Title: Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas
1Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas
What we do and dont know...
2Main phosphate formation the bone valley
3Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
Phosphate Strip Mining...
4(No Transcript)
5Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
Phosphate matrix is slurred and pumped to the
beneficiation plant
6Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
Clays are pumped to Settling Areas
7Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
Stages in CSA ecosystem development...
8Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
A CSA after about 5 - 6 yearsdominated by
carolina willow in wet areas...
9Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
CSA in north Florida planted in wetland trees
about 5 years old.
10Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
2 year old site dominated by marsh vegetation
Open water
1112 year old site Dominated by willow/
cattail/primrose willow
Carolina willow
Cattail / primrose willow
1230 year old site dominated by mixed hardwoods
and willow
Mixed hardwood / willow
Hardwood forest
1340 year old site dominated by mix of hardwoods /
willows / and marsh vegetation
Upland forest
Marsh vegetation
14Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
30 year old siteshowing consolidated clays and
hardwood swamp close to seed source.
15Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
Detail of a section of the 30 year old
siteshowing the relationship between hydrology
and vegetation colinization
16Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
60 year old dredge pit back-filled with sand and
17Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
60 year old dredge pit back-filled with sand and
clay (south transect)
18Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
40 year old control site...Wetland at lake
Panasoffkee exhibiting classical succession.
19Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
Seed rain is significantly affected by distance
- Soils develop with age but depend on
- vegetative cover
- hydrologic regime
21Role of early successional nuisance species...
- Build OM 5x faster
- Increase N cycling
- Provide structure
22Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
- What we knowHydrologically speaking
- Clays will consolidate differentially resulting
in a heterogeneous hydrologic function - Surface runoff from CSAs may be difficult to
predict - Hydrology may be dominated by ET
- Interior dikes may provide wicks for dewatering
23Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
- What we knowEcologically speaking
- Vegetation exhibits arrested succession if
there is no seed source - Vegetation on CSAs exhibits classical
succession if there is available seed source - Communities are new types of elevated wetland
ecosystems... high nutrient perched wetlands
24Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
- What we knowTechnologically speaking
- Particles in slurry drop out differentially and
CSAs are sloped from inlet to outlet - After some consolidation, dikes can be pushed
onto clays - Sandy upland areas can be created that provide
water storage and seepage - Dikes can be created to seep and therefore
CSAs can act as headwaters in regional drainage
25Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas...
- What we dont know
- Long term hydrology
- How to account for long term consolidation
- Vegetative species mix for soils and hydrology
characteristic of CSAs - Ecological benefits/costs of herbiciding
vegetation and replanting desirable species