detect spatial outlier by
- Statistic test function
- ST
34 Graphical Spatial Outlier Test
35 Graphical Spatial Tests
Original Data
36 A Unified Algorithm
- Separate two phases
- Model building
- Testing (a node or a set of nodes)
- Computation structure of model building
- Key insights
- Spatial self join using N(x) relationship
- Algebraic aggregate functions can be computed in
one disk scan of spatial join - Computation structure of testing
- Single node spatial range query
- Get-All-Neighbors(x) operation
37An example Scatter plot
- Model building
- An attribute function f(x)
- Neighborhood aggregate function
- Distributive aggregate functions
- Algebraic aggregate functions
- where
, - Testing
- Difference function
- where
- Statistic test function
38 Outlier Stations Detected
39 Outlier Station Detected
40 Conclusion and Future Directions
- Spatial domains may not satisfy assumptions of
classical methods - data auto-correlation, continuous geographic
space - patterns global vs. local, e.g., outliers vs.
spatial outliers - data exploration maps and albums
- Open Issues
- patterns hot-spots, spatial trends,
- metrics spatial accuracy (predicted locations),
spatial contiguity(clusters) - spatio-temporal dataset spatial-temporal
outliers - scale and resolutions sentivity of patterns
- geo-statistical confidence measure for mined
- S. Shekhar and Y. Huang, Discovering Spatial
Co-location Patterns a Summary of Results, In
Proc. of 7th International Symposium on Spatial
and Temporal Databases (SSTD01), July 2001. - S. Shekhar, C.T. Lu, P. Zhang, "Detecting
Graph-based Spatial Outliers Algorithms and
Applications, the Seventh ACM SIGKDD
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining, 2001. - S. Shekhar, C.T. Lu, P. Zhang, Detecting
Graph-based Saptial Outlier, Intelligent Data
Analysis, To appear in Vol. 6(3), 2002 - S. Chawla, S. Shekhar, W. Wu and U. Ozesmi,
Extending Data Mining for Spatial Applications
A Case Study in Predicting Nest Locations, Proc.
Int. Confi. on 2000 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on
Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery (DMKD 2000), Dallas, TX, May 14, 2000. - S. Chawla, S. Shekhar, W. Wu and U. Ozesmi,
Modeling Spatial Dependencies for Mining
Geospatial Data, First SIAM International
Conference on Data Mining, 2001. - S. Shekhar, Y. Huang, W. Wu, C.T. Lu, What's
Spatial about Spatial Data Mining Three Case
Studies , as Chapter of Book Data Mining for
Scientific and Engineering Applications. V.
Kumar, R. Grossman, C. Kamath, R. Namburu (eds.),
Kluwer Academic Pub., 2001, ISBN 1-4020-0033-2 - Shashi Shekhar and Yan Huang , Multi-resolution
Co-location Miner a New Algorithm to Find
Co-location Patterns in Spatial Datasets, Fifth
Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets (SIAM 2nd
Data Mining Conference), April 2002
Thank you !!!